{ lib
, stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, cups
, cups-filters
, ghostscript
, gnused
, perl
, autoconf
, automake
, patchPpdFilesHook

stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
  pname = "foomatic-db";
  version = "unstable-2024-08-13";

  src = fetchFromGitHub {
    # there is also a daily snapshot at the `downloadPage`,
    # but it gets deleted quickly and would provoke 404 errors
    owner = "OpenPrinting";
    repo = "foomatic-db";
    rev = "359508733741039b65c86e7a1318a89862e03b13";
    hash = "sha256-DSduuSC9XX2+fS2XOQ4/FrmBzOu7rgfNDeLzpcBplsY=";

  buildInputs = [ cups cups-filters ghostscript gnused perl ];

  nativeBuildInputs = [ autoconf automake patchPpdFilesHook perl ];

  # sed-substitute indirection is more robust
  # against characters in paths that might need escaping
  postPatch = ''
    sed -Ei -e 's|^(S?BINSEARCHPATH=).+$|\1"@PATH@"|g'  \
      -e 's|^(DATASEARCHPATH=).+$|\1"@DATA@"|g' configure.ac
    substituteInPlace configure.ac  \
      --subst-var PATH  \
      --subst-var-by DATA "${placeholder "out"}/share"

  preConfigure = ''
    mkdir -p "${placeholder "out"}/share/foomatic/db/source"

  # don't let the intaller gzip ppd files as we would
  # have to unzip them later in order to patch them
  configureFlags = [ "--disable-gzip-ppds" ];

  # make ppd files available to cups,
  # use a package-specific subdirectory to avoid
  # conflicts with other ppd-containing packages
  postInstall = ''
    if ! [[ -d "${placeholder "out"}/share/foomatic/db/source/PPD" ]]; then
        echo "failed to create share/foomatic/db/source/PPD"
        exit 1
    mkdir -p "${placeholder "out"}/share/cups/model"
    ln -s "${placeholder "out"}/share/foomatic/db/source/PPD"  \
      "${placeholder "out"}/share/cups/model/foomatic-db"

  # Comments indicate the respective
  # package the command is contained in.
  ppdFileCommands = [
    "cat" "date" "printf"  # coreutils
    "rastertohp"  # cups
    "foomatic-rip"  # cups-filters or foomatic-filters
    "gs"  # ghostscript
    "sed"  # gnused
    "perl"  # perl

  # compress ppd files
  postFixup = ''
    echo 'compressing ppd files'
    find -H "${placeholder "out"}/share/cups/model/foomatic-db" -type f -iname '*.ppd' -print0  \
      | xargs -0r -n 64 -P "$NIX_BUILD_CORES" gzip -9n

  meta = {
    changelog = "https://github.com/OpenPrinting/foomatic-db/blob/${finalAttrs.src.rev}/ChangeLog";
    description = "OpenPrinting printer support database (free content)";
    downloadPage = "https://www.openprinting.org/download/foomatic/";
    homepage = "https://openprinting.github.io/projects/02-foomatic/";
    license = lib.licenses.free;  # mostly GPL and MIT, see README in source dir
    maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.yarny ];
    # list printer manufacturers here so people
    # searching for ppd files can find this package
    longDescription = ''
      The collected knowledge about printers,
      drivers, and driver options in XML files,
      used by `foomatic-db-engine` to generate PPD files.
      PPD files generated from the XML files in this package
      are contained in the package 'foomatic-db-ppds'.
      Besides the XML files, this package contains
      about 6,700 PPD files, for printers from
      Brother, Canon, Epson, Gestetner, HP, InfoPrint,
      Infotec, KONICA_MINOLTA, Kyocera, Lanier, Lexmark, NRG,
      Oce, Oki, Ricoh, Samsung, Savin, Sharp, Toshiba and Utax.