{ lib, mkCoqDerivation, coq, version ? null, equations, mathcomp-ssreflect, mathcomp-analysis, mathcomp-experimental-reals, extructures, deriving, }: (mkCoqDerivation { pname = "ssprove"; owner = "SSProve"; inherit version; defaultVersion = with lib.versions; lib.switch [ coq.coq-version mathcomp-ssreflect.version ] [ { cases = [ (range "8.18" "8.20") (range "2.1.0" "2.2.0") ]; out = "0.2.2"; } # This is the original dependency: # { cases = ["8.17" "1.18.0"]; out = "0.1.0"; } # But it is not loadable. The math-comp nixpkgs configuration # will always only output version 1.18.0 for Coq 8.17. # Hence, the Coq 8.17 and math-comp 1.17.0 must be explicitly set # to load it. # (This version is not on the math-comp CI and hence not checked.) { cases = [ "8.17" "1.17.0" ]; out = "0.1.0"; } ] null; releaseRev = v: "v${v}"; release."0.2.2".sha256 = "sha256-tBF8equJd6hKZojpe+v9h6Tg9xEnMTVFgOYK7ZnMfxk="; release."0.2.1".sha256 = "sha256-X00q5QFxdcGWeNqOV/PLTOqQyyfqFEinbGUTO7q8bC4="; release."0.2.0".sha256 = "sha256-GDkWH0LUsW165vAUoYC5of9ndr0MbfBtmrPhsJVXi3o="; release."0.1.0".sha256 = "sha256-Yj+k+mBsudi3d6bRVlZLyM4UqQnzAX5tHvxtKoIuNTE="; propagatedBuildInputs = [ equations mathcomp-ssreflect mathcomp-analysis mathcomp-experimental-reals extructures deriving ]; meta = with lib; { description = "SSProve: A Foundational Framework for Modular Cryptographic Proofs in Coq"; license = licenses.mit; maintainers = [ { name = "Sebastian Ertel"; email = "sebastian.ertel@gmail.com"; github = "sertel"; githubId = 3703100; } ]; }; })