import Head from 'next/head'
import Link from 'next/link'
import styles from '../../styles/Post.module.scss'
import HeaderNav from '../../lib/HeaderNav'
import HeroImage from '../../lib/HeroImage'

export default function NdiTools() {
  return (
    <div className={styles.container}>
      <HeaderNav />
      <HeroImage image="" credit={{ text: "Joshua Hanson, Unsplash", url: "" }} withGradient="bottom-black">
        NDI Tools Downloads
        <title>NDI Tools Downloads | Luke Granger-Brown</title>
        <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
        <meta name="robots" content="noindex" />

      <main className={styles.main}>
        <div className={}>
          <h1>NDI Downloads</h1>
          <p>By using any of these links, you agree to the NDI Terms.</p>
            <li><Link href="">NDI 5 Tools for Windows</Link> (<Link href="">cached 2022-07-15</Link>)</li>
            <li><Link href="">NDI Tools for Mac</Link> (<Link href="">cached 2022-07-15</Link>)</li>
            <li><Link href="">NDI Analysis for Windows</Link> (<Link href="">cached 2022-07-15</Link>)</li>
            <li><Link href="">NDI SDK Android (Windows installer)</Link> (<Link href="">cached 2022-07-15</Link>)</li>
            <li><Link href="">NDI SDK Windows</Link> (<Link href="">cached 2022-07-15</Link>)</li>
            <li><Link href="">NDI SDK iOS/macOS</Link> (<Link href="">cached 2022-07-15</Link>)</li>
            <li><Link href="">NDI SDK Linux</Link> (<Link href="">cached 2022-07-15</Link>)</li>