= Adding plugin, theme or language = To extend the wordpressPackages set, add a new line to the corresponding json file with the codename of the package: - `wordpress-languages.json` for language packs - `wordpress-themes.json` for themes - `wordpress-plugins.json` for plugins The codename is the last part in the url of the plugin or theme page, for example `cookie-notice` in in the url `https://wordpress.org/plugins/cookie-notice/` or `twentytwenty` in `https://wordpress.org/themes/twentytwenty/`. In case of language packages, the name consists of country and language codes. For example `de_DE` for country code `de` (Germany) and language `DE` (German). For available translations and language codes see [upstream translation repository](https://translate.wordpress.org). To regenerate the nixpkgs wordpressPackages set, run: ``` ./generate.sh ``` After that you can commit and submit the changes. = Usage with the Wordpress module = The plugins will be available in the namespace `wordpressPackages.plugins`. Using it together with the Wordpress module could look like this: ```nix { services.wordpress = { sites."blog.${config.networking.domain}" = { plugins = with pkgs.wordpressPackages.plugins; [ anti-spam-bee code-syntax-block cookie-notice lightbox-with-photoswipe wp-gdpr-compliance ]; }; }; } ``` The same scheme applies to `themes` and `languages`.