{ lib, rustPlatform, fetchFromGitHub, clang, cmake, copyDesktopItems, curl, perl, pkg-config, protobuf, fontconfig, freetype, libgit2, openssl, sqlite, zlib, zstd, alsa-lib, libxkbcommon, wayland, libglvnd, xorg, stdenv, makeFontsConf, vulkan-loader, envsubst, gitUpdater, cargo-about, versionCheckHook, zed-editor, buildFHSEnv, cargo-bundle, git, apple-sdk_15, darwinMinVersionHook, makeWrapper, nodejs_22, withGLES ? false, }: assert withGLES -> stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux; let executableName = "zeditor"; # Based on vscode.fhs # Zed allows for users to download and use extensions # which often include the usage of pre-built binaries. # See #309662 # # buildFHSEnv allows for users to use the existing Zed # extension tooling without significant pain. fhs = { additionalPkgs ? pkgs: [ ], }: buildFHSEnv { # also determines the name of the wrapped command name = executableName; # additional libraries which are commonly needed for extensions targetPkgs = pkgs: (with pkgs; [ # ld-linux-x86-64-linux.so.2 and others glibc ]) ++ additionalPkgs pkgs; # symlink shared assets, including icons and desktop entries extraInstallCommands = '' ln -s "${zed-editor}/share" "$out/" ''; runScript = "${zed-editor}/bin/${executableName}"; passthru = { inherit executableName; inherit (zed-editor) pname version; }; meta = zed-editor.meta // { description = '' Wrapped variant of ${zed-editor.pname} which launches in a FHS compatible environment. Should allow for easy usage of extensions without nix-specific modifications. ''; }; }; in rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec { pname = "zed-editor"; version = "0.161.2"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "zed-industries"; repo = "zed"; rev = "refs/tags/v${version}"; hash = "sha256-UEqlOiB7oNQcrLViPrk9ZCg4uUDYhRXjq0cHp/wclYk="; }; patches = [ # Zed uses cargo-install to install cargo-about during the script execution. # We provide cargo-about ourselves and can skip this step. # Until https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/issues/19971 is fixed, # we also skip any crate for which the license cannot be determined. ./0001-generate-licenses.patch ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ # The Swift variant of livekit currently used inside Zed requires # Swift 6, which is not available in nixpkgs yet: # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/343210 # The Rust variant of livekit for Zed is still pending and there is no # schedule when it will be finished: # https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/pull/13343 ./0002-disable-livekit-darwin.patch ]; cargoLock = { lockFile = ./Cargo.lock; outputHashes = { "alacritty_terminal-0.24.1-dev" = "sha256-b4oSDhsAAYjpYGfFgA1Q1642JoJQ9k5RTsPgFUpAFmc="; "async-pipe-0.1.3" = "sha256-g120X88HGT8P6GNCrzpS5SutALx5H+45Sf4iSSxzctE="; "async-stripe-0.40.0" = "sha256-kVdYCmlM8DilSrcOGxI1tvSiUjSrXdnmKqBA9WUJgMw="; "blade-graphics-0.5.0" = "sha256-j/JI34ZPD7RAHNHu3krgDLnIq4QmmZaZaU1FwD7f2FM="; "cosmic-text-0.11.2" = "sha256-TLPDnqixuW+aPAhiBhSvuZIa69vgV3xLcw32OlkdCcM="; "font-kit-0.14.1" = "sha256-qUKvmi+RDoyhMrZ7T6SoVAyMc/aasQ9Y/okzre4SzXo="; "lsp-types-0.95.1" = "sha256-N4MKoU9j1p/Xeowki/+XiNQPwIcTm9DgmfM/Eieq4js="; "nvim-rs-0.8.0-pre" = "sha256-VA8zIynflul1YKBlSxGCXCwa2Hz0pT3mH6OPsfS7Izo="; "pet-0.1.0" = "sha256-RxwisvRC5I3TCMAOT+kPasijuf66F+VFok1O9Ep8tGE="; "reqwest-0.12.8" = "sha256-mjO6SPYOMiw1H0ZEbd4BlPivPtaLVNftpsCu+M2i3Qw="; "tree-sitter-gomod-1.0.2" = "sha256-FCb8ndKSFiLY7/nTX7tWF8c4KcSvoBU1QB5R4rdOgT0="; "tree-sitter-gowork-0.0.1" = "sha256-WRMgGjOlJ+bT/YnSBeSLRTLlltA5WwTvV0Ow/949+BE="; "tree-sitter-heex-0.0.1" = "sha256-SnjhL0WVsHOKuUp3dkTETnCgC/Z7WN0XmpQdJPBeBhw="; "tree-sitter-md-0.3.2" = "sha256-q2/aJx+385B8HiU0soZ1vtRvjkE21ABGzIyR1qwKFOU="; "tree-sitter-yaml-0.6.1" = "sha256-95u/bq74SiUHW8lVp3RpanmYS/lyVPW0Inn8gR7N3IQ="; "xim-0.4.0" = "sha256-BXyaIBoqMNbzaSJqMadmofdjtlEVSoU6iogF66YP6a4="; "xkbcommon-0.7.0" = "sha256-2RjZWiAaz8apYTrZ82qqH4Gv20WyCtPT+ldOzm0GWMo="; }; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ clang cmake copyDesktopItems curl perl pkg-config protobuf rustPlatform.bindgenHook cargo-about ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux [ makeWrapper ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ cargo-bundle ]; dontUseCmakeConfigure = true; buildInputs = [ curl fontconfig freetype libgit2 openssl sqlite zlib zstd ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux [ alsa-lib libxkbcommon wayland xorg.libxcb ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ apple-sdk_15 # This will need to be increased to 12.3 once # https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/pull/13343 # is merged and released, as ScreenCaptureKit is only available on 12.3 and up: # https://developer.apple.com/documentation/screencapturekit (darwinMinVersionHook "10.15") ]; cargoBuildFlags = [ "--package=zed" "--package=cli" ]; # Required on darwin because we don't have access to the # proprietary Metal shader compiler. buildFeatures = lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ "gpui/runtime_shaders" ]; env = { ZSTD_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG = true; FONTCONFIG_FILE = makeFontsConf { fontDirectories = [ "${src}/assets/fonts/plex-mono" "${src}/assets/fonts/plex-sans" ]; }; # Setting this environment variable allows to disable auto-updates # https://zed.dev/docs/development/linux#notes-for-packaging-zed ZED_UPDATE_EXPLANATION = "Zed has been installed using Nix. Auto-updates have thus been disabled."; # Used by `zed --version` RELEASE_VERSION = version; }; RUSTFLAGS = if withGLES then "--cfg gles" else ""; gpu-lib = if withGLES then libglvnd else vulkan-loader; preBuild = '' bash script/generate-licenses ''; postFixup = lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux '' patchelf --add-rpath ${gpu-lib}/lib $out/libexec/* patchelf --add-rpath ${wayland}/lib $out/libexec/* wrapProgram $out/libexec/zed-editor --suffix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ nodejs_22 ]} ''; preCheck = '' export HOME=$(mktemp -d); ''; checkFlags = [ # Flaky: unreliably fails on certain hosts (including Hydra) "--skip=zed::tests::test_window_edit_state_restoring_enabled" ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux [ # Fails on certain hosts (including Hydra) for unclear reason "--skip=test_open_paths_action" ]; installPhase = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin then '' runHook preInstall # cargo-bundle expects the binary in target/release mv target/${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.cargoShortTarget}/release/zed target/release/zed pushd crates/zed # Note that this is GNU sed, while Zed's bundle-mac uses BSD sed sed -i "s/package.metadata.bundle-stable/package.metadata.bundle/" Cargo.toml export CARGO_BUNDLE_SKIP_BUILD=true app_path=$(cargo bundle --release | xargs) # We're not using Zed's fork of cargo-bundle, so we must manually append their plist extensions # Remove closing tags from Info.plist (last two lines) head -n -2 $app_path/Contents/Info.plist > Info.plist # Append extensions cat resources/info/*.plist >> Info.plist # Add closing tags printf "\n\n" >> Info.plist mv Info.plist $app_path/Contents/Info.plist popd mkdir -p $out/Applications $out/bin # Zed expects git next to its own binary ln -s ${git}/bin/git $app_path/Contents/MacOS/git mv target/${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.cargoShortTarget}/release/cli $app_path/Contents/MacOS/cli mv $app_path $out/Applications/ # Physical location of the CLI must be inside the app bundle as this is used # to determine which app to start ln -s $out/Applications/Zed.app/Contents/MacOS/cli $out/bin/zeditor runHook postInstall '' else '' runHook preInstall mkdir -p $out/bin $out/libexec cp target/${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.cargoShortTarget}/release/zed $out/libexec/zed-editor cp target/${stdenv.hostPlatform.rust.cargoShortTarget}/release/cli $out/bin/zeditor install -D ${src}/crates/zed/resources/app-icon@2x.png $out/share/icons/hicolor/1024x1024@2x/apps/zed.png install -D ${src}/crates/zed/resources/app-icon.png $out/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/zed.png # extracted from https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/blob/v0.141.2/script/bundle-linux (envsubst) # and https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/blob/v0.141.2/script/install.sh (final desktop file name) ( export DO_STARTUP_NOTIFY="true" export APP_CLI="zeditor" export APP_ICON="zed" export APP_NAME="Zed" export APP_ARGS="%U" mkdir -p "$out/share/applications" ${lib.getExe envsubst} < "crates/zed/resources/zed.desktop.in" > "$out/share/applications/dev.zed.Zed.desktop" ) runHook postInstall ''; nativeInstallCheckInputs = [ versionCheckHook ]; versionCheckProgram = "${placeholder "out"}/bin/zeditor"; versionCheckProgramArg = [ "--version" ]; doInstallCheck = true; passthru = { updateScript = gitUpdater { rev-prefix = "v"; ignoredVersions = "pre"; }; fhs = fhs { }; fhsWithPackages = f: fhs { additionalPkgs = f; }; }; meta = { description = "High-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter"; homepage = "https://zed.dev"; changelog = "https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/releases/tag/v${version}"; license = lib.licenses.gpl3Only; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ GaetanLepage niklaskorz ]; mainProgram = "zeditor"; platforms = lib.platforms.linux ++ lib.platforms.darwin; }; }