{ lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , buildNpmPackage , nixosTests , gettext , python3 , giflib , darwin , ghostscript_headless , imagemagickBig , jbig2enc , optipng , pngquant , qpdf , tesseract5 , unpaper , poppler_utils , liberation_ttf , xcbuild , pango , pkg-config , nltk-data , xorg }: let version = "2.13.5"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "paperless-ngx"; repo = "paperless-ngx"; rev = "refs/tags/v${version}"; hash = "sha256-AVfm5tC2+hTdEv0ildEj0El1M/sF7ftkEn3pUkG1O7Q="; }; # subpath installation is broken with uvicorn >= 0.26 # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/298719 # https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx/issues/5494 python = python3.override { self = python; packageOverrides = final: prev: { django = prev.django_5; # TODO: drop after https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/306556 or similar got merged django-allauth = prev.django-allauth.overridePythonAttrs ({ src, nativeCheckInputs, ... }: let version = "65.0.2"; in { inherit version; src = src.override { rev = "refs/tags/${version}"; hash = "sha256-GvYdExkNuySrg8ERnWOJxucFe5HVdPAcHfRNeqiVS7M="; }; nativeCheckInputs = nativeCheckInputs ++ [ prev.fido2 ]; }); django-extensions = prev.django-extensions.overridePythonAttrs (_: { # fails with: TypeError: 'class Meta' got invalid attribute(s): index_together # probably because of django_5 but it is the latest version available and used like that in paperless-ngx doCheck = false; }); # tesseract5 may be overwritten in the paperless module and we need to propagate that to make the closure reduction effective ocrmypdf = prev.ocrmypdf.override { tesseract = tesseract5; }; uvicorn = prev.uvicorn.overridePythonAttrs (_: { version = "0.25.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "encode"; repo = "uvicorn"; rev = "0.25.0"; hash = "sha256-ng98DTw49zyFjrPnEwfnPfONyjKKZYuLl0qduxSppYk="; }; }); }; }; path = lib.makeBinPath [ ghostscript_headless imagemagickBig jbig2enc optipng pngquant qpdf tesseract5 unpaper poppler_utils ]; frontend = buildNpmPackage { pname = "paperless-ngx-frontend"; inherit version src; postPatch = '' cd src-ui ''; npmDepsHash = "sha256-pBCWcdCTQh0N4pRLBWLZXybuhpiat030xvPZ5z7CUJ0="; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config python3 ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ xcbuild ]; buildInputs = [ pango ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ giflib darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreText ]; CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY = "0"; NG_CLI_ANALYTICS = "false"; npmBuildFlags = [ "--" "--configuration" "production" ]; doCheck = true; checkPhase = '' runHook preCheck npm run test runHook postCheck ''; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall mkdir -p $out/lib/paperless-ui mv ../src/documents/static/frontend $out/lib/paperless-ui/ runHook postInstall ''; }; in python.pkgs.buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "paperless-ngx"; pyproject = false; inherit version src; postPatch = '' # pytest-xdist makes the tests flaky substituteInPlace src/setup.cfg \ --replace-fail "--numprocesses auto --maxprocesses=16" "" ''; nativeBuildInputs = [ gettext xorg.lndir ]; dependencies = with python.pkgs; [ bleach channels channels-redis concurrent-log-handler dateparser django_5 django-allauth django-auditlog django-celery-results django-compression-middleware django-cors-headers django-extensions django-filter django-guardian django-multiselectfield django-soft-delete djangorestframework djangorestframework-guardian2 drf-writable-nested filelock flower gotenberg-client gunicorn httpx-oauth imap-tools inotifyrecursive jinja2 langdetect mysqlclient nltk ocrmypdf pathvalidate pdf2image psycopg python-dateutil python-dotenv python-gnupg python-ipware python-magic pyzbar rapidfuzz redis scikit-learn setproctitle tika-client tqdm uvicorn watchdog whitenoise whoosh zxing-cpp ] ++ redis.optional-dependencies.hiredis ++ uvicorn.optional-dependencies.standard; postBuild = '' # Compile manually because `pythonRecompileBytecodeHook` only works # for files in `python.sitePackages` ${python.pythonOnBuildForHost.interpreter} -OO -m compileall src # Collect static files ${python.pythonOnBuildForHost.interpreter} src/manage.py collectstatic --clear --no-input # Compile string translations using gettext ${python.pythonOnBuildForHost.interpreter} src/manage.py compilemessages ''; installPhase = let pythonPath = python.pkgs.makePythonPath dependencies; in '' runHook preInstall mkdir -p $out/lib/paperless-ngx/static/frontend cp -r {src,static,LICENSE,gunicorn.conf.py} $out/lib/paperless-ngx lndir -silent ${frontend}/lib/paperless-ui/frontend $out/lib/paperless-ngx/static/frontend chmod +x $out/lib/paperless-ngx/src/manage.py makeWrapper $out/lib/paperless-ngx/src/manage.py $out/bin/paperless-ngx \ --prefix PYTHONPATH : "${pythonPath}" \ --prefix PATH : "${path}" makeWrapper ${lib.getExe python.pkgs.celery} $out/bin/celery \ --prefix PYTHONPATH : "${pythonPath}:$out/lib/paperless-ngx/src" \ --prefix PATH : "${path}" runHook postInstall ''; postFixup = '' # Remove tests with samples (~14M) find $out/lib/paperless-ngx -type d -name tests -exec rm -rv {} + ''; nativeCheckInputs = with python.pkgs; [ daphne factory-boy imagehash pytest-cov-stub pytest-django pytest-env pytest-httpx pytest-mock pytest-rerunfailures pytestCheckHook ]; pytestFlagsArray = [ "src" ]; # The tests require: # - PATH with runtime binaries # - A temporary HOME directory for gnupg # - XDG_DATA_DIRS with test-specific fonts preCheck = '' export PATH="${path}:$PATH" export HOME=$(mktemp -d) export XDG_DATA_DIRS="${liberation_ttf}/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS" ''; disabledTests = [ # FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory'): /build/tmp... "test_script_with_output" "test_script_exit_non_zero" # AssertionError: 10 != 4 (timezone/time issue) # Due to getting local time from modification date in test_consumer.py "testNormalOperation" # Something broken with new Tesseract and inline RTL/LTR overrides? "test_rtl_language_detection" # django.core.exceptions.FieldDoesNotExist: Document has no field named 'transaction_id' "test_convert" ]; doCheck = !stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin; passthru = { inherit python path frontend tesseract5; nltkData = with nltk-data; [ punkt_tab snowball_data stopwords ]; tests = { inherit (nixosTests) paperless; }; }; meta = with lib; { description = "Tool to scan, index, and archive all of your physical documents"; homepage = "https://docs.paperless-ngx.com/"; changelog = "https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx/releases/tag/v${version}"; license = licenses.gpl3Only; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; [ leona SuperSandro2000 erikarvstedt ]; }; }