# New rust versions should first go to staging. # Things to check after updating: # 1. Rustc should produce rust binaries on x86_64-linux, aarch64-linux and x86_64-darwin: # i.e. nix-shell -p fd or @GrahamcOfBorg build fd on github # This testing can be also done by other volunteers as part of the pull # request review, in case platforms cannot be covered. # 2. The LLVM version used for building should match with rust upstream. # Check the version number in the src/llvm-project git submodule in: # https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/<version-tag>/.gitmodules # 3. Firefox and Thunderbird should still build on x86_64-linux. { stdenv, lib, newScope, callPackage, CoreFoundation, Security, SystemConfiguration, pkgsBuildTarget, pkgsBuildBuild, pkgsBuildHost, pkgsHostTarget, pkgsTargetTarget, makeRustPlatform, wrapRustcWith, llvmPackages_18, llvm_18, wrapCCWith, overrideCC, fetchpatch, }@args: let llvmSharedFor = pkgSet: pkgSet.llvmPackages_18.libllvm.override ( { enableSharedLibraries = true; } // lib.optionalAttrs (stdenv.targetPlatform.useLLVM or false) { # Force LLVM to compile using clang + LLVM libs when targeting pkgsLLVM stdenv = pkgSet.stdenv.override { allowedRequisites = null; cc = pkgSet.pkgsBuildHost.llvmPackages_18.clangUseLLVM; }; } ); in import ./default.nix { rustcVersion = "1.82.0"; rustcSha256 = "fFP0UJ7aGE4XTvprp9XutYZYVobOjt78eBorEafPUSo="; llvmSharedForBuild = llvmSharedFor pkgsBuildBuild; llvmSharedForHost = llvmSharedFor pkgsBuildHost; llvmSharedForTarget = llvmSharedFor pkgsBuildTarget; # For use at runtime llvmShared = llvmSharedFor pkgsHostTarget; # Expose llvmPackages used for rustc from rustc via passthru for LTO in Firefox llvmPackages = if (stdenv.targetPlatform.useLLVM or false) then callPackage ( { pkgs, bootBintoolsNoLibc ? if stdenv.targetPlatform.linker == "lld" then null else pkgs.bintoolsNoLibc, bootBintools ? if stdenv.targetPlatform.linker == "lld" then null else pkgs.bintools, }: let llvmPackages = llvmPackages_18; setStdenv = pkg: pkg.override { stdenv = stdenv.override { allowedRequisites = null; cc = pkgsBuildHost.llvmPackages_18.clangUseLLVM; }; }; in rec { inherit (llvmPackages) bintools; libunwind = setStdenv llvmPackages.libunwind; llvm = setStdenv llvmPackages.llvm; libcxx = llvmPackages.libcxx.override { stdenv = stdenv.override { allowedRequisites = null; cc = pkgsBuildHost.llvmPackages_18.clangNoLibcxx; hostPlatform = stdenv.hostPlatform // { useLLVM = !stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin; }; }; inherit libunwind; }; clangUseLLVM = llvmPackages.clangUseLLVM.override { inherit libcxx; }; stdenv = overrideCC args.stdenv clangUseLLVM; } ) { } else llvmPackages_18; # Note: the version MUST be the same version that we are building. Upstream # ensures that each released compiler can compile itself: # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/351028#issuecomment-2438244363 bootstrapVersion = "1.82.0"; # fetch hashes by running `print-hashes.sh ${bootstrapVersion}` bootstrapHashes = { i686-unknown-linux-gnu = "77b261fb3d9efa7fe39e87c024987495e03b647b6cb23a66b8e69aeb12a8be61"; x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu = "0265c08ae997c4de965048a244605fb1f24a600bbe35047b811c638b8fcf676b"; x86_64-unknown-linux-musl = "9dd781c64f71c1d3f854b0937eb751f19e8ebac1110e68e08b94223ad9b022ba"; arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf = "d6a2857d0ab8880c3bc691607b10b68fb2750eae35144e035a9a5eeef820b740"; armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf = "eff9939c4b98c6ad91a759fa1a2ebdd81b4d05e47ac523218bf9d7093226589b"; aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu = "d7db04fce65b5f73282941f3f1df5893be9810af17eb7c65b2e614461fe31a48"; aarch64-unknown-linux-musl = "f061eabf0324805637c1e89e7d936365f705be1359699efbda59b637dbe9715f"; x86_64-apple-darwin = "b1a289cabc523f259f65116a41374ac159d72fbbf6c373bd5e545c8e835ceb6a"; aarch64-apple-darwin = "49b6d36b308addcfd21ae56c94957688338ba7b8985bff57fc626c8e1b32f62c"; powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu = "44f3a1e70be33f91927ae8d89a11843a79b8b6124d62a9ddd9030a5275ebc923"; riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu = "a72e8aa3fff374061ff90ada317a8d170c2a15eb079ddc828c97189179d3eebd"; s390x-unknown-linux-gnu = "63760886a9b2de6cb38f75a236db358939d904e205e1e2bc9d96cec69e00ae83"; x86_64-unknown-freebsd = "f7b51943dbed0af3387e3269c1767fee916fb22b8e7897b3594bf5e422403137"; }; selectRustPackage = pkgs: pkgs.rust_1_82; rustcPatches = [ (fetchpatch { name = "fix-fastCross.patch"; url = "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/commit/c15469a7fec811d1a4f69ff26e18c6f383df41d2.patch"; hash = "sha256-lFc48AMoGf4LCP65IsXS5rEB9eYacTP8ADftQkj8zkg="; }) ]; } ( builtins.removeAttrs args [ "llvmPackages_18" "llvm_18" "wrapCCWith" "overrideCC" "fetchpatch" "pkgsHostTarget" ] )