{ lib
, stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, runCommand
, ncurses
, gettext
, pkg-config
, cscope
, ruby_3_2
, tcl
, perl540
, luajit
, darwin
, libiconv
, python3

# Try to match MacVim's documented script interface compatibility
  perl = perl540;
  # Ruby 3.2
  ruby = ruby_3_2;

  # Building requires a few system tools to be in PATH.
  # Some of these we could patch into the relevant source files (such as xcodebuild and
  # qlmanage) but some are used by Xcode itself and we have no choice but to put them in PATH.
  # Symlinking them in this way is better than just putting all of /usr/bin in there.
  buildSymlinks = runCommand "macvim-build-symlinks" {} ''
    mkdir -p $out/bin
    ln -s /usr/bin/xcrun /usr/bin/xcodebuild /usr/bin/tiffutil /usr/bin/qlmanage $out/bin

stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
  pname = "macvim";

  version = "179";

  src = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "macvim-dev";
    repo = "macvim";
    rev = "release-${finalAttrs.version}";
    hash = "sha256-L9LVXyeA09aMtNf+b/Oo+eLpeVEKTD1/oNWCiFn5FbU=";

  enableParallelBuilding = true;

  nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config buildSymlinks ];
  buildInputs = [
    gettext ncurses cscope luajit ruby tcl perl python3

  patches = [ ./macvim.patch ];

  configureFlags = [

  # Remove references to Sparkle.framework from the project.
  # It's unused (we disabled it with --disable-sparkle) and this avoids
  # copying the unnecessary several-megabyte framework into the result.
  postPatch = ''
    echo "Patching file src/MacVim/MacVim.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj"
    sed -e '/Sparkle\.framework/d' -i src/MacVim/MacVim.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

  # This is unfortunate, but we need to use the same compiler as Xcode, but Xcode doesn't provide a
  # way to configure the compiler. We also need to pull in lib/include paths for some of our build
  # inputs since we don't have cc-wrapper to do that for us.
  preConfigure =
      # ideally we'd recurse, but we don't need that right now
      inputs = [ ncurses ] ++ perl.propagatedBuildInputs;
      ldflags = map (drv: "-L${lib.getLib drv}/lib") inputs;
      cppflags = map (drv: "-isystem ${lib.getDev drv}/include") inputs;
      unset DEVELOPER_DIR # Use the system Xcode not the nixpkgs SDK.


      DEV_DIR=$(/usr/bin/xcode-select -print-path)/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer
        LDFLAGS=${lib.escapeShellArg ldflags}
        CPPFLAGS=${lib.escapeShellArg cppflags}
    # For some reason having LD defined causes PSMTabBarControl to fail at link-time as it
    # passes arguments to ld that it meant for clang.
    + ''
      unset LD
    # When building with nix-daemon, we need to pass -derivedDataPath or else it tries to use
    # a folder rooted in /var/empty and fails. Unfortunately we can't just pass -derivedDataPath
    # by itself as this flag requires the use of -scheme or -xctestrun (not sure why), but MacVim
    # by default just runs `xcodebuild -project src/MacVim/MacVim.xcodeproj`, relying on the default
    # behavior to build the first target in the project. Experimentally, there seems to be a scheme
    # called MacVim, so we'll explicitly select that. We also need to specify the configuration too
    # as the scheme seems to have the wrong default.
    + ''
        XCODEFLAGS="-scheme MacVim -derivedDataPath $NIX_BUILD_TOP/derivedData"

  # Because we're building with system clang, this means we're building against Xcode's SDK and
  # linking against system libraries. The configure script is picking up Nix Libsystem (via ruby)
  # so we need to patch that out or we'll get linker issues. The MacVim binary built by Xcode links
  # against the system anyway so it doesn't really matter that the Vim binary will too. If we
  # decide that matters, we can always patch it back to the Nix libsystem post-build.
  # It also picks up libiconv, libunwind, and objc4 from Nix. These seem relatively harmless but
  # let's strip them out too.
  # Note: If we do add a post-build install_name_tool patch, we need to add the
  # "LDFLAGS=-headerpad_max_install_names" flag to configureFlags and either patch it into the
  # Xcode project or pass it as a flag to xcodebuild as well.
  postConfigure = ''
    substituteInPlace src/auto/config.mk \
      --replace "PERL_CFLAGS${"\t"}=" "PERL_CFLAGS${"\t"}= -I${darwin.libutil}/include" \
      --replace " -L${stdenv.cc.libc}/lib" "" \
      --replace " -L${darwin.libobjc}/lib" "" \
      --replace " -L${darwin.libunwind}/lib" "" \
      --replace " -L${libiconv}/lib" ""

    # All the libraries we stripped have -osx- in their name as of this time.
    # Assert now that this pattern no longer appears in config.mk.
    ( # scope variable
      while IFS="" read -r line; do
        if [[ "$line" == LDFLAGS*-osx-* ]]; then
          echo "WARNING: src/auto/config.mk contains reference to Nix osx library" >&2
      done <src/auto/config.mk

    substituteInPlace src/MacVim/vimrc --subst-var-by CSCOPE ${cscope}/bin/cscope

  # Note that $out/MacVim.app has a misnamed set of binaries in the Contents/bin folder (the V is
  # capitalized) and is missing a bunch of them. This is why we're grabbing the version from the
  # build folder.
  postInstall = ''
    mkdir -p $out/Applications
    cp -r src/MacVim/build/Release/MacVim.app $out/Applications
    rm -rf $out/MacVim.app

    mkdir -p $out/bin
    for prog in ex vi {,g,m,r}vi{m,mdiff,ew}; do
      ln -s $out/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/bin/mvim $out/bin/$prog
    for prog in {,g}vimtutor xxd; do
      ln -s $out/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/bin/$prog $out/bin/$prog
    ln -s $out/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/bin/gvimtutor $out/bin/mvimtutor

    mkdir -p $out/share
    ln -s $out/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/man $out/share/man

    # Fix rpaths
    libperl=$(dirname $(find ${perl} -name "libperl.dylib"))
    install_name_tool -add_rpath ${luajit}/lib $exe
    install_name_tool -add_rpath ${tcl}/lib $exe
    install_name_tool -add_rpath ${python3}/lib $exe
    install_name_tool -add_rpath $libperl $exe
    install_name_tool -add_rpath ${ruby}/lib $exe

    # Remove manpages from tools we aren't providing
    find $out/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/man -name evim.1 -delete

  # We rely on the user's Xcode install to build. It may be located in an arbitrary place, and
  # it's not clear what system-level components it may require, so for now we'll just allow full
  # filesystem access. This way the package still can't access the network.
  sandboxProfile = ''
    (allow file-read* file-write* process-exec mach-lookup)
    ; block homebrew dependencies
    (deny file-read* file-write* process-exec mach-lookup (subpath "/usr/local") (with no-log))

  meta = with lib; {
    description = "Vim - the text editor - for macOS";
    homepage = "https://macvim.org/";
    license = licenses.vim;
    maintainers = [ ];
    platforms = platforms.darwin;
    hydraPlatforms = []; # hydra can't build this as long as we rely on Xcode and sandboxProfile