{ lib, ... }: rec { /** `fix f` computes the fixed point of the given function `f`. In other words, the return value is `x` in `x = f x`. `f` must be a lazy function. This means that `x` must be a value that can be partially evaluated, such as an attribute set, a list, or a function. This way, `f` can use one part of `x` to compute another part. **Relation to syntactic recursion** This section explains `fix` by refactoring from syntactic recursion to a call of `fix` instead. For context, Nix lets you define attributes in terms of other attributes syntactically using the [`rec { }` syntax](https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/language/constructs.html#recursive-sets). ```nix nix-repl> rec { foo = "foo"; bar = "bar"; foobar = foo + bar; } { bar = "bar"; foo = "foo"; foobar = "foobar"; } ``` This is convenient when constructing a value to pass to a function for example, but an equivalent effect can be achieved with the `let` binding syntax: ```nix nix-repl> let self = { foo = "foo"; bar = "bar"; foobar = self.foo + self.bar; }; in self { bar = "bar"; foo = "foo"; foobar = "foobar"; } ``` But in general you can get more reuse out of `let` bindings by refactoring them to a function. ```nix nix-repl> f = self: { foo = "foo"; bar = "bar"; foobar = self.foo + self.bar; } ``` This is where `fix` comes in, it contains the syntactic recursion that's not in `f` anymore. ```nix nix-repl> fix = f: let self = f self; in self; ``` By applying `fix` we get the final result. ```nix nix-repl> fix f { bar = "bar"; foo = "foo"; foobar = "foobar"; } ``` Such a refactored `f` using `fix` is not useful by itself. See [`extends`](#function-library-lib.fixedPoints.extends) for an example use case. There `self` is also often called `final`. # Inputs `f` : 1\. Function argument # Type ``` fix :: (a -> a) -> a ``` # Examples :::{.example} ## `lib.fixedPoints.fix` usage example ```nix fix (self: { foo = "foo"; bar = "bar"; foobar = self.foo + self.bar; }) => { bar = "bar"; foo = "foo"; foobar = "foobar"; } fix (self: [ 1 2 (elemAt self 0 + elemAt self 1) ]) => [ 1 2 3 ] ``` ::: */ fix = f: let x = f x; in x; /** A variant of `fix` that records the original recursive attribute set in the result, in an attribute named `__unfix__`. This is useful in combination with the `extends` function to implement deep overriding. # Inputs `f` : 1\. Function argument */ fix' = f: let x = f x // { __unfix__ = f; }; in x; /** Return the fixpoint that `f` converges to when called iteratively, starting with the input `x`. ``` nix-repl> converge (x: x / 2) 16 0 ``` # Inputs `f` : 1\. Function argument `x` : 2\. Function argument # Type ``` (a -> a) -> a -> a ``` */ converge = f: x: let x' = f x; in if x' == x then x else converge f x'; /** Extend a function using an overlay. Overlays allow modifying and extending fixed-point functions, specifically ones returning attribute sets. A fixed-point function is a function which is intended to be evaluated by passing the result of itself as the argument. This is possible due to Nix's lazy evaluation. A fixed-point function returning an attribute set has the form ```nix final: { # attributes } ``` where `final` refers to the lazily evaluated attribute set returned by the fixed-point function. An overlay to such a fixed-point function has the form ```nix final: prev: { # attributes } ``` where `prev` refers to the result of the original function to `final`, and `final` is the result of the composition of the overlay and the original function. Applying an overlay is done with `extends`: ```nix let f = final: { # attributes }; overlay = final: prev: { # attributes }; in extends overlay f; ``` To get the value of `final`, use `lib.fix`: ```nix let f = final: { # attributes }; overlay = final: prev: { # attributes }; g = extends overlay f; in fix g ``` :::{.note} The argument to the given fixed-point function after applying an overlay will *not* refer to its own return value, but rather to the value after evaluating the overlay function. The given fixed-point function is called with a separate argument than if it was evaluated with `lib.fix`. ::: :::{.example} # Extend a fixed-point function with an overlay Define a fixed-point function `f` that expects its own output as the argument `final`: ```nix-repl f = final: { # Constant value a a = 1; # b depends on the final value of a, available as final.a b = final.a + 2; } ``` Evaluate this using [`lib.fix`](#function-library-lib.fixedPoints.fix) to get the final result: ```nix-repl fix f => { a = 1; b = 3; } ``` An overlay represents a modification or extension of such a fixed-point function. Here's an example of an overlay: ```nix-repl overlay = final: prev: { # Modify the previous value of a, available as prev.a a = prev.a + 10; # Extend the attribute set with c, letting it depend on the final values of a and b c = final.a + final.b; } ``` Use `extends overlay f` to apply the overlay to the fixed-point function `f`. This produces a new fixed-point function `g` with the combined behavior of `f` and `overlay`: ```nix-repl g = extends overlay f ``` The result is a function, so we can't print it directly, but it's the same as: ```nix-repl g' = final: { # The constant from f, but changed with the overlay a = 1 + 10; # Unchanged from f b = final.a + 2; # Extended in the overlay c = final.a + final.b; } ``` Evaluate this using [`lib.fix`](#function-library-lib.fixedPoints.fix) again to get the final result: ```nix-repl fix g => { a = 11; b = 13; c = 24; } ``` ::: # Inputs `overlay` : The overlay to apply to the fixed-point function `f` : The fixed-point function # Type ``` extends :: (Attrs -> Attrs -> Attrs) # The overlay to apply to the fixed-point function -> (Attrs -> Attrs) # A fixed-point function -> (Attrs -> Attrs) # The resulting fixed-point function ``` # Examples :::{.example} ## `lib.fixedPoints.extends` usage example ```nix f = final: { a = 1; b = final.a + 2; } fix f => { a = 1; b = 3; } fix (extends (final: prev: { a = prev.a + 10; }) f) => { a = 11; b = 13; } fix (extends (final: prev: { b = final.a + 5; }) f) => { a = 1; b = 6; } fix (extends (final: prev: { c = final.a + final.b; }) f) => { a = 1; b = 3; c = 4; } ``` ::: */ extends = overlay: f: # The result should be thought of as a function, the argument of that function is not an argument to `extends` itself ( final: let prev = f final; in prev // overlay final prev ); /** Compose two overlay functions and return a single overlay function that combines them. For more details see: [composeManyExtensions](#function-library-lib.fixedPoints.composeManyExtensions). */ composeExtensions = f: g: final: prev: let fApplied = f final prev; prev' = prev // fApplied; in fApplied // g final prev'; /** Composes a list of [`overlays`](#chap-overlays) and returns a single overlay function that combines them. :::{.note} The result is produced by using the update operator `//`. This means nested values of previous overlays are not merged recursively. In other words, previously defined attributes are replaced, ignoring the previous value, unless referenced by the overlay; for example `final: prev: { foo = final.foo + 1; }`. ::: # Inputs `extensions` : A list of overlay functions :::{.note} The order of the overlays in the list is important. ::: : Each overlay function takes two arguments, by convention `final` and `prev`, and returns an attribute set. - `final` is the result of the fixed-point function, with all overlays applied. - `prev` is the result of the previous overlay function(s). # Type ``` # Pseudo code let # final prev # ↓ ↓ OverlayFn = { ... } -> { ... } -> { ... }; in composeManyExtensions :: ListOf OverlayFn -> OverlayFn ``` # Examples :::{.example} ## `lib.fixedPoints.composeManyExtensions` usage example ```nix let # The "original function" that is extended by the overlays. # Note that it doesn't have prev: as argument since no overlay function precedes it. original = final: { a = 1; }; # Each overlay function has 'final' and 'prev' as arguments. overlayA = final: prev: { b = final.c; c = 3; }; overlayB = final: prev: { c = 10; x = prev.c or 5; }; extensions = composeManyExtensions [ overlayA overlayB ]; # Caluculate the fixed point of all composed overlays. fixedpoint = lib.fix (lib.extends extensions original ); in fixedpoint => { a = 1; b = 10; c = 10; x = 3; } ``` ::: */ composeManyExtensions = lib.foldr (x: y: composeExtensions x y) (final: prev: { }); /** Create an overridable, recursive attribute set. For example: ``` nix-repl> obj = makeExtensible (final: { }) nix-repl> obj { __unfix__ = «lambda»; extend = «lambda»; } nix-repl> obj = obj.extend (final: prev: { foo = "foo"; }) nix-repl> obj { __unfix__ = «lambda»; extend = «lambda»; foo = "foo"; } nix-repl> obj = obj.extend (final: prev: { foo = prev.foo + " + "; bar = "bar"; foobar = final.foo + final.bar; }) nix-repl> obj { __unfix__ = «lambda»; bar = "bar"; extend = «lambda»; foo = "foo + "; foobar = "foo + bar"; } ``` */ makeExtensible = makeExtensibleWithCustomName "extend"; /** Same as `makeExtensible` but the name of the extending attribute is customized. # Inputs `extenderName` : 1\. Function argument `rattrs` : 2\. Function argument */ makeExtensibleWithCustomName = extenderName: rattrs: fix' ( self: (rattrs self) // { ${extenderName} = f: makeExtensibleWithCustomName extenderName (extends f rattrs); } ); /** Convert to an extending function (overlay). `toExtension` is the `toFunction` for extending functions (a.k.a. extensions or overlays). It converts a non-function or a single-argument function to an extending function, while returning a two-argument function as-is. That is, it takes a value of the shape `x`, `prev: x`, or `final: prev: x`, and returns `final: prev: x`, assuming `x` is not a function. This function takes care of the input to `stdenv.mkDerivation`'s `overrideAttrs` function. It bridges the gap between `<pkg>.overrideAttrs` before and after the overlay-style support. # Inputs `f` : The function or value to convert to an extending function. # Type ``` toExtension :: b' -> Any -> Any -> b' or toExtension :: (a -> b') -> Any -> a -> b' or toExtension :: (a -> a -> b) -> a -> a -> b where b' = ! Callable Set a = b = b' = AttrSet & ! Callable to make toExtension return an extending function. ``` # Examples :::{.example} ## `lib.fixedPoints.toExtension` usage example ```nix fix (final: { a = 0; c = final.a; }) => { a = 0; c = 0; }; fix (extends (toExtension { a = 1; b = 2; }) (final: { a = 0; c = final.a; })) => { a = 1; b = 2; c = 1; }; fix (extends (toExtension (prev: { a = 1; b = prev.a; })) (final: { a = 0; c = final.a; })) => { a = 1; b = 0; c = 1; }; fix (extends (toExtension (final: prev: { a = 1; b = prev.a; c = final.a + 1 })) (final: { a = 0; c = final.a; })) => { a = 1; b = 0; c = 2; }; ``` ::: */ toExtension = f: if lib.isFunction f then final: prev: let fPrev = f prev; in if lib.isFunction fPrev then # f is (final: prev: { ... }) f final prev else # f is (prev: { ... }) fPrev else # f is not a function; probably { ... } final: prev: f; }