{ lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitLab , cmake , libGLU , libGL , zlib , wxGTK , libX11 , gettext , glew , glm , cairo , curl , openssl , boost , pkgconfig , doxygen , pcre , libpthreadstubs , libXdmcp , fetchpatch , lndir , callPackages , stable ? true , baseName ? "kicad" , versions ? { } , oceSupport ? false , opencascade , withOCCT ? true , opencascade-occt , ngspiceSupport ? true , libngspice , scriptingSupport ? true , swig , python , wxPython , debug ? false , valgrind , withI18n ? true , gtk3 }: assert ngspiceSupport -> libngspice != null; with lib; let versionConfig = versions.${baseName}; # oce on aarch64 fails a test withOCE = oceSupport && !stdenv.isAarch64; withOCC = (withOCCT && !withOCE) || (oceSupport && stdenv.isAarch64); libraries = callPackages ./libraries.nix versionConfig.libVersion; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { i18n = libraries.i18n; pname = "kicad-base"; version = "${builtins.substring 0 10 versions.${baseName}.kicadVersion.src.rev}"; src = fetchFromGitLab ( { group = "kicad"; owner = "code"; repo = "kicad"; } // versionConfig.kicadVersion.src ); # quick fix for #72248 # should be removed if a a more permanent fix is published patches = [ ( fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/johnbeard/kicad/commit/dfb1318a3989e3d6f9f2ac33c924ca5030ea273b.patch"; sha256 = "00ifd3fas8lid8svzh1w67xc8kyx89qidp7gm633r014j3kjkgcd"; } ) ]; # tagged releases don't have "unknown" # kicad nightlies use git describe --dirty # nix removes .git, so its approximated here # "-1" appended to indicate we're adding a patch postPatch = '' substituteInPlace CMakeModules/KiCadVersion.cmake \ --replace "unknown" "${builtins.substring 0 10 src.rev}-1" \ --replace "${version}" "${version}-1" ''; makeFlags = optional (debug) [ "CFLAGS+=-Og" "CFLAGS+=-ggdb" ]; cmakeFlags = optionals (scriptingSupport) [ "-DKICAD_SCRIPTING=ON" "-DKICAD_SCRIPTING_MODULES=ON" "-DKICAD_SCRIPTING_PYTHON3=ON" "-DKICAD_SCRIPTING_WXPYTHON_PHOENIX=ON" ] ++ optional (!scriptingSupport) "-DKICAD_SCRIPTING=OFF" ++ optional (ngspiceSupport) "-DKICAD_SPICE=ON" ++ optional (!withOCE) "-DKICAD_USE_OCE=OFF" ++ optional (!withOCC) "-DKICAD_USE_OCC=OFF" ++ optionals (withOCE) [ "-DKICAD_USE_OCE=ON" "-DOCE_DIR=${opencascade}" ] ++ optionals (withOCC) [ "-DKICAD_USE_OCC=ON" "-DOCC_INCLUDE_DIR=${opencascade-occt}/include/opencascade" ] ++ optionals (debug) [ "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" "-DKICAD_STDLIB_DEBUG=ON" "-DKICAD_USE_VALGRIND=ON" ] ; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake doxygen pkgconfig lndir ]; buildInputs = [ libGLU libGL zlib libX11 wxGTK pcre libXdmcp gettext glew glm libpthreadstubs cairo curl openssl boost gtk3 ] ++ optionals (scriptingSupport) [ swig python wxPython ] ++ optional (ngspiceSupport) libngspice ++ optional (withOCE) opencascade ++ optional (withOCC) opencascade-occt ++ optional (debug) valgrind ; # debug builds fail all but the python test # 5.1.x fails the eeschema test doInstallCheck = !debug && !stable; installCheckTarget = "test"; dontStrip = debug; postInstall = optional (withI18n) '' mkdir -p $out/share lndir ${i18n}/share $out/share ''; meta = { description = "Just the built source without the libraries"; longDescription = '' Just the build products, optionally with the i18n linked in the libraries are passed via an env var in the wrapper, default.nix ''; homepage = "https://www.kicad-pcb.org/"; license = licenses.agpl3; platforms = platforms.all; }; }