{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} , ... }: let heatshrink2 = pm: pm.buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "heatshrink2"; version = "0.11.0"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "eerimoq"; repo = "pyheatshrink"; rev = version; hash = "sha256:1122abg9yf3shbb3h6kzh8f8vmhgxy1w9ck0mjg1zqyncry2hwiz"; fetchSubmodules = true; }; propagatedBuildInputs = with pm; [ cython ]; }; python-with-deps = pkgs.python3.withPackages (pm: with pm; [ pillow (heatshrink2 pm) protobuf setuptools pyserial grpcio grpcio-tools ]); deps = with pkgs; [ gcc-arm-embedded openocd clang dfu-util git protobuf python-with-deps ]; in pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec { pname = "flipper-firmware"; version = "0.65.3-0827-RMv2"; src = pkgs.fetchgit { url = "https://github.com/RogueMaster/flipperzero-firmware-wPlugins.git"; rev = version; fetchSubmodules = true; sha256 = "09hmbvv5fgn4y2cz95kcq5lm1rkj776xv06haqhah0s823wk623m"; }; patches = [ ./fbt_assets_protobuf_version_from_changelog.patch ./no_version_git.patch ]; nativeBuildInputs = deps; WORKFLOW_BRANCH_OR_TAG = version; DIST_SUFFIX = ""; CUSTOM_FLIPPER_NAME = ""; FBT_NOENV = 1; FBT_NO_SYNC = 1; buildPhase = '' runHook preBuild mkdir -p $NIX_BUILD_TOP/bin ln -s $(command -v arm-none-eabi-gcc) $NIX_BUILD_TOP/bin/arm-none-eabi-cc export PATH=$NIX_BUILD_TOP/bin:$PATH export WORKFLOW_BRANCH_OR_TAG DIST_SUFFIX CUSTOM_FLIPPER_NAME ./fbt -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES --with-updater COMPACT=1 DEBUG=0 updater_package runHook postBuild ''; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall cp -r dist/f7-C $out runHook postInstall ''; passthru.deps = deps; }