{ lib , fetchurl , vscode-utils , unzip , patchelf , makeWrapper , icu , stdenv , openssl , mono }: let # Get as close as possible as the `package.json` required version. # This is what drives omnisharp. rtDepsSrcsFromJson = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./rt-deps-bin-srcs.json); rtDepsBinSrcs = builtins.mapAttrs (k: v: let # E.g: "OmniSharp-x86_64-linux" kSplit = builtins.split "(__)" k; name = builtins.elemAt kSplit 0; system = builtins.elemAt kSplit 2; in { inherit name system; installPath = v.installPath; binaries = v.binaries; bin-src = fetchurl { urls = v.urls; inherit (v) sha256; }; } ) rtDepsSrcsFromJson; rtDepBinSrcByName = bSrcName: rtDepsBinSrcs."${bSrcName}__${stdenv.targetPlatform.system}"; omnisharp = rtDepBinSrcByName "OmniSharp"; vsdbg = rtDepBinSrcByName "Debugger"; razor = rtDepBinSrcByName "Razor"; in vscode-utils.buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension { mktplcRef = { name = "csharp"; publisher = "ms-dotnettools"; version = "1.23.15"; sha256 = "0b74jr45zl7lzirjgj8s2lbf3viy9pbwlgjh055rcwmy77wcml1x"; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip patchelf makeWrapper ]; postPatch = '' declare ext_unique_id # See below as to why we cannot take the whole basename. ext_unique_id="$(basename "$out" | head -c 32)" # Fix 'Unable to connect to debuggerEventsPipeName .. exceeds the maximum length 107.' when # attempting to launch a specific test in debug mode. The extension attemps to open # a pipe in extension dir which would fail anyway. We change to target file path # to a path in tmp dir with a short name based on the unique part of the nix store path. # This is however a brittle patch as we're working on minified code. # Hence the attempt to only hold on stable names. # However, this really would better be fixed upstream. sed -i \ -E -e 's/(this\._pipePath=[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.join\()([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.getExtensionPath\(\)[^,]*,)/\1require("os").tmpdir(), "'"$ext_unique_id"'"\+/g' \ "$PWD/dist/extension.js" unzip_to() { declare src_zip="''${1?}" declare target_dir="''${2?}" mkdir -p "$target_dir" if unzip "$src_zip" -d "$target_dir"; then true elif [[ "1" -eq "$?" ]]; then 1>&2 echo "WARNING: unzip('$?' -> skipped files)." else 1>&2 echo "ERROR: unzip('$?')." fi } patchelf_add_icu_as_needed() { declare elf="''${1?}" declare icu_major_v="${ with builtins; head (splitVersion (parseDrvName icu.name).version)}" for icu_lib in icui18n icuuc icudata; do patchelf --add-needed "lib''${icu_lib}.so.$icu_major_v" "$elf" done } patchelf_common() { declare elf="''${1?}" patchelf_add_icu_as_needed "$elf" patchelf --add-needed "libssl.so" "$elf" patchelf --set-interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" \ --set-rpath "${lib.makeLibraryPath [ stdenv.cc.cc openssl.out icu.out ]}:\$ORIGIN" \ "$elf" } declare omnisharp_dir="$PWD/${omnisharp.installPath}" unzip_to "${omnisharp.bin-src}" "$omnisharp_dir" rm "$omnisharp_dir/bin/mono" ln -s -T "${mono}/bin/mono" "$omnisharp_dir/bin/mono" chmod a+x "$omnisharp_dir/run" touch "$omnisharp_dir/install.Lock" declare vsdbg_dir="$PWD/${vsdbg.installPath}" unzip_to "${vsdbg.bin-src}" "$vsdbg_dir" chmod a+x "$vsdbg_dir/vsdbg-ui" chmod a+x "$vsdbg_dir/vsdbg" touch "$vsdbg_dir/install.complete" touch "$vsdbg_dir/install.Lock" patchelf_common "$vsdbg_dir/vsdbg" patchelf_common "$vsdbg_dir/vsdbg-ui" declare razor_dir="$PWD/${razor.installPath}" unzip_to "${razor.bin-src}" "$razor_dir" chmod a+x "$razor_dir/rzls" touch "$razor_dir/install.Lock" patchelf_common "$razor_dir/rzls" ''; meta = with lib; { description = "C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp)"; homepage = "https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode"; license = licenses.mit; maintainers = [ maintainers.jraygauthier ]; platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ]; }; }