--- a/src/cpp/core/libclang/LibClang.cpp
+++ b/src/cpp/core/libclang/LibClang.cpp
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
    // we need to add in the associated libclang headers as
    // they are not discovered / used by default during compilation
-   FilePath llvmPath = s_libraryPath.getParent().getParent();
+   FilePath llvmPath("@libclang@");
    boost::format fmt("%1%/lib/clang/%2%/include");
    fmt % llvmPath.getAbsolutePath() % version.asString();
    std::string includePath = fmt.str();
@@ -74,47 +74,7 @@
 std::vector<std::string> systemClangVersions()
-   std::vector<std::string> clangVersions;
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
-   // NOTE: the version of libclang.dylib bundled with Xcode
-   // doesn't seem to work well when loaded as a library
-   // (there seems to be extra orchestration required to get
-   // include paths set up; easier to just depend on command
-   // line tools since we request their installation in other
-   // contexts as well)
-   clangVersions = {
-      "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/libclang.dylib"
-   };
-#elif defined(__unix__)
-   // default set of versions
-   clangVersions = {
-      "/usr/lib/libclang.so",
-      "/usr/lib/llvm/libclang.so",
-      "/usr/lib64/libclang.so",
-      "/usr/lib64/llvm/libclang.so",
-   };
-   // iterate through the set of available 'llvm' directories
-   for (const char* prefix : {"/usr/lib", "/usr/lib64"})
-   {
-      FilePath prefixPath(prefix);
-      if (!prefixPath.exists())
-         continue;
-      std::vector<FilePath> directories;
-      Error error = prefixPath.getChildren(directories);
-      if (error)
-         LOG_ERROR(error);
-      // generate a path for each 'llvm' directory
-      for (const FilePath& path : directories)
-         if (path.getFilename().find("llvm") == 0)
-            clangVersions.push_back(path.completePath("lib/libclang.so.1").getAbsolutePath());
-   }
-   return clangVersions;
+    return std::vector<std::string> { "@libclang.so@" };