{ mkDerivation, lib, extra-cmake-modules, kdoctools, coreutils, dbus, gnugrep, gnused, libdbusmenu, pam, wayland, appstream, kdeclarative, kdelibs4support, kpeople, kconfig, krunner, kinit, kwayland, kwin, plasma-framework, telepathy, libphonenumber, protobuf, libqofono, modemmanager-qt, plasma-workspace, maliit-framework, maliit-keyboard, qtwayland, qttools }: let inherit (lib) getBin getLib; in mkDerivation { pname = "plasma-phone-components"; nativeBuildInputs = [ extra-cmake-modules kdoctools ]; buildInputs = [ appstream libdbusmenu pam wayland kdeclarative kdelibs4support kpeople kconfig krunner kinit kwayland kwin plasma-framework telepathy libphonenumber protobuf libqofono modemmanager-qt maliit-framework maliit-keyboard ]; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace bin/kwinwrapper.in \ --replace @KDE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBEXECDIR@ "${plasma-workspace}/libexec" substituteInPlace bin/plasma-mobile.desktop.cmake \ --replace @CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBEXECDIR@ "${plasma-workspace}/libexec" ''; # Ensures dependencies like libqofono (at the very least) are present for the shell. preFixup = '' wrapQtApp "$out/bin/kwinwrapper" ''; passthru.providedSessions = [ "plasma-mobile" ]; }