{ lib
, stdenvNoCC
, fetchurl
, unzip

  makeSuperOTC =
    { family
    , description
    , rev
    , hash
    , zip ? ""
    , prefix ? ""
      Family =
        lib.toUpper (lib.substring 0 1 family) +
        lib.substring 1 (lib.stringLength family) family;
    stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
      pname = "source-han-${family}";
      version = lib.removeSuffix "R" rev;

      src = fetchurl {
        url = "https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-han-${family}/releases/download/${rev}/${prefix}SourceHan${Family}.ttc${zip}";
        inherit hash;

      nativeBuildInputs = lib.optionals (zip == ".zip") [ unzip ];

      unpackPhase = lib.optionalString (zip == "") ''
        cp $src SourceHan${Family}.ttc${zip}
      '' + lib.optionalString (zip == ".zip") ''
        unzip $src

      installPhase = ''
        runHook preInstall

        install -Dm444 *.ttc -t $out/share/fonts/opentype/${pname}

        runHook postInstall

      meta = {
        description = "Open source Pan-CJK ${description} typeface";
        homepage = "https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-han-${family}";
        license = lib.licenses.ofl;
        maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ taku0 emily ];

  makeVariable =
    { family
    , version
    , hash
    , format
      Family =
        lib.toUpper (lib.substring 0 1 family) +
        lib.substring 1 (lib.stringLength family) family;
    fetchurl {
      pname = "source-han-${family}-vf-${format}";
      inherit version hash;
      url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adobe-fonts/source-han-${family}/${version}R/Variable/OTC/SourceHan${Family}-VF.${format}.ttc";
      recursiveHash = true;
      downloadToTemp = true;
      postFetch = "install -Dm444 $downloadedFile $out/share/fonts/variable/SourceHan${Family}-VF.${format}.ttc";

      meta = {
        description = "Open source Pan-CJK ${Family} typeface";
        homepage = "https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-han-${family}";
        license = lib.licenses.ofl;
        maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ taku0 emily ];
  sans = makeSuperOTC {
    family = "sans";
    description = "sans-serif";
    rev = "2.004R";
    hash = "sha256-b1kRiprdpaf+Tp5rtTgwn34dPFQR+anTKvMqeVAbfk8=";
    zip = ".zip";

  serif = makeSuperOTC {
    family = "serif";
    description = "serif";
    rev = "2.001R";
    hash = "sha256-ULdrtPLtzsgfZEHWkr4ebC/FSROHBWJJVD+PzdIJ6Og=";
    zip = ".zip";
    prefix = "01_";

  mono = makeSuperOTC {
    family = "mono";
    description = "monospaced";
    rev = "1.002";
    hash = "sha256-DBkkSN6QhI8R64M2h2iDqaNtxluJZeSJYAz8x6ZzWME=";

  sans-vf-otf = makeVariable {
    family = "sans";
    version = "2.004";
    hash = "sha256-V7PE09c7h4RDS8Ij4PSI36Gy+LM+PVDi73Rcs+4DfHo=";
    format = "otf";

  sans-vf-ttf = makeVariable {
    family = "sans";
    version = "2.004";
    hash = "sha256-mXTG/d30gUxzxkJpaH4vOawRXMSxxTXlHCvHEsfGqbc=";
    format = "ttf";

  serif-vf-otf = makeVariable {
    family = "serif";
    version = "2.002";
    hash = "sha256-8sD4bU6w7HBm4vBuPAjcjpxN2rtEJugAw+X0bAOcmjA=";
    format = "otf";

  serif-vf-ttf = makeVariable {
    family = "serif";
    version = "2.002";
    hash = "sha256-dmTZFRsD55WCOg2+sqd8bkmTSnSNn5xUYf0PgzIvzww=";
    format = "ttf";