{ lib, pkgs }:
rec {


  Every following entry represents a format for program configuration files
  used for `settings`-style options (see https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/42).
  Each entry should look as follows:

    <format> = <parameters>: {
      #        ^^ Parameters for controlling the format

      # The module system type most suitable for representing such a format
      # The description needs to be overwritten for recursive types
      type = ...;

      # Utility functions for convenience, or special interactions with the
      # format (optional)
      lib = {
        exampleFunction = ...
        # Types specific to the format (optional)
        types = { ... };

      # generate :: Name -> Value -> Path
      # A function for generating a file with a value of such a type
      generate = ...;


  Please note that `pkgs` may not always be available for use due to the split
  options doc build introduced in fc614c37c653, so lazy evaluation of only the
  'type' field is required.


  inherit (import ./formats/java-properties/default.nix { inherit lib pkgs; })

  libconfig = (import ./formats/libconfig/default.nix { inherit lib pkgs; }).format;

  hocon = (import ./formats/hocon/default.nix { inherit lib pkgs; }).format;

  php = (import ./formats/php/default.nix { inherit lib pkgs; }).format;

  inherit (lib) mkOptionType;
  inherit (lib.types) nullOr oneOf coercedTo listOf nonEmptyListOf attrsOf either;
  inherit (lib.types) bool int float str path;

  json = {}: {

    type = let
      valueType = nullOr (oneOf [
        (attrsOf valueType)
        (listOf valueType)
      ]) // {
        description = "JSON value";
    in valueType;

    generate = name: value: pkgs.callPackage ({ runCommand, jq }: runCommand name {
      nativeBuildInputs = [ jq ];
      value = builtins.toJSON value;
      passAsFile = [ "value" ];
      preferLocalBuild = true;
    } ''
      jq . "$valuePath"> $out
    '') {};


  yaml = {}: {

    generate = name: value: pkgs.callPackage ({ runCommand, remarshal }: runCommand name {
      nativeBuildInputs = [ remarshal ];
      value = builtins.toJSON value;
      passAsFile = [ "value" ];
      preferLocalBuild = true;
    } ''
      json2yaml "$valuePath" "$out"
    '') {};

    type = let
      valueType = nullOr (oneOf [
        (attrsOf valueType)
        (listOf valueType)
      ]) // {
        description = "YAML value";
    in valueType;


  # the ini formats share a lot of code
  inherit (
      singleIniAtom = nullOr (oneOf [ bool int float str ]) // {
        description = "INI atom (null, bool, int, float or string)";
      iniAtom = { listsAsDuplicateKeys, listToValue, atomsCoercedToLists }:
          singleIniAtomOr = if atomsCoercedToLists then coercedTo singleIniAtom lib.singleton else either singleIniAtom;
        if listsAsDuplicateKeys then
          singleIniAtomOr (listOf singleIniAtom) // {
            description = singleIniAtom.description + " or a list of them for duplicate keys";
        else if listToValue != null then
          singleIniAtomOr (nonEmptyListOf singleIniAtom) // {
            description = singleIniAtom.description + " or a non-empty list of them";
      iniSection = { listsAsDuplicateKeys, listToValue, atomsCoercedToLists }@args:
        attrsOf (iniAtom args) // {
          description = "section of an INI file (attrs of " + (iniAtom args).description + ")";

      maybeToList = listToValue: if listToValue != null then lib.mapAttrs (key: val: if lib.isList val then listToValue val else val) else lib.id;
    in {
      ini = {
        # Represents lists as duplicate keys
        listsAsDuplicateKeys ? false,
        # Alternative to listsAsDuplicateKeys, converts list to non-list
        # listToValue :: [IniAtom] -> IniAtom
        listToValue ? null,
        # Merge multiple instances of the same key into a list
        atomsCoercedToLists ? null,
        assert listsAsDuplicateKeys -> listToValue == null;
        assert atomsCoercedToLists != null -> (listsAsDuplicateKeys || listToValue != null);
          atomsCoercedToLists' = if atomsCoercedToLists == null then false else atomsCoercedToLists;

        type = lib.types.attrsOf (
          iniSection { inherit listsAsDuplicateKeys listToValue; atomsCoercedToLists = atomsCoercedToLists'; }

        generate = name: value:
          lib.pipe value
            (lib.mapAttrs (_: maybeToList listToValue))
            (lib.generators.toINI (removeAttrs args ["listToValue" "atomsCoercedToLists"]))
            (pkgs.writeText name)

      iniWithGlobalSection = {
        # Represents lists as duplicate keys
        listsAsDuplicateKeys ? false,
        # Alternative to listsAsDuplicateKeys, converts list to non-list
        # listToValue :: [IniAtom] -> IniAtom
        listToValue ? null,
        # Merge multiple instances of the same key into a list
        atomsCoercedToLists ? null,
        assert listsAsDuplicateKeys -> listToValue == null;
        assert atomsCoercedToLists != null -> (listsAsDuplicateKeys || listToValue != null);
          atomsCoercedToLists' = if atomsCoercedToLists == null then false else atomsCoercedToLists;
          type = lib.types.submodule {
            options = {
              sections = lib.mkOption rec {
                type = lib.types.attrsOf (
                  iniSection { inherit listsAsDuplicateKeys listToValue; atomsCoercedToLists = atomsCoercedToLists'; }
                default = {};
                description = type.description;
              globalSection = lib.mkOption rec {
                type = iniSection { inherit listsAsDuplicateKeys listToValue; atomsCoercedToLists = atomsCoercedToLists'; };
                default = {};
                description = "global " + type.description;
          generate = name: { sections ? {}, globalSection ? {}, ... }:
            pkgs.writeText name (lib.generators.toINIWithGlobalSection (removeAttrs args ["listToValue" "atomsCoercedToLists"])
              globalSection = maybeToList listToValue globalSection;
              sections = lib.mapAttrs (_: maybeToList listToValue) sections;

      gitIni = { listsAsDuplicateKeys ? false, ... }@args: {
        type = let
          atom = iniAtom {
            listsAsDuplicateKeys = listsAsDuplicateKeys;
            listToValue = null;
            atomsCoercedToLists = false;
        in attrsOf (attrsOf (either atom (attrsOf atom)));

        generate = name: value: pkgs.writeText name (lib.generators.toGitINI value);

    }) ini iniWithGlobalSection gitIni;

  # As defined by systemd.syntax(7)
  # null does not set any value, which allows for RFC42 modules to specify
  # optional config options.
  systemd = let
    mkValueString = lib.generators.mkValueStringDefault {};
    mkKeyValue = k: v:
      if v == null then "# ${k} is unset"
      else "${k} = ${mkValueString v}";
  in ini {
    listsAsDuplicateKeys = true;
    inherit mkKeyValue;

  keyValue = {
    # Represents lists as duplicate keys
    listsAsDuplicateKeys ? false,
    # Alternative to listsAsDuplicateKeys, converts list to non-list
    # listToValue :: [Atom] -> Atom
    listToValue ? null,
    assert listsAsDuplicateKeys -> listToValue == null;

    type = let

      singleAtom = nullOr (oneOf [
      ]) // {
        description = "atom (null, bool, int, float or string)";

      atom =
        if listsAsDuplicateKeys then
          coercedTo singleAtom lib.singleton (listOf singleAtom) // {
            description = singleAtom.description + " or a list of them for duplicate keys";
        else if listToValue != null then
          coercedTo singleAtom lib.singleton (nonEmptyListOf singleAtom) // {
            description = singleAtom.description + " or a non-empty list of them";

    in attrsOf atom;

    generate = name: value:
        transformedValue =
          if listToValue != null
            lib.mapAttrs (key: val:
              if lib.isList val then listToValue val else val
            ) value
          else value;
      in pkgs.writeText name (lib.generators.toKeyValue (removeAttrs args ["listToValue"]) transformedValue);


  toml = {}: json {} // {
    type = let
      valueType = oneOf [
        (attrsOf valueType)
        (listOf valueType)
      ] // {
        description = "TOML value";
    in valueType;

    generate = name: value: pkgs.callPackage ({ runCommand, remarshal }: runCommand name {
      nativeBuildInputs = [ remarshal ];
      value = builtins.toJSON value;
      passAsFile = [ "value" ];
      preferLocalBuild = true;
    } ''
      json2toml "$valuePath" "$out"
    '') {};


  /* For configurations of Elixir project, like config.exs or runtime.exs

    Most Elixir project are configured using the [Config] Elixir DSL

    Since Elixir has more types than Nix, we need a way to map Nix types to
    more than 1 Elixir type. To that end, this format provides its own library,
    and its own set of types.

    To be more detailed, a Nix attribute set could correspond in Elixir to a
    [Keyword list] (the more common type), or it could correspond to a [Map].

    A Nix string could correspond in Elixir to a [String] (also called
    "binary"), an [Atom], or a list of chars (usually discouraged).

    A Nix array could correspond in Elixir to a [List] or a [Tuple].

    Some more types exists, like records, regexes, but since they are less used,
    we can leave the `mkRaw` function as an escape hatch.

    For more information on how to use this format in modules, please refer to
    the Elixir section of the Nixos documentation.

    TODO: special Elixir values doesn't show up nicely in the documentation

    [Config]: <https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Config.html>
    [Keyword list]: <https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Keyword.html>
    [Map]: <https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Map.html>
    [String]: <https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/String.html>
    [Atom]: <https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Atom.html>
    [List]: <https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/List.html>
    [Tuple]: <https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Tuple.html>
  elixirConf = { elixir ? pkgs.elixir }:
      toElixir = value:
        if value == null then "nil" else
        if value == true then "true" else
        if value == false then "false" else
        if lib.isInt value || lib.isFloat value then toString value else
        if lib.isString value then string value else
        if lib.isAttrs value then attrs value else
        if lib.isList value then list value else
        abort "formats.elixirConf: should never happen (value = ${value})";

      escapeElixir = lib.escape [ "\\" "#" "\"" ];
      string = value: "\"${escapeElixir value}\"";

      attrs = set:
        if set ? _elixirType then specialType set
            toKeyword = name: value: "${name}: ${toElixir value}";
            keywordList = lib.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.mapAttrsToList toKeyword set);
          "[" + keywordList + "]";

      listContent = values: lib.concatStringsSep ", " (map toElixir values);

      list = values: "[" + (listContent values) + "]";

      specialType = { value, _elixirType }:
        if _elixirType == "raw" then value else
        if _elixirType == "atom" then value else
        if _elixirType == "map" then elixirMap value else
        if _elixirType == "tuple" then tuple value else
        abort "formats.elixirConf: should never happen (_elixirType = ${_elixirType})";

      elixirMap = set:
          toEntry = name: value: "${toElixir name} => ${toElixir value}";
          entries = lib.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.mapAttrsToList toEntry set);

      tuple = values: "{${listContent values}}";

      toConf = values:
          keyConfig = rootKey: key: value:
            "config ${rootKey}, ${key}, ${toElixir value}";
          keyConfigs = rootKey: values: lib.mapAttrsToList (keyConfig rootKey) values;
          rootConfigs = lib.flatten (lib.mapAttrsToList keyConfigs values);
          import Config

          ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" rootConfigs}
      type = let
        valueType = nullOr
          (oneOf [
            (attrsOf valueType)
            (listOf valueType)
          ]) // {
          description = "Elixir value";
      attrsOf (attrsOf (valueType));

      lib =
          mkRaw = value: {
            inherit value;
            _elixirType = "raw";

          inherit mkRaw;

          /* Fetch an environment variable at runtime, with optional fallback
          mkGetEnv = { envVariable, fallback ? null }:
            mkRaw "System.get_env(${toElixir envVariable}, ${toElixir fallback})";

          /* Make an Elixir atom.

            Note: lowercase atoms still need to be prefixed by ':'
          mkAtom = value: {
            inherit value;
            _elixirType = "atom";

          /* Make an Elixir tuple out of a list.
          mkTuple = value: {
            inherit value;
            _elixirType = "tuple";

          /* Make an Elixir map out of an attribute set.
          mkMap = value: {
            inherit value;
            _elixirType = "map";

          /* Contains Elixir types. Every type it exports can also be replaced
             by raw Elixir code (i.e. every type is `either type rawElixir`).

             It also reexports standard types, wrapping them so that they can
             also be raw Elixir.
          types = let
            isElixirType = type: x: (x._elixirType or "") == type;

            rawElixir = mkOptionType {
              name = "rawElixir";
              description = "raw elixir";
              check = isElixirType "raw";

            elixirOr = other: either other rawElixir;
            inherit rawElixir elixirOr;

            atom = elixirOr (mkOptionType {
              name = "elixirAtom";
              description = "elixir atom";
              check = isElixirType "atom";

            tuple = elixirOr (mkOptionType {
              name = "elixirTuple";
              description = "elixir tuple";
              check = isElixirType "tuple";

            map = elixirOr (mkOptionType {
              name = "elixirMap";
              description = "elixir map";
              check = isElixirType "map";
            # Wrap standard types, since anything in the Elixir configuration
            # can be raw Elixir
          } // lib.mapAttrs (_name: type: elixirOr type) lib.types;

      generate = name: value: pkgs.runCommand name
          value = toConf value;
          passAsFile = [ "value" ];
          nativeBuildInputs = [ elixir ];
          preferLocalBuild = true;
        } ''
        cp "$valuePath" "$out"
        mix format "$out"

  # Outputs a succession of Python variable assignments
  # Useful for many Django-based services
  pythonVars = {}: {
    type = let
      valueType = nullOr(oneOf [
        (attrsOf valueType)
        (listOf valueType)
      ]) // {
        description = "Python value";
    in attrsOf valueType;
    generate = name: value: pkgs.callPackage ({ runCommand, python3, black }: runCommand name {
      nativeBuildInputs = [ python3 black ];
      value = builtins.toJSON value;
      pythonGen = ''
        import json
        import os

        with open(os.environ["valuePath"], "r") as f:
            for key, value in json.load(f).items():
                print(f"{key} = {repr(value)}")
      passAsFile = [ "value" "pythonGen" ];
      preferLocalBuild = true;
    } ''
      cat "$valuePath"
      python3 "$pythonGenPath" > $out
      black $out
    '') {};
