import ../make-test-python.nix ( { pkgs, lib, k3s, ... }: let imageEnv = pkgs.buildEnv { name = "k3s-pause-image-env"; paths = with pkgs; [ tini (hiPrio coreutils) busybox ]; }; pauseImage = pkgs.dockerTools.streamLayeredImage { name = "test.local/pause"; tag = "local"; contents = imageEnv; config.Entrypoint = [ "/bin/tini" "--" "/bin/sleep" "inf" ]; }; testPodYaml = pkgs.writeText "test.yml" '' apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: test spec: containers: - name: test image: test.local/pause:local imagePullPolicy: Never command: ["sh", "-c", "sleep inf"] ''; in { name = "${}-single-node"; meta.maintainers = k3s.meta.maintainers; nodes.machine = { pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ k3s gzip ]; # k3s uses enough resources the default vm fails. virtualisation.memorySize = 1536; virtualisation.diskSize = 4096; services.k3s.enable = true; services.k3s.role = "server"; services.k3s.package = k3s; # Slightly reduce resource usage services.k3s.extraFlags = builtins.toString [ "--disable" "coredns" "--disable" "local-storage" "--disable" "metrics-server" "--disable" "servicelb" "--disable" "traefik" "--pause-image" "test.local/pause:local" ]; users.users = { noprivs = { isNormalUser = true; description = "Can't access k3s by default"; password = "*"; }; }; }; testScript = '' start_all() machine.wait_for_unit("k3s") machine.succeed("kubectl cluster-info")"sudo -u noprivs kubectl cluster-info") '' # Fix-Me: Tests fail for 'aarch64-linux' as: "CONFIG_CGROUP_FREEZER: missing (fail)" + lib.optionalString (!pkgs.stdenv.isAarch64) ''machine.succeed("k3s check-config")'' + '' machine.succeed( "${pauseImage} | ctr image import -" ) # Also wait for our service account to show up; it takes a sec machine.wait_until_succeeds("kubectl get serviceaccount default") machine.succeed("kubectl apply -f ${testPodYaml}") machine.succeed("kubectl wait --for 'condition=Ready' pod/test") machine.succeed("kubectl delete -f ${testPodYaml}") # regression test for #176445"journalctl -o cat -u k3s.service | grep 'ipset utility not found'") with subtest("Run k3s-killall"): # Call the killall script with a clean path to assert that # all required commands are wrapped output = machine.succeed("PATH= ${k3s}/bin/ 2>&1 | tee /dev/stderr") assert "command not found" not in output, "killall script contains unknown command" # Check that killall cleaned up properly"systemctl is-active k3s.service")"systemctl list-units | grep containerd")"ip link show | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | grep -e flannel -e cni0")"ip netns show | grep cni-") machine.shutdown() ''; } )