{ config, pkgs, lib, generators, ... }:
  imcfg = config.i18n.inputMethod;
in {
  imports = [
    (lib.mkRemovedOptionModule [ "i18n" "inputMethod" "kime" "config" ] "Use i18n.inputMethod.kime.* instead")

  options.i18n.inputMethod.kime = {
    daemonModules = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.listOf (lib.types.enum [ "Xim" "Wayland" "Indicator" ]);
      default = [ "Xim" "Wayland" "Indicator" ];
      example = [ "Xim" "Indicator" ];
      description = ''
        List of enabled daemon modules
    iconColor = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.enum [ "Black" "White" ];
      default = "Black";
      example = "White";
      description = ''
        Color of the indicator icon
    extraConfig = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.lines;
      default = "";
      description = ''
        extra kime configuration. Refer to <https://github.com/Riey/kime/blob/v${pkgs.kime.version}/docs/CONFIGURATION.md> for details on supported values.

  config = lib.mkIf (imcfg.enable && imcfg.type == "kime") {
    i18n.inputMethod.package = pkgs.kime;

    environment.variables = {
      GTK_IM_MODULE = "kime";
      QT_IM_MODULE  = "kime";
      XMODIFIERS    = "@im=kime";

    environment.etc."xdg/kime/config.yaml".text = ''
        modules: [${lib.concatStringsSep "," imcfg.kime.daemonModules}]
        icon_color: ${imcfg.kime.iconColor}
    '' + imcfg.kime.extraConfig;

  # uses attributes of the linked package
  meta.buildDocsInSandbox = false;