{ lib
, stdenv
, callPackage
, resholve
, shunit2
, coreutils
, gnused
, gnugrep
, findutils
, jq
, bash
, bats
, libressl
, openssl
, python27
, file
, gettext
, rSrc
, runDemo ? false
, binlore
, sqlite
, unixtools
, gawk
, rlwrap
, gnutar
, bc
# override testing
, esh
, getconf
, libarchive
, locale
, mount
, ncurses
, nixos-install-tools
, nixos-rebuild
, procps
, ps
# known consumers
, aaxtomp3
, arch-install-scripts
, bashup-events32
, dgoss
, git-ftp
, ix
, lesspipe
, locate-dominating-file
, mons
, msmtp
, nix-direnv
, pdf2odt
, pdfmm
, rancid
, s0ix-selftest-tool
, unix-privesc-check
, wgnord
, wsl-vpnkit
, xdg-utils
, yadm
, zxfer

  default_packages = [ bash file findutils gettext ];
  parsed_packages = [ coreutils sqlite unixtools.script gnused gawk findutils rlwrap gnutar bc ];
rec {
  module1 = resholve.mkDerivation {
    pname = "testmod1";
    version = "unreleased";

    src = rSrc;
    setSourceRoot = "sourceRoot=$(echo */tests/nix/libressl)";

    installPhase = ''
      mkdir -p $out/{bin,submodule}
      install libressl.sh $out/bin/libressl.sh
      install submodule/helper.sh $out/submodule/helper.sh

    solutions = {
      libressl = {
        # submodule to demonstrate
        scripts = [ "bin/libressl.sh" "submodule/helper.sh" ];
        interpreter = "none";
        inputs = [ jq module2 libressl.bin ];

    is_it_okay_with_arbitrary_envs = "shonuff";
  module2 = resholve.mkDerivation {
    pname = "testmod2";
    version = "unreleased";

    src = rSrc;
    setSourceRoot = "sourceRoot=$(echo */tests/nix/openssl)";

    installPhase = ''
      mkdir -p $out/bin $out/libexec
      install openssl.sh $out/bin/openssl.sh
      install libexec.sh $out/libexec/invokeme
      install profile $out/profile
    solutions = {
      openssl = {
        fix = {
          aliases = true;
        scripts = [ "bin/openssl.sh" "libexec/invokeme" ];
        interpreter = "none";
        inputs = [ shunit2 openssl.bin "libexec" "libexec/invokeme" ];
        execer = [
            This is the same verdict binlore will
            come up with. It's a no-op just to demo
            how to fiddle lore via the Nix API.
          # different verdict, but not used
      profile = {
        scripts = [ "profile" ];
        interpreter = "none";
        inputs = [ ];
  # demonstrate that we could use resholve in larger build
  module3 = stdenv.mkDerivation {
    pname = "testmod3";
    version = "unreleased";

    src = rSrc;
    setSourceRoot = "sourceRoot=$(echo */tests/nix/future_perfect_tense)";

    installPhase = ''
      mkdir -p $out/bin
      install conjure.sh $out/bin/conjure.sh
      ${resholve.phraseSolution "conjure" {
        scripts = [ "bin/conjure.sh" ];
        interpreter = "${bash}/bin/bash";
        inputs = [ module1 ];
        fake = {
          external = [ "jq" "openssl" ];

  cli = stdenv.mkDerivation {
    name = "resholve-test";
    src = rSrc;

    dontBuild = true;

    installPhase = ''
      mkdir $out
      cp *.ansi $out/

    doCheck = true;
    buildInputs = [ resholve ];
    nativeCheckInputs = [ coreutils bats ];

    # default path
    RESHOLVE_PATH = "${lib.makeBinPath default_packages}";
    # but separate packages for combining as needed
    PKG_FILE = "${lib.makeBinPath [ file ]}";
    PKG_FINDUTILS = "${lib.makeBinPath [ findutils ]}";
    PKG_GETTEXT = "${lib.makeBinPath [ gettext ]}";
    PKG_COREUTILS = "${lib.makeBinPath [ coreutils ]}";
    RESHOLVE_LORE = "${binlore.collect { drvs = default_packages ++ [ coreutils ] ++ parsed_packages; } }";
    PKG_PARSED = "${lib.makeBinPath parsed_packages}";

    # explicit interpreter for demo suite; maybe some better way...
    INTERP = "${bash}/bin/bash";

    checkPhase = ''
      patchShebangs .
      mkdir empty_lore
      touch empty_lore/{execers,wrappers}
      export EMPTY_LORE=$PWD/empty_lore
      printf "\033[33m============================= resholve test suite ===================================\033[0m\n" > test.ansi
      if ./test.sh &>> test.ansi; then
        cat test.ansi
        cat test.ansi && exit 1
    '' + lib.optionalString runDemo ''
      printf "\033[33m============================= resholve demo ===================================\033[0m\n" > demo.ansi
      if ./demo &>> demo.ansi; then
        cat demo.ansi
        cat demo.ansi && exit 1

  # Caution: ci.nix asserts the equality of both of these w/ diff
  resholvedScript = resholve.writeScript "resholved-script" {
    inputs = [ file ];
    interpreter = "${bash}/bin/bash";
  } ''
    echo "Hello"
    file .
  resholvedScriptBin = resholve.writeScriptBin "resholved-script-bin" {
    inputs = [ file ];
    interpreter = "${bash}/bin/bash";
  } ''
    echo "Hello"
    file .
  resholvedScriptBinNone = resholve.writeScriptBin "resholved-script-bin" {
    inputs = [ file ];
    interpreter = "none";
  } ''
    echo "Hello"
    file .
  # spot-check lore overrides
  loreOverrides = resholve.writeScriptBin "verify-overrides" {
    inputs = [
    ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux [
    interpreter = "none";
    execer = [
    fix = {
      mount = true;
  } (''
    env b2sum fake args
    b2sum fake args
    esh fake args
    getconf fake args
    bsdtar fake args
    locale fake args
    mount fake args
    reset fake args
    tput fake args
    tset fake args
    ps fake args
    top fake args
  '' + lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux ''
    nixos-generate-config fake args
    nixos-rebuild fake args

  # ensure known consumers in nixpkgs keep working
  inherit aaxtomp3;
  inherit bashup-events32;
  inherit bats;
  inherit git-ftp;
  inherit ix;
  inherit lesspipe;
  inherit locate-dominating-file;
  inherit mons;
  inherit msmtp;
  inherit nix-direnv;
  inherit pdf2odt;
  inherit pdfmm;
  inherit shunit2;
  inherit xdg-utils;
  inherit yadm;
} // lib.optionalAttrs stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux {
  inherit arch-install-scripts;
  inherit dgoss;
  inherit rancid;
  inherit unix-privesc-check;
  inherit wgnord;
  inherit wsl-vpnkit;
  inherit zxfer;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux && (stdenv.hostPlatform.isi686 || stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86_64)) {
  inherit s0ix-selftest-tool;