{ mkDerivation, haskellPackages, fetchFromGitHub, lib, }: let # deadd-notification-center.service systemd-service = '' [Unit] Description=Deadd Notification Center PartOf=graphical-session.target [Service] Type=dbus BusName=org.freedesktop.Notifications ExecStart=$out/bin/deadd-notification-center [Install] WantedBy=graphical-session.target ''; in mkDerivation rec { pname = "deadd-notification-center"; version = "2.1.1"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "phuhl"; repo = "linux_notification_center"; rev = version; hash = "sha256-VU9NaQVS0n8hFRjWMvCMkaF5mZ4hpnluV31+/SAK7tU="; }; isLibrary = false; isExecutable = true; libraryHaskellDepends = with haskellPackages; [ aeson base bytestring ConfigFile containers dbus directory env-locale filepath gi-cairo gi-gdk gi-gdkpixbuf gi-gio gi-glib gi-gobject gi-gtk gi-pango haskell-gettext haskell-gi haskell-gi-base hdaemonize here lens mtl process regex-tdfa setlocale split stm tagsoup text time transformers tuple unix yaml ]; executableHaskellDepends = with haskellPackages; [ base ]; # Test suite does nothing. doCheck = false; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace src/NotificationCenter.hs \ --replace '/etc/xdg/deadd/deadd.css' "$out/etc/deadd.css" ''; # Add systemd user unit and install default style. postInstall = '' mkdir -p $out/lib/systemd/user install -Dm644 style.css $out/etc/deadd.css echo "${systemd-service}" > $out/lib/systemd/user/deadd-notification-center.service ''; description = "Haskell-written notification center for users that like a desktop with style"; homepage = "https://github.com/phuhl/linux_notification_center"; license = lib.licenses.bsd3; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ melkor333 sna ]; platforms = lib.platforms.linux; mainProgram = "deadd-notification-center"; }