{ lib, stdenv, patchelf, makeWrapper, fetchurl, writeScript, # Libraries glib, fontconfig, freetype, pango, cairo, libX11, libXi, atk, nss, nspr, libXcursor, libXext, libXfixes, libXrender, libXScrnSaver, libXcomposite, libxcb, alsa-lib, libXdamage, libXtst, libXrandr, libxshmfence, expat, cups, dbus, gtk3, gtk4, gdk-pixbuf, gcc-unwrapped, at-spi2-atk, at-spi2-core, libkrb5, libdrm, libglvnd, mesa, libxkbcommon, pipewire, wayland, coreutils, # command line arguments which are always set e.g "--disable-gpu" commandLineArgs ? "", systemd, # Loaded at runtime. libexif, pciutils, liberation_ttf, curl, util-linux, xdg-utils, wget, flac, harfbuzz, icu, libpng, libopus, snappy, speechd, bzip2, libcap, # Necessary for USB audio devices. pulseSupport ? true, libpulseaudio, gsettings-desktop-schemas, # Allow video acceleration via VA-API to be disabled on systems where is doesn't # work reliably (--enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder) libvaSupport ? true, libva, # For Vulkan support (--enable-features=Vulkan) addDriverRunpath, }: let opusWithCustomModes = libopus.override { withCustomModes = true; }; deps = [ glib fontconfig freetype pango cairo libX11 libXi atk nss nspr libXcursor libXext libXfixes libXrender libXScrnSaver libXcomposite libxcb alsa-lib libXdamage libXtst libXrandr libxshmfence expat cups dbus gdk-pixbuf gcc-unwrapped.lib systemd libexif pciutils liberation_ttf curl util-linux wget flac harfbuzz icu libpng opusWithCustomModes snappy speechd bzip2 libcap at-spi2-atk at-spi2-core libkrb5 libdrm libglvnd mesa coreutils libxkbcommon pipewire wayland ] ++ lib.optional pulseSupport libpulseaudio ++ lib.optional libvaSupport libva ++ [ gtk3 gtk4 ]; in stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: { pname = "wavebox"; version = "10.129.32-2"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://download.wavebox.app/stable/linux/deb/amd64/wavebox_${finalAttrs.version}_amd64.deb"; hash = "sha256-MaVmiD+XwQLZVVTEZTn/2Kme5pCHXpgQ9bgJRsfrlU0="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ patchelf makeWrapper ]; buildInputs = [ gsettings-desktop-schemas # needed for GSETTINGS_SCHEMAS_PATH glib gtk3 ]; unpackPhase = '' ar x $src tar xf data.tar.xz ''; rpath = lib.makeLibraryPath deps + ":" + lib.makeSearchPathOutput "lib" "lib64" deps; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall exe=$out/bin/wavebox mkdir -p $out/bin $out/share cp -a opt/* $out/share cp -a usr/share/* $out/share substituteInPlace $out/share/wavebox.io/wavebox/wavebox-launcher \ --replace-fail 'CHROME_WRAPPER' 'WRAPPER' substituteInPlace $out/share/applications/wavebox.desktop \ --replace-fail /opt/wavebox.io/wavebox/wavebox-launcher $exe substituteInPlace $out/share/menu/wavebox.menu \ --replace-fail /opt $out/share \ --replace-fail $out/share/wavebox.io/wavebox/wavebox $exe for icon_file in $out/share/wavebox.io/wavebox/product_logo_[0-9]*.png; do num_and_suffix="''${icon_file##*logo_}" icon_size="''${num_and_suffix%.*}" logo_output_prefix="$out/share/icons/hicolor" logo_output_path="$logo_output_prefix/''${icon_size}x''${icon_size}/apps" mkdir -p "$logo_output_path" mv "$icon_file" "$logo_output_path/wavebox.png" done makeWrapper "$out/share/wavebox.io/wavebox/wavebox" "$exe" \ --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "$rpath" \ --prefix PATH : "${lib.makeBinPath deps}" \ --suffix PATH : "${lib.makeBinPath [ xdg-utils ]}" \ --prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : "$XDG_ICON_DIRS:$GSETTINGS_SCHEMAS_PATH:${addDriverRunpath.driverLink}/share" \ --set CHROME_WRAPPER "wavebox" \ --add-flags "\''${NIXOS_OZONE_WL:+\''${WAYLAND_DISPLAY:+--ozone-platform-hint=auto --enable-features=WaylandWindowDecorations}}" \ --add-flags ${lib.escapeShellArg commandLineArgs} for elf in $out/share/wavebox.io/wavebox/{wavebox,chrome-sandbox,chrome_crashpad_handler}; do patchelf --set-rpath $rpath $elf patchelf --set-interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" $elf done runHook postInstall ''; passthru = { updateScript = writeScript "update-wavebox.sh" '' #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -i bash -p nix-update curl jq version=$(curl "https://download.wavebox.app/stable/linux/latest.json" | jq --raw-output '.["urls"]["deb"] | match("https://download.wavebox.app/stable/linux/deb/amd64/wavebox_(.+)_amd64.deb").captures[0]["string"]') nix-update wavebox --version "$version" ''; }; meta = { description = "Wavebox Productivity Browser"; homepage = "https://wavebox.io"; license = lib.licenses.unfree; sourceProvenance = with lib.sourceTypes; [ binaryNativeCode ]; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ flexiondotorg ]; platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ]; mainProgram = "wavebox"; }; })