# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Luke Granger-Brown # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 { depot, lib, pkgs, rebuilder, config, ... }: let inherit (depot.ops) secrets; in { boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "sd_mod" "ahci" "usb_storage" "usbhid" ]; boot.kernelParams = [ "mitigations=off" ]; fileSystems = { "/" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/fc964ef6-e3d0-4472-bc0e-f96f977ebf11"; fsType = "ext4"; }; "/boot" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/AB36-5BE4"; fsType = "vfat"; }; }; nix.maxJobs = lib.mkDefault 4; # Use the systemd-boot EFI boot loader. boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; # Networking! networking = { hostName = "swann"; # Define your hostname. domain = "int.as205479.net"; nameservers = ["" ""]; useDHCP = false; interfaces = { ens-virginmedia = { useDHCP = true; }; ens-general = { ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 23; } ]; ipv6.addresses = [ { address = "2a02:88fd:f:d::2"; prefixLength = 64; } ]; ipv6.routes = [ { address = "2a02:88fd:f:d::"; prefixLength = 64; options.metric = 100; } ]; }; }; }; my.ip.tailscale = ""; services.udev.extraRules = '' ATTR{address}=="e4:3a:6e:16:07:62", NAME="ens-virginmedia" ATTR{address}=="e4:3a:6e:16:07:67", NAME="ens-general" ''; boot.kernel.sysctl = { "net.ipv4.ip_forward" = "1"; "net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding" = "1"; "net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding" = "1"; "net.ipv6.conf.ens-virginmedia.accept_ra" = "2"; }; networking.nat = { enable = true; externalInterface = "ens-virginmedia"; internalInterfaces = ["ens-general"]; forwardPorts = [ { destination = ""; proto = "tcp"; sourcePort = 10022; } { destination = ""; proto = "udp"; sourcePort = 41641; } { destination = ""; proto = "tcp"; sourcePort = 80; } { destination = ""; proto = "tcp"; sourcePort = 443; } # IPFS { destination = ""; proto = "tcp"; sourcePort = 4001; } { destination = ""; proto = "udp"; sourcePort = 4001; } ]; }; services.dhcpd4 = { enable = true; interfaces = ["ens-general"]; authoritative = true; extraConfig = '' subnet netmask { option subnet-mask; option routers; option domain-name-servers; option domain-name "house.as205479.net"; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 3600; range; } ''; machines = [ { hostName = "totoro"; ethernetAddress = "40:8d:5c:1f:e8:68"; ipAddress = ""; } { hostName = "totoro-pfsense"; ethernetAddress = "52:54:00:cf:cd:94"; ipAddress = ""; } { hostName = "kvm"; ethernetAddress = "00:0d:5d:1b:14:ba"; ipAddress = ""; } ]; }; networking.localCommands = '' tc qdisc del dev ens-virginmedia root || true tc qdisc add dev ens-virginmedia root cake bandwidth 20Mbit docsis nat dual-srchost ip link add name ifb-virginmedia type ifb || true tc qdisc del dev ens-virginmedia ingress || true tc qdisc add dev ens-virginmedia handle ffff: ingress tc qdisc del dev ifb-virginmedia root || true tc qdisc add dev ifb-virginmedia root cake bandwidth 450Mbit besteffort docsis nat wash dual-dsthost ip link set dev ifb-virginmedia up tc filter add dev ens-virginmedia parent ffff: matchall action mirred egress redirect dev ifb-virginmedia ''; services.unifi = { enable = true; openPorts = false; }; services.prometheus.exporters.unifi-poller = { enable = true; controllers = [{ url = "https://localhost:8443"; verify_ssl = false; user = "unifipoller"; pass = pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "unifipoller-password"; text = "unifipoller"; }; }]; }; networking.firewall = { interfaces.ens-general = { allowedTCPPorts = [ 8080 6789 # Unifi 53 # DNS ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ 3478 10001 # Unifi 53 # DNS ]; }; }; services.ddclient = { enable = false; protocol = "cloudflare"; domains = ["home.lukegb.com"]; zone = "lukegb.com"; password = secrets.cloudflareCredentials.token; use = "if"; extraConfig = '' if=ens-virginmedia daemon=0 ''; }; systemd.services.ddclient.serviceConfig.ExecStart = let ddclient = pkgs.perlPackages.buildPerlPackage rec { pname = "ddclient"; version = "3.9.1"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "ddclient"; repo = "ddclient"; rev = "11a583b003920f8e15591813598b70061d1a4654"; sha256 = "sha256:1xz09vkii3mc2jmfwx9is07i06iiryv51571vdnl4m5mdnvsmlwb"; }; outputs = [ "out" ]; doCheck = false; buildInputs = with pkgs.perlPackages; [ IOSocketSSL DigestSHA1 DataValidateIP JSONPP ]; nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ autoreconfHook makeWrapper ]; preConfigure = '' touch Makefile.PL ''; postInstall = '' patchShebangs $out/bin/ddclient wrapProgram $out/bin/ddclient \ --suffix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath (with pkgs; [ pkgs.iproute ])} \ --prefix PERL5LIB : $PERL5LIB ''; }; RuntimeDirectory = "ddclient"; in lib.mkForce "${lib.getBin ddclient}/bin/ddclient -file /run/${RuntimeDirectory}/ddclient.conf"; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; []; services.coredns = { enable = true; config = '' .:53 { bind acl { allow net block } loadbalance forward . tls:// tls:// { tls_servername dns.google } cache { success 4096 denial 1024 prefetch 512 } prometheus :9153 errors log } ''; }; my.prometheus.additionalExporterPorts.coredns = 9153; networking.resolvconf.extraConfig = '' name_servers='' ''; services.prometheus.exporters.smokeping = { enable = true; hosts = [ "" # Google Public DNS "2001:4860:4860::8888" "youtube.com" "ads.google.com" "google.com" "" # Cloudflare DNS "2606:4700:4700::1111" "twitter.com" "store.steampowered.com" "api.steampowered.com" "prod.euw1.lol.riotgames.com" # League of Legends EUW "eu.battle.net" "" "" # Diablo 3/HotS/Hearthstone "" # Overwatch ]; }; # This is cursed. services.ndppd = { enable = true; proxies.ens-virginmedia = { router = false; rules."2a02:88fd:f:d::/64" = { method = "iface"; interface = "ens-general"; }; }; }; networking.dhcpcd.extraConfig = '' noipv6rs interface ens-virginmedia ipv6rs iaid 1 ia_na 2 ia_pd 3 ens-general/1/64 ''; services.radvd = { enable = true; config = '' interface ens-general { AdvSendAdvert on; MaxRtrAdvInterval 60; AdvDefaultLifetime 180; prefix 2a02:88fd:f:d::/64 { AdvValidLifetime 7200; AdvPreferredLifetime 3600; }; }; ''; }; system.stateVersion = "21.03"; }