{pkgs, lib}: {
  # Format for defining configuration of some PHP services, that use "include 'config.php';" approach.
  format = {finalVariable ? null}: let
    toPHP = value: {
        "null" = "null";
        "bool" = if value then "true" else "false";
        "int" = toString value;
        "float" = toString value;
        "string" = string value;
        "set" = attrs value;
        "list" = list value;
      .${builtins.typeOf value} or
        (abort "should never happen: unknown value type ${builtins.typeOf value}");

    # https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php#language.types.string.syntax.single
    escapeSingleQuotedString = lib.escape [ "'" "\\" ];
    string = value: "'${escapeSingleQuotedString value}'";

    listContent = values: lib.concatStringsSep ", " (map toPHP values);
    list = values: "[" + (listContent values) + "]";

    attrsContent = values: lib.pipe values [
      (lib.mapAttrsToList (k: v: "${toPHP k} => ${toPHP v}"))
      (lib.concatStringsSep ", ")
    attrs = set:
      if set ? _phpType then specialType set
          "[" + attrsContent set + "]";

    mixedArray = {list, set}: if list == [] then attrs set else "[${listContent list}, ${attrsContent set}]";

    specialType = {value, _phpType}: {
      "mixed_array" = mixedArray value;
      "raw" = value;

    type = with lib.types;
      nullOr (oneOf [
        (attrsOf type)
        (listOf type)
      // {
        description = "PHP value";
  in {

    inherit type;

    lib = {
      mkMixedArray = list: set: {_phpType = "mixed_array"; value = { inherit list set;}; };
      mkRaw = raw: {_phpType = "raw"; value = raw;};

    generate = name: value: pkgs.writeTextFile {
      inherit name;
      text = let
        # strict_types enabled here to easily debug problems when calling functions of incorrect type using `mkRaw`.
        phpHeader = "<?php\ndeclare(strict_types=1);\n";
      in if finalVariable == null then phpHeader + "return ${toPHP value};\n" else phpHeader + "\$${finalVariable} = ${toPHP value};\n";
