{ lib , stdenv , callPackage , resholve , resholvePackage , shunit2 , coreutils , gnused , gnugrep , findutils , jq , bash , bats , libressl , openssl , python27 , file , gettext , rSrc , runDemo ? false , binlore }: let inherit (callPackage ./default.nix { }) resholve resholvePackage; # ourCoreutils = coreutils.override { singleBinary = false; }; /* TODO: wrapped copy of find so that we can eventually test our ability to see through wrappers. Unused for now. Note: grep can serve the negative case; grep doesn't match, and egrep is a shell wrapper for grep. */ # wrapfind = runCommand "wrapped-find" { } '' # source ${makeWrapper}/nix-support/setup-hook # makeWrapper ${findutils}/bin/find $out/bin/wrapped-find # ''; /* TODO: unrelated, but is there already a function (or would there be demand for one?) along the lines of: wrap = { drv, executable(s?), args ? { } }: that: - generates a sane output name - sources makewrapper - retargets real executable if already wrapped - wraps the executable I wonder because my first thought here was overrideAttrs, but I realized rebuilding just for a custom wrapper is an ongoing waste of time. If it is a common pattern in the wild, it would be a nice QoL improvement. */ in rec { re_shunit2 = with shunit2; resholvePackage { inherit pname src version installPhase; solutions = { shunit = { interpreter = "none"; scripts = [ "bin/shunit2" ]; inputs = [ coreutils gnused gnugrep findutils ]; # resholve's Nix API is analogous to the CLI flags # documented in 'man resholve' fake = { # "missing" functions shunit2 expects the user to declare function = [ "oneTimeSetUp" "oneTimeTearDown" "setUp" "tearDown" "suite" "noexec" ]; # shunit2 is both bash and zsh compatible, and in # some zsh-specific code it uses this non-bash builtin builtin = [ "setopt" ]; }; fix = { # stray absolute path; make it resolve from coreutils "/usr/bin/od" = true; }; keep = { # dynamically defined in shunit2:_shunit_mktempFunc eval = [ "shunit_condition_" "_shunit_test_" "_shunit_prepForSourcing" ]; # variables invoked as commands; long-term goal is to # resolve the *variable*, but that is complexish, so # this is where we are... "$__SHUNIT_CMD_ECHO_ESC" = true; "$_SHUNIT_LINENO_" = true; "$SHUNIT_CMD_TPUT" = true; }; }; }; }; module1 = resholvePackage { pname = "testmod1"; version = "unreleased"; src = rSrc; setSourceRoot = "sourceRoot=$(echo */tests/nix/libressl)"; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/{bin,submodule} install libressl.sh $out/bin/libressl.sh install submodule/helper.sh $out/submodule/helper.sh ''; solutions = { libressl = { # submodule to demonstrate scripts = [ "bin/libressl.sh" "submodule/helper.sh" ]; interpreter = "none"; inputs = [ jq module2 libressl.bin ]; }; }; is_it_okay_with_arbitrary_envs = "shonuff"; }; module2 = resholvePackage { pname = "testmod2"; version = "unreleased"; src = rSrc; setSourceRoot = "sourceRoot=$(echo */tests/nix/openssl)"; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/bin install openssl.sh $out/bin/openssl.sh install profile $out/profile ''; solutions = { openssl = { fix = { aliases = true; }; scripts = [ "bin/openssl.sh" ]; interpreter = "none"; inputs = [ re_shunit2 openssl.bin ]; execer = [ /* This is the same verdict binlore will come up with. It's a no-op just to demo how to fiddle lore via the Nix API. */ "cannot:${openssl.bin}/bin/openssl" # different verdict, but not used "can:${openssl.bin}/bin/c_rehash" ]; }; profile = { scripts = [ "profile" ]; interpreter = "none"; inputs = [ ]; }; }; }; module3 = resholvePackage { pname = "testmod3"; version = "unreleased"; src = rSrc; setSourceRoot = "sourceRoot=$(echo */tests/nix/future_perfect_tense)"; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/bin install conjure.sh $out/bin/conjure.sh ''; solutions = { conjure = { scripts = [ "bin/conjure.sh" ]; interpreter = "${bash}/bin/bash"; inputs = [ module1 ]; }; }; }; cli = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "resholve-test"; src = rSrc; installPhase = '' mkdir $out cp *.ansi $out/ ''; doCheck = true; buildInputs = [ resholve ]; checkInputs = [ coreutils bats python27 ]; # LOGLEVEL="DEBUG"; # default path RESHOLVE_PATH = "${lib.makeBinPath [ bash file findutils gettext ]}"; # but separate packages for combining as needed PKG_FILE = "${lib.makeBinPath [ file ]}"; PKG_FINDUTILS = "${lib.makeBinPath [ findutils ]}"; PKG_GETTEXT = "${lib.makeBinPath [ gettext ]}"; PKG_COREUTILS = "${lib.makeBinPath [ coreutils ]}"; RESHOLVE_LORE = "${binlore.collect { drvs = [ bash file findutils gettext coreutils ]; } }"; # explicit interpreter for demo suite; maybe some better way... INTERP = "${bash}/bin/bash"; checkPhase = '' patchShebangs . mkdir empty_lore touch empty_lore/{execers,wrappers} export EMPTY_LORE=$PWD/empty_lore printf "\033[33m============================= resholve test suite ===================================\033[0m\n" > test.ansi if ./test.sh &>> test.ansi; then cat test.ansi else cat test.ansi && exit 1 fi '' + lib.optionalString runDemo '' printf "\033[33m============================= resholve demo ===================================\033[0m\n" > demo.ansi if ./demo &>> demo.ansi; then cat demo.ansi else cat demo.ansi && exit 1 fi ''; }; }