diff --git a/tools/install.pl b/tools/install.pl
index f09218f..a63de58 100644
--- a/tools/install.pl
+++ b/tools/install.pl
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use Config;
 use feature    qw(say);
 use File::Path qw(make_path);
+use File::Copy qw(copy);
 #Vendor dependencies
 my @vendor_css = (
@@ -90,32 +91,6 @@ if ( $ENV{HOMEBREW_FORMULA_PREFIX} ) {
     $cpanopt = " -l " . $ENV{HOMEBREW_FORMULA_PREFIX} . "/libexec";
-#Load IPC::Cmd
-install_package( "IPC::Cmd",         $cpanopt );
-install_package( "Config::AutoConf", $cpanopt );
-require Config::AutoConf;
-say("\r\nWill now check if all LRR software dependencies are met. \r\n");
-#Check for Redis
-say("Checking for Redis...");
-  or die 'NOT FOUND! Please install a Redis server before proceeding.';
-#Check for GhostScript
-say("Checking for GhostScript...");
-  or warn 'NOT FOUND! PDF support will not work properly. Please install the "gs" tool.';
-#Check for libarchive
-say("Checking for libarchive...");
-  or die 'NOT FOUND! Please install libarchive and ensure its headers are present.';
 #Check for PerlMagick
 say("Checking for ImageMagick/PerlMagick...");
 my $imgk;
@@ -135,37 +110,11 @@ if ($@) {
-#Build & Install CPAN Dependencies
-if ( $back || $full ) {
-    say("\r\nInstalling Perl modules... This might take a while.\r\n");
-    if ( $Config{"osname"} ne "darwin" ) {
-        say("Installing Linux::Inotify2 for non-macOS systems... (This will do nothing if the package is there already)");
-        install_package( "Linux::Inotify2", $cpanopt );
-    }
-    if ( system( "cpanm --installdeps ./tools/. --notest" . $cpanopt ) != 0 ) {
-        die "Something went wrong while installing Perl modules - Bailing out.";
-    }
 #Clientside Dependencies with Provisioning
 if ( $front || $full ) {
-    say("\r\nObtaining remote Web dependencies...\r\n");
-    my $npmcmd = $legacy ? "npm install" : "npm ci";
-    if ( system($npmcmd) != 0 ) {
-        die "Something went wrong while obtaining node modules - Bailing out.";
-    }
-    #Load File::Copy
-    install_package( "File::Copy", $cpanopt );
-    File::Copy->import("copy");
     make_path getcwd . "/public/css/vendor";
     make_path getcwd . "/public/css/webfonts";
     make_path getcwd . "/public/js/vendor";
@@ -212,19 +161,3 @@ sub cp_node_module {
-sub install_package {
-    my $package = $_[0];
-    my $cpanopt = $_[1];
-    ## no critic
-    eval "require $package";    #Run-time evals are needed here to check if the package has been properly installed.
-    ## use critic
-    if ($@) {
-        say("$package not installed! Trying to install now using cpanm$cpanopt");
-        system("cpanm $package $cpanopt");
-    } else {
-        say("$package package installed, proceeding...");
-    }