{ config, options, pkgs, lib, ... }: let cfg = config.services.keycloak; opt = options.services.keycloak; inherit (lib) types mkMerge mkOption mkChangedOptionModule mkRenamedOptionModule mkRemovedOptionModule mkPackageOption concatStringsSep mapAttrsToList escapeShellArg mkIf optionalString optionals mkDefault literalExpression isAttrs literalMD maintainers catAttrs collect hasPrefix ; inherit (builtins) elem typeOf isInt isString hashString isPath ; prefixUnlessEmpty = prefix: string: optionalString (string != "") "${prefix}${string}"; in { imports = [ (mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "keycloak" "bindAddress" ] [ "services" "keycloak" "settings" "http-host" ]) (mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "keycloak" "forceBackendUrlToFrontendUrl"] [ "services" "keycloak" "settings" "hostname-strict-backchannel"]) (mkChangedOptionModule [ "services" "keycloak" "httpPort" ] [ "services" "keycloak" "settings" "http-port" ] (config: builtins.fromJSON config.services.keycloak.httpPort)) (mkChangedOptionModule [ "services" "keycloak" "httpsPort" ] [ "services" "keycloak" "settings" "https-port" ] (config: builtins.fromJSON config.services.keycloak.httpsPort)) (mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "keycloak" "frontendUrl" ] '' Set `services.keycloak.settings.hostname' and `services.keycloak.settings.http-relative-path' instead. NOTE: You likely want to set 'http-relative-path' to '/auth' to keep compatibility with your clients. See its description for more information. '') (mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "keycloak" "extraConfig" ] "Use `services.keycloak.settings' instead.") ]; options.services.keycloak = let inherit (types) bool str int nullOr attrsOf oneOf path enum package port; assertStringPath = optionName: value: if isPath value then throw '' services.keycloak.${optionName}: ${toString value} is a Nix path, but should be a string, since Nix paths are copied into the world-readable Nix store. '' else value; in { enable = mkOption { type = bool; default = false; example = true; description = '' Whether to enable the Keycloak identity and access management server. ''; }; sslCertificate = mkOption { type = nullOr path; default = null; example = "/run/keys/ssl_cert"; apply = assertStringPath "sslCertificate"; description = '' The path to a PEM formatted certificate to use for TLS/SSL connections. ''; }; sslCertificateKey = mkOption { type = nullOr path; default = null; example = "/run/keys/ssl_key"; apply = assertStringPath "sslCertificateKey"; description = '' The path to a PEM formatted private key to use for TLS/SSL connections. ''; }; plugins = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.path; default = [ ]; description = '' Keycloak plugin jar, ear files or derivations containing them. Packaged plugins are available through `pkgs.keycloak.plugins`. ''; }; database = { type = mkOption { type = enum [ "mysql" "mariadb" "postgresql" ]; default = "postgresql"; example = "mariadb"; description = '' The type of database Keycloak should connect to. ''; }; host = mkOption { type = str; default = "localhost"; description = '' Hostname of the database to connect to. ''; }; port = let dbPorts = { postgresql = 5432; mariadb = 3306; mysql = 3306; }; in mkOption { type = port; default = dbPorts.${cfg.database.type}; defaultText = literalMD "default port of selected database"; description = '' Port of the database to connect to. ''; }; useSSL = mkOption { type = bool; default = cfg.database.host != "localhost"; defaultText = literalExpression ''config.${opt.database.host} != "localhost"''; description = '' Whether the database connection should be secured by SSL / TLS. ''; }; caCert = mkOption { type = nullOr path; default = null; description = '' The SSL / TLS CA certificate that verifies the identity of the database server. Required when PostgreSQL is used and SSL is turned on. For MySQL, if left at `null`, the default Java keystore is used, which should suffice if the server certificate is issued by an official CA. ''; }; createLocally = mkOption { type = bool; default = true; description = '' Whether a database should be automatically created on the local host. Set this to false if you plan on provisioning a local database yourself. This has no effect if services.keycloak.database.host is customized. ''; }; name = mkOption { type = str; default = "keycloak"; description = '' Database name to use when connecting to an external or manually provisioned database; has no effect when a local database is automatically provisioned. To use this with a local database, set [](#opt-services.keycloak.database.createLocally) to `false` and create the database and user manually. ''; }; username = mkOption { type = str; default = "keycloak"; description = '' Username to use when connecting to an external or manually provisioned database; has no effect when a local database is automatically provisioned. To use this with a local database, set [](#opt-services.keycloak.database.createLocally) to `false` and create the database and user manually. ''; }; passwordFile = mkOption { type = path; example = "/run/keys/db_password"; apply = assertStringPath "passwordFile"; description = '' The path to a file containing the database password. ''; }; }; package = mkPackageOption pkgs "keycloak" { }; initialAdminPassword = mkOption { type = str; default = "changeme"; description = '' Initial password set for the `admin` user. The password is not stored safely and should be changed immediately in the admin panel. ''; }; themes = mkOption { type = attrsOf package; default = { }; description = '' Additional theme packages for Keycloak. Each theme is linked into subdirectory with a corresponding attribute name. Theme packages consist of several subdirectories which provide different theme types: for example, `account`, `login` etc. After adding a theme to this option you can select it by its name in Keycloak administration console. ''; }; settings = mkOption { type = lib.types.submodule { freeformType = attrsOf (nullOr (oneOf [ str int bool (attrsOf path) ])); options = { http-host = mkOption { type = str; default = ""; example = ""; description = '' On which address Keycloak should accept new connections. ''; }; http-port = mkOption { type = port; default = 80; example = 8080; description = '' On which port Keycloak should listen for new HTTP connections. ''; }; https-port = mkOption { type = port; default = 443; example = 8443; description = '' On which port Keycloak should listen for new HTTPS connections. ''; }; http-relative-path = mkOption { type = str; default = "/"; example = "/auth"; apply = x: if !(hasPrefix "/") x then "/" + x else x; description = '' The path relative to `/` for serving resources. ::: {.note} In versions of Keycloak using Wildfly (<17), this defaulted to `/auth`. If upgrading from the Wildfly version of Keycloak, i.e. a NixOS version before 22.05, you'll likely want to set this to `/auth` to keep compatibility with your clients. See for more information on migrating from Wildfly to Quarkus. ::: ''; }; hostname = mkOption { type = str; example = "keycloak.example.com"; description = '' The hostname part of the public URL used as base for all frontend requests. See for more information about hostname configuration. ''; }; hostname-backchannel-dynamic = mkOption { type = bool; default = false; example = true; description = '' Enables dynamic resolving of backchannel URLs, including hostname, scheme, port and context path. See for more information about hostname configuration. ''; }; proxy = mkOption { type = enum [ "edge" "reencrypt" "passthrough" "none" ]; default = "none"; example = "edge"; description = '' The proxy address forwarding mode if the server is behind a reverse proxy. - `edge`: Enables communication through HTTP between the proxy and Keycloak. - `reencrypt`: Requires communication through HTTPS between the proxy and Keycloak. - `passthrough`: Enables communication through HTTP or HTTPS between the proxy and Keycloak. See for more information. ''; }; }; }; example = literalExpression '' { hostname = "keycloak.example.com"; proxy = "reencrypt"; https-key-store-file = "/path/to/file"; https-key-store-password = { _secret = "/run/keys/store_password"; }; } ''; description = '' Configuration options corresponding to parameters set in {file}`conf/keycloak.conf`. Most available options are documented at . Options containing secret data should be set to an attribute set containing the attribute `_secret` - a string pointing to a file containing the value the option should be set to. See the example to get a better picture of this: in the resulting {file}`conf/keycloak.conf` file, the `https-key-store-password` key will be set to the contents of the {file}`/run/keys/store_password` file. ''; }; }; config = let # We only want to create a database if we're actually going to # connect to it. databaseActuallyCreateLocally = cfg.database.createLocally && cfg.database.host == "localhost"; createLocalPostgreSQL = databaseActuallyCreateLocally && cfg.database.type == "postgresql"; createLocalMySQL = databaseActuallyCreateLocally && elem cfg.database.type [ "mysql" "mariadb" ]; mySqlCaKeystore = pkgs.runCommand "mysql-ca-keystore" { } '' ${pkgs.jre}/bin/keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -alias MySQLCACert -file ${cfg.database.caCert} -keystore $out -storepass notsosecretpassword -noprompt ''; # Both theme and theme type directories need to be actual # directories in one hierarchy to pass Keycloak checks. themesBundle = pkgs.runCommand "keycloak-themes" { } '' linkTheme() { theme="$1" name="$2" mkdir "$out/$name" for typeDir in "$theme"/*; do if [ -d "$typeDir" ]; then type="$(basename "$typeDir")" mkdir "$out/$name/$type" for file in "$typeDir"/*; do ln -sn "$file" "$out/$name/$type/$(basename "$file")" done fi done } mkdir -p "$out" for theme in ${keycloakBuild}/themes/*; do if [ -d "$theme" ]; then linkTheme "$theme" "$(basename "$theme")" fi done ${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (name: theme: "linkTheme ${theme} ${escapeShellArg name}") cfg.themes)} ''; keycloakConfig = lib.generators.toKeyValue { mkKeyValue = lib.flip lib.generators.mkKeyValueDefault "=" { mkValueString = v: if isInt v then toString v else if isString v then v else if true == v then "true" else if false == v then "false" else if isSecret v then hashString "sha256" v._secret else throw "unsupported type ${typeOf v}: ${(lib.generators.toPretty {}) v}"; }; }; isSecret = v: isAttrs v && v ? _secret && isString v._secret; filteredConfig = lib.converge (lib.filterAttrsRecursive (_: v: ! elem v [{ } null])) cfg.settings; confFile = pkgs.writeText "keycloak.conf" (keycloakConfig filteredConfig); keycloakBuild = cfg.package.override { inherit confFile; plugins = cfg.package.enabledPlugins ++ cfg.plugins ++ (with cfg.package.plugins; [quarkus-systemd-notify quarkus-systemd-notify-deployment]); }; in mkIf cfg.enable { assertions = [ { assertion = (cfg.database.useSSL && cfg.database.type == "postgresql") -> (cfg.database.caCert != null); message = "A CA certificate must be specified (in 'services.keycloak.database.caCert') when PostgreSQL is used with SSL"; } { assertion = createLocalPostgreSQL -> config.services.postgresql.settings.standard_conforming_strings or true; message = "Setting up a local PostgreSQL db for Keycloak requires `standard_conforming_strings` turned on to work reliably"; } { assertion = cfg.settings.hostname-url or null == null; message = '' The option `services.keycloak.settings.hostname-url' has been removed. Set `services.keycloak.settings.hostname' instead. See [New Hostname options](https://www.keycloak.org/docs/25.0.0/upgrading/#new-hostname-options) for details. ''; } { assertion = cfg.settings.hostname-strict-backchannel or null == null; message = '' The option `services.keycloak.settings.hostname-strict-backchannel' has been removed. Set `services.keycloak.settings.hostname-backchannel-dynamic' instead. See [New Hostname options](https://www.keycloak.org/docs/25.0.0/upgrading/#new-hostname-options) for details. ''; } ]; environment.systemPackages = [ keycloakBuild ]; services.keycloak.settings = let postgresParams = concatStringsSep "&" ( optionals cfg.database.useSSL [ "ssl=true" ] ++ optionals (cfg.database.caCert != null) [ "sslrootcert=${cfg.database.caCert}" "sslmode=verify-ca" ] ); mariadbParams = concatStringsSep "&" ([ "characterEncoding=UTF-8" ] ++ optionals cfg.database.useSSL [ "useSSL=true" "requireSSL=true" "verifyServerCertificate=true" ] ++ optionals (cfg.database.caCert != null) [ "trustCertificateKeyStoreUrl=file:${mySqlCaKeystore}" "trustCertificateKeyStorePassword=notsosecretpassword" ]); dbProps = if cfg.database.type == "postgresql" then postgresParams else mariadbParams; in mkMerge [ { db = if cfg.database.type == "postgresql" then "postgres" else cfg.database.type; db-username = if databaseActuallyCreateLocally then "keycloak" else cfg.database.username; db-password._secret = cfg.database.passwordFile; db-url-host = cfg.database.host; db-url-port = toString cfg.database.port; db-url-database = if databaseActuallyCreateLocally then "keycloak" else cfg.database.name; db-url-properties = prefixUnlessEmpty "?" dbProps; db-url = null; } (mkIf (cfg.sslCertificate != null && cfg.sslCertificateKey != null) { https-certificate-file = "/run/keycloak/ssl/ssl_cert"; https-certificate-key-file = "/run/keycloak/ssl/ssl_key"; }) ]; systemd.services.keycloakPostgreSQLInit = mkIf createLocalPostgreSQL { after = [ "postgresql.service" ]; before = [ "keycloak.service" ]; bindsTo = [ "postgresql.service" ]; path = [ config.services.postgresql.package ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; User = "postgres"; Group = "postgres"; LoadCredential = [ "db_password:${cfg.database.passwordFile}" ]; }; script = '' set -o errexit -o pipefail -o nounset -o errtrace shopt -s inherit_errexit create_role="$(mktemp)" trap 'rm -f "$create_role"' EXIT # Read the password from the credentials directory and # escape any single quotes by adding additional single # quotes after them, following the rules laid out here: # https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-syntax-lexical.html#SQL-SYNTAX-CONSTANTS db_password="$(<"$CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/db_password")" db_password="''${db_password//\'/\'\'}" echo "CREATE ROLE keycloak WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '$db_password' CREATEDB" > "$create_role" psql -tAc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='keycloak'" | grep -q 1 || psql -tA --file="$create_role" psql -tAc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'keycloak'" | grep -q 1 || psql -tAc 'CREATE DATABASE "keycloak" OWNER "keycloak"' ''; }; systemd.services.keycloakMySQLInit = mkIf createLocalMySQL { after = [ "mysql.service" ]; before = [ "keycloak.service" ]; bindsTo = [ "mysql.service" ]; path = [ config.services.mysql.package ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; User = config.services.mysql.user; Group = config.services.mysql.group; LoadCredential = [ "db_password:${cfg.database.passwordFile}" ]; }; script = '' set -o errexit -o pipefail -o nounset -o errtrace shopt -s inherit_errexit # Read the password from the credentials directory and # escape any single quotes by adding additional single # quotes after them, following the rules laid out here: # https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/string-literals.html db_password="$(<"$CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/db_password")" db_password="''${db_password//\'/\'\'}" ( echo "SET sql_mode = 'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES';" echo "CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'keycloak'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$db_password';" echo "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS keycloak CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;" echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON keycloak.* TO 'keycloak'@'localhost';" ) | mysql -N ''; }; systemd.services.keycloak = let databaseServices = if createLocalPostgreSQL then [ "keycloakPostgreSQLInit.service" "postgresql.service" ] else if createLocalMySQL then [ "keycloakMySQLInit.service" "mysql.service" ] else [ ]; secretPaths = catAttrs "_secret" (collect isSecret cfg.settings); mkSecretReplacement = file: '' replace-secret ${hashString "sha256" file} $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/${baseNameOf file} /run/keycloak/conf/keycloak.conf ''; secretReplacements = lib.concatMapStrings mkSecretReplacement secretPaths; in { after = databaseServices; bindsTo = databaseServices; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; path = with pkgs; [ keycloakBuild openssl replace-secret ]; environment = { KC_HOME_DIR = "/run/keycloak"; KC_CONF_DIR = "/run/keycloak/conf"; }; serviceConfig = { LoadCredential = map (p: "${baseNameOf p}:${p}") secretPaths ++ optionals (cfg.sslCertificate != null && cfg.sslCertificateKey != null) [ "ssl_cert:${cfg.sslCertificate}" "ssl_key:${cfg.sslCertificateKey}" ]; User = "keycloak"; Group = "keycloak"; DynamicUser = true; RuntimeDirectory = "keycloak"; RuntimeDirectoryMode = "0700"; AmbientCapabilities = "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"; Type = "notify"; # Requires quarkus-systemd-notify plugin NotifyAccess = "all"; }; script = '' set -o errexit -o pipefail -o nounset -o errtrace shopt -s inherit_errexit umask u=rwx,g=,o= ln -s ${themesBundle} /run/keycloak/themes ln -s ${keycloakBuild}/providers /run/keycloak/ install -D -m 0600 ${confFile} /run/keycloak/conf/keycloak.conf ${secretReplacements} # Escape any backslashes in the db parameters, since # they're otherwise unexpectedly read as escape # sequences. sed -i '/db-/ s|\\|\\\\|g' /run/keycloak/conf/keycloak.conf '' + optionalString (cfg.sslCertificate != null && cfg.sslCertificateKey != null) '' mkdir -p /run/keycloak/ssl cp $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/ssl_{cert,key} /run/keycloak/ssl/ '' + '' export KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin export KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=${escapeShellArg cfg.initialAdminPassword} kc.sh --verbose start --optimized ''; }; services.postgresql.enable = mkDefault createLocalPostgreSQL; services.mysql.enable = mkDefault createLocalMySQL; services.mysql.package = let dbPkg = if cfg.database.type == "mariadb" then pkgs.mariadb else pkgs.mysql80; in mkIf createLocalMySQL (mkDefault dbPkg); }; meta.doc = ./keycloak.md; meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.talyz ]; }