# NIX-SPECIFIC OVERRIDES/PATCHES FOR HASKELL PACKAGES # # This file contains overrides which are needed because of Nix. For example, # some packages may need help finding the location of native libraries. In # general, overrides in this file are (mostly) due to one of the following reasons: # # * packages that hard code the location of native libraries, so they need to be patched/ # supplied the patch explicitly # * passing native libraries that are not detected correctly by cabal2nix # * test suites that fail due to some features not available in the nix sandbox # (networking being a common one) # # In general, this file should *not* contain overrides that fix build failures that could # also occur on standard, FHS-compliant non-Nix systems. For example, if tests have a compile # error, that is a bug in the package, and that failure has nothing to do with Nix. # # Common examples which should *not* be a part of this file: # # * overriding a specific version of a haskell library because some package fails # to build with a newer version. Such overrides have nothing to do with Nix itself, # and they would also be neccessary outside of Nix if you use the same set of # package versions. # * disabling tests that fail due to missing files in the tarball or compile errors # * disabling tests that require too much memory # * enabling/disabling certain features in packages # # If you have an override of this kind, see configuration-common.nix instead. { pkgs, haskellLib }: with haskellLib; # All of the overrides in this set should look like: # # foo = ... something involving super.foo ... # # but that means that we add `foo` attribute even if there is no `super.foo`! So if # you want to use this configuration for a package set that only contains a subset of # the packages that have overrides defined here, you'll end up with a set that contains # a bunch of attributes that trigger an evaluation error. # # To avoid this, we use `intersectAttrs` here so we never add packages that are not present # in the parent package set (`super`). self: super: builtins.intersectAttrs super { # Apply NixOS-specific patches. ghc-paths = appendPatch ./patches/ghc-paths-nix.patch super.ghc-paths; # fix errors caused by hardening flags epanet-haskell = disableHardening ["format"] super.epanet-haskell; # Link the proper version. zeromq4-haskell = super.zeromq4-haskell.override { zeromq = pkgs.zeromq4; }; # Use the default version of mysql to build this package (which is actually mariadb). # test phase requires networking mysql = dontCheck super.mysql; # CUDA needs help finding the SDK headers and libraries. cuda = overrideCabal (drv: { extraLibraries = (drv.extraLibraries or []) ++ [pkgs.linuxPackages.nvidia_x11]; configureFlags = (drv.configureFlags or []) ++ [ "--extra-lib-dirs=${pkgs.cudatoolkit.lib}/lib" "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.cudatoolkit}/include" ]; preConfigure = '' export CUDA_PATH=${pkgs.cudatoolkit} ''; }) super.cuda; nvvm = overrideCabal (drv: { preConfigure = '' export CUDA_PATH=${pkgs.cudatoolkit} ''; }) super.nvvm; cufft = overrideCabal (drv: { preConfigure = '' export CUDA_PATH=${pkgs.cudatoolkit} ''; }) super.cufft; # jni needs help finding libjvm.so because it's in a weird location. jni = overrideCabal (drv: { preConfigure = '' local libdir=( "${pkgs.jdk}/lib/openjdk/jre/lib/"*"/server" ) configureFlags+=" --extra-lib-dir=''${libdir[0]}" ''; }) super.jni; # The package doesn't know about the AL include hierarchy. # https://github.com/phaazon/al/issues/1 al = appendConfigureFlag "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.openal}/include/AL" super.al; # Won't find it's header files without help. sfml-audio = appendConfigureFlag "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.openal}/include/AL" super.sfml-audio; # avoid compiling twice by providing executable as a separate output (with small closure size) niv = enableSeparateBinOutput super.niv; ormolu = enableSeparateBinOutput super.ormolu; ghcid = enableSeparateBinOutput super.ghcid; hzk = overrideCabal (drv: { preConfigure = "sed -i -e /include-dirs/d hzk.cabal"; configureFlags = [ "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.zookeeper_mt}/include/zookeeper" ]; }) super.hzk; haskakafka = overrideCabal (drv: { preConfigure = "sed -i -e /extra-lib-dirs/d -e /include-dirs/d haskakafka.cabal"; configureFlags = [ "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.rdkafka}/include/librdkafka" ]; }) super.haskakafka; # library has hard coded directories that need to be removed. Reported upstream here https://github.com/haskell-works/hw-kafka-client/issues/32 hw-kafka-client = dontCheck (overrideCabal (drv: { preConfigure = "sed -i -e /extra-lib-dirs/d -e /include-dirs/d -e /librdkafka/d hw-kafka-client.cabal"; configureFlags = [ "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.rdkafka}/include/librdkafka" ]; }) super.hw-kafka-client); # Foreign dependency name clashes with another Haskell package. libarchive-conduit = super.libarchive-conduit.override { archive = pkgs.libarchive; }; # Heist's test suite requires system pandoc heist = overrideCabal (drv: { testToolDepends = [pkgs.pandoc]; }) super.heist; # https://github.com/NixOS/cabal2nix/issues/136 and https://github.com/NixOS/cabal2nix/issues/216 gio = disableHardening ["fortify"] (addPkgconfigDepend pkgs.glib (addBuildTool self.buildHaskellPackages.gtk2hs-buildtools super.gio)); glib = disableHardening ["fortify"] (addPkgconfigDepend pkgs.glib (addBuildTool self.buildHaskellPackages.gtk2hs-buildtools super.glib)); gtk3 = disableHardening ["fortify"] (super.gtk3.override { inherit (pkgs) gtk3; }); gtk = let gtk1 = addBuildTool self.buildHaskellPackages.gtk2hs-buildtools super.gtk; gtk2 = addPkgconfigDepend pkgs.gtk2 gtk1; gtk3 = disableHardening ["fortify"] gtk1; gtk4 = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then appendConfigureFlag "-fhave-quartz-gtk" gtk3 else gtk4; in gtk3; gtksourceview2 = addPkgconfigDepend pkgs.gtk2 super.gtksourceview2; gtk-traymanager = addPkgconfigDepend pkgs.gtk3 super.gtk-traymanager; # Add necessary reference to gtk3 package gi-dbusmenugtk3 = addPkgconfigDepend pkgs.gtk3 super.gi-dbusmenugtk3; hs-mesos = overrideCabal (drv: { # Pass _only_ mesos; the correct protobuf is propagated. extraLibraries = [ pkgs.mesos ]; preConfigure = "sed -i -e /extra-lib-dirs/d -e 's|, /usr/include, /usr/local/include/mesos||' hs-mesos.cabal"; }) super.hs-mesos; # These packages try to access the network. amqp = dontCheck super.amqp; amqp-conduit = dontCheck super.amqp-conduit; bitcoin-api = dontCheck super.bitcoin-api; bitcoin-api-extra = dontCheck super.bitcoin-api-extra; bitx-bitcoin = dontCheck super.bitx-bitcoin; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/926187/log/raw concurrent-dns-cache = dontCheck super.concurrent-dns-cache; digitalocean-kzs = dontCheck super.digitalocean-kzs; # https://github.com/KazumaSATO/digitalocean-kzs/issues/1 github-types = dontCheck super.github-types; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/1114046/nixlog/1/raw hadoop-rpc = dontCheck super.hadoop-rpc; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/527461/nixlog/2/raw hasql = dontCheck super.hasql; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/502489/nixlog/4/raw hasql-interpolate = dontCheck super.hasql-interpolate; # wants to connect to postgresql hasql-transaction = dontCheck super.hasql-transaction; # wants to connect to postgresql hjsonschema = overrideCabal (drv: { testTarget = "local"; }) super.hjsonschema; marmalade-upload = dontCheck super.marmalade-upload; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/501904/nixlog/1/raw mongoDB = dontCheck super.mongoDB; network-transport-tcp = dontCheck super.network-transport-tcp; network-transport-zeromq = dontCheck super.network-transport-zeromq; # https://github.com/tweag/network-transport-zeromq/issues/30 oidc-client = dontCheck super.oidc-client; # the spec runs openid against google.com pipes-mongodb = dontCheck super.pipes-mongodb; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/926195/log/raw pixiv = dontCheck super.pixiv; raven-haskell = dontCheck super.raven-haskell; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/502053/log/raw riak = dontCheck super.riak; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498763/log/raw scotty-binding-play = dontCheck super.scotty-binding-play; servant-router = dontCheck super.servant-router; serversession-backend-redis = dontCheck super.serversession-backend-redis; slack-api = dontCheck super.slack-api; # https://github.com/mpickering/slack-api/issues/5 socket = dontCheck super.socket; stackage = dontCheck super.stackage; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/501867/nixlog/1/raw textocat-api = dontCheck super.textocat-api; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/887011/log/raw warp = dontCheck super.warp; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/501073/nixlog/5/raw wreq = dontCheck super.wreq; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/501895/nixlog/1/raw wreq-sb = dontCheck super.wreq-sb; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/783948/log/raw wuss = dontCheck super.wuss; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/875964/nixlog/2/raw download = dontCheck super.download; http-client = dontCheck super.http-client; http-client-openssl = dontCheck super.http-client-openssl; http-client-tls = dontCheck super.http-client-tls; http-conduit = dontCheck super.http-conduit; transient-universe = dontCheck super.transient-universe; telegraph = dontCheck super.telegraph; typed-process = dontCheck super.typed-process; js-jquery = dontCheck super.js-jquery; hPDB-examples = dontCheck super.hPDB-examples; configuration-tools = dontCheck super.configuration-tools; # https://github.com/alephcloud/hs-configuration-tools/issues/40 tcp-streams = dontCheck super.tcp-streams; holy-project = dontCheck super.holy-project; mustache = dontCheck super.mustache; arch-web = dontCheck super.arch-web; # Tries to mess with extended POSIX attributes, but can't in our chroot environment. xattr = dontCheck super.xattr; # Needs access to locale data, but looks for it in the wrong place. scholdoc-citeproc = dontCheck super.scholdoc-citeproc; # Disable tests because they require a mattermost server mattermost-api = dontCheck super.mattermost-api; # Expect to find sendmail(1) in $PATH. mime-mail = appendConfigureFlag "--ghc-option=-DMIME_MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH=\"sendmail\"" super.mime-mail; # Help the test suite find system timezone data. tz = overrideCabal (drv: { preConfigure = "export TZDIR=${pkgs.tzdata}/share/zoneinfo"; }) super.tz; # Nix-specific workaround xmonad = appendPatch ./patches/xmonad-nix.patch (dontCheck super.xmonad); xmonad_0_17_0 = doDistribute (appendPatch ./patches/xmonad_0_17_0-nix.patch (super.xmonad_0_17_0)); # Need matching xmonad version xmonad-contrib_0_17_0 = doDistribute (super.xmonad-contrib_0_17_0.override { xmonad = self.xmonad_0_17_0; }); xmonad-extras_0_17_0 = doDistribute (super.xmonad-extras_0_17_0.override { xmonad = self.xmonad_0_17_0; xmonad-contrib = self.xmonad-contrib_0_17_0; }); # wxc supports wxGTX >= 3.0, but our current default version points to 2.8. # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/1331287/log/raw wxc = (addBuildDepend self.split super.wxc).override { wxGTK = pkgs.wxGTK30; }; wxcore = super.wxcore.override { wxGTK = pkgs.wxGTK30; }; # Test suite wants to connect to $DISPLAY. bindings-GLFW = dontCheck super.bindings-GLFW; gi-gtk-declarative = dontCheck super.gi-gtk-declarative; gi-gtk-declarative-app-simple = dontCheck super.gi-gtk-declarative-app-simple; hsqml = dontCheck (addExtraLibraries [pkgs.libGLU pkgs.libGL] (super.hsqml.override { qt5 = pkgs.qt5Full; })); monomer = dontCheck super.monomer; # Wants to check against a real DB, Needs freetds odbc = dontCheck (addExtraLibraries [ pkgs.freetds ] super.odbc); # Tests attempt to use NPM to install from the network into # /homeless-shelter. Disabled. purescript = dontCheck super.purescript; # Hardcoded include path poppler = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = '' sed -i -e 's,glib/poppler.h,poppler.h,' poppler.cabal sed -i -e 's,glib/poppler.h,poppler.h,' Graphics/UI/Gtk/Poppler/Structs.hsc ''; }) super.poppler; # Uses OpenGL in testing caramia = dontCheck super.caramia; # requires llvm 9 specifically https://github.com/llvm-hs/llvm-hs/#building-from-source llvm-hs = super.llvm-hs.override { llvm-config = pkgs.llvm_9; }; # Needs help finding LLVM. spaceprobe = addBuildTool self.buildHaskellPackages.llvmPackages.llvm super.spaceprobe; # Tries to run GUI in tests leksah = dontCheck (overrideCabal (drv: { executableSystemDepends = (drv.executableSystemDepends or []) ++ (with pkgs; [ gnome.adwaita-icon-theme # Fix error: Icon 'window-close' not present in theme ... wrapGAppsHook # Fix error: GLib-GIO-ERROR **: No GSettings schemas are installed on the system gtk3 # Fix error: GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser' is not installed ]); postPatch = (drv.postPatch or "") + '' for f in src/IDE/Leksah.hs src/IDE/Utils/ServerConnection.hs do substituteInPlace "$f" --replace "\"leksah-server\"" "\"${self.leksah-server}/bin/leksah-server\"" done ''; }) super.leksah); dyre = appendPatch # Dyre needs special support for reading the NIX_GHC env var. This is # available upstream in https://github.com/willdonnelly/dyre/pull/43, but # hasn't been released to Hackage as of dyre-0.9.1. Likely included in # next version. (pkgs.fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/willdonnelly/dyre/commit/c7f29d321aae343d6b314f058812dffcba9d7133.patch"; sha256 = "10m22k35bi6cci798vjpy4c2l08lq5nmmj24iwp0aflvmjdgscdb"; }) # dyre's tests appear to be trying to directly call GHC. (dontCheck super.dyre); # https://github.com/edwinb/EpiVM/issues/13 # https://github.com/edwinb/EpiVM/issues/14 epic = addExtraLibraries [pkgs.boehmgc pkgs.gmp] (addBuildTool self.buildHaskellPackages.happy super.epic); # https://github.com/ekmett/wl-pprint-terminfo/issues/7 wl-pprint-terminfo = addExtraLibrary pkgs.ncurses super.wl-pprint-terminfo; # https://github.com/bos/pcap/issues/5 pcap = addExtraLibrary pkgs.libpcap super.pcap; # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/53336 greenclip = addExtraLibrary pkgs.xorg.libXdmcp super.greenclip; # The cabal files for these libraries do not list the required system dependencies. miniball = overrideCabal (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ pkgs.miniball ]; }) super.miniball; SDL-image = overrideCabal (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ pkgs.SDL pkgs.SDL_image ] ++ drv.librarySystemDepends or []; }) super.SDL-image; SDL-ttf = overrideCabal (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ pkgs.SDL pkgs.SDL_ttf ]; }) super.SDL-ttf; SDL-mixer = overrideCabal (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ pkgs.SDL pkgs.SDL_mixer ]; }) super.SDL-mixer; SDL-gfx = overrideCabal (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ pkgs.SDL pkgs.SDL_gfx ]; }) super.SDL-gfx; SDL-mpeg = overrideCabal (drv: { configureFlags = (drv.configureFlags or []) ++ [ "--extra-lib-dirs=${pkgs.smpeg}/lib" "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.smpeg}/include/smpeg" ]; }) super.SDL-mpeg; # https://github.com/ivanperez-keera/hcwiid/pull/4 hcwiid = overrideCabal (drv: { configureFlags = (drv.configureFlags or []) ++ [ "--extra-lib-dirs=${pkgs.bluez.out}/lib" "--extra-lib-dirs=${pkgs.cwiid}/lib" "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.cwiid}/include" "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.bluez.dev}/include" ]; prePatch = '' sed -i -e "/Extra-Lib-Dirs/d" -e "/Include-Dirs/d" "hcwiid.cabal" ''; }) super.hcwiid; # cabal2nix doesn't pick up some of the dependencies. ginsu = let g = addBuildDepend pkgs.perl super.ginsu; g' = overrideCabal (drv: { executableSystemDepends = (drv.executableSystemDepends or []) ++ [ pkgs.ncurses ]; }) g; in g'; # Tests require `docker` command in PATH # Tests require running docker service :on localhost docker = dontCheck super.docker; # https://github.com/deech/fltkhs/issues/16 fltkhs = overrideCabal (drv: { libraryToolDepends = (drv.libraryToolDepends or []) ++ [pkgs.buildPackages.autoconf]; librarySystemDepends = (drv.librarySystemDepends or []) ++ [pkgs.fltk13 pkgs.libGL pkgs.libjpeg]; }) super.fltkhs; # https://github.com/skogsbaer/hscurses/pull/26 hscurses = overrideCabal (drv: { librarySystemDepends = (drv.librarySystemDepends or []) ++ [ pkgs.ncurses ]; }) super.hscurses; # Looks like Avahi provides the missing library dnssd = super.dnssd.override { dns_sd = pkgs.avahi.override { withLibdnssdCompat = true; }; }; # tests depend on executable ghcide = overrideCabal (drv: { preCheck = ''export PATH="$PWD/dist/build/ghcide:$PATH"''; }) super.ghcide; # GLUT uses `dlopen` to link to freeglut, so we need to set the RUNPATH correctly for # it to find `libglut.so` from the nix store. We do this by patching GLUT.cabal to pkg-config # depend on freeglut, which provides GHC to necessary information to generate a correct RPATH. # # Note: Simply patching the dynamic library (.so) of the GLUT build will *not* work, since the # RPATH also needs to be propagated when using static linking. GHC automatically handles this for # us when we patch the cabal file (Link options will be recored in the ghc package registry). # # Additional note: nixpkgs' freeglut and macOS's OpenGL implementation do not cooperate, # so disable this on Darwin only ${if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then null else "GLUT"} = addPkgconfigDepend pkgs.freeglut (appendPatch ./patches/GLUT.patch super.GLUT); libsystemd-journal = overrideCabal (old: { librarySystemDepends = old.librarySystemDepends or [] ++ [ pkgs.systemd ]; }) super.libsystemd-journal; # does not specify tests in cabal file, instead has custom runTest cabal hook, # so cabal2nix will not detect test dependencies. either-unwrap = overrideCabal (drv: { testHaskellDepends = (drv.testHaskellDepends or []) ++ [ self.test-framework self.test-framework-hunit ]; }) super.either-unwrap; # https://github.com/haskell-fswatch/hfsnotify/issues/62 fsnotify = dontCheck super.fsnotify; hidapi = addExtraLibrary pkgs.udev super.hidapi; hs-GeoIP = super.hs-GeoIP.override { GeoIP = pkgs.geoipWithDatabase; }; discount = super.discount.override { markdown = pkgs.discount; }; # tests require working stack installation with all-cabal-hashes cloned in $HOME stackage-curator = dontCheck super.stackage-curator; # hardcodes /usr/bin/tr: https://github.com/snapframework/io-streams/pull/59 io-streams = enableCabalFlag "NoInteractiveTests" super.io-streams; # requires autotools to build secp256k1 = addBuildTools [ pkgs.buildPackages.autoconf pkgs.buildPackages.automake pkgs.buildPackages.libtool ] super.secp256k1; # requires libsecp256k1 in pkg-config-depends secp256k1-haskell = addPkgconfigDepend pkgs.secp256k1 super.secp256k1-haskell; # tests require git and zsh hapistrano = addBuildTools [ pkgs.buildPackages.git pkgs.buildPackages.zsh ] super.hapistrano; # This propagates this to everything depending on haskell-gi-base haskell-gi-base = addBuildDepend pkgs.gobject-introspection super.haskell-gi-base; # requires valid, writeable $HOME hatex-guide = overrideCabal (drv: { preConfigure = '' ${drv.preConfigure or ""} export HOME=$PWD ''; }) super.hatex-guide; # https://github.com/plow-technologies/servant-streaming/issues/12 servant-streaming-server = dontCheck super.servant-streaming-server; # https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant/pull/1238 servant-client-core = if (pkgs.lib.getVersion super.servant-client-core) == "0.16" then appendPatch ./patches/servant-client-core-redact-auth-header.patch super.servant-client-core else super.servant-client-core; # tests run executable, relying on PATH # without this, tests fail with "Couldn't launch intero process" intero = overrideCabal (drv: { preCheck = '' export PATH="$PWD/dist/build/intero:$PATH" ''; }) super.intero; # Break infinite recursion cycle with criterion and network-uri. js-flot = dontCheck super.js-flot; # Break infinite recursion cycle between QuickCheck and splitmix. splitmix = dontCheck super.splitmix; # Break infinite recursion cycle between tasty and clock. clock = dontCheck super.clock; # Break infinite recursion cycle between devtools and mprelude. devtools = super.devtools.override { mprelude = dontCheck super.mprelude; }; # Break dependency cycle between tasty-hedgehog and tasty-expected-failure tasty-hedgehog = dontCheck super.tasty-hedgehog; # Break dependency cycle between hedgehog, tasty-hedgehog and lifted-async lifted-async = dontCheck super.lifted-async; # loc and loc-test depend on each other for testing. Break that infinite cycle: loc-test = super.loc-test.override { loc = dontCheck self.loc; }; # The test suites try to run the "fixpoint" and "liquid" executables built just # before and fail because the library search paths aren't configured properly. # Also needs https://github.com/ucsd-progsys/liquidhaskell/issues/1038 resolved. liquid-fixpoint = disableSharedExecutables super.liquid-fixpoint; liquidhaskell = dontCheck (disableSharedExecutables super.liquidhaskell); # Without this override, the builds lacks pkg-config. opencv-extra = addPkgconfigDepend pkgs.opencv3 super.opencv-extra; # Break cyclic reference that results in an infinite recursion. partial-semigroup = dontCheck super.partial-semigroup; colour = dontCheck super.colour; spatial-rotations = dontCheck super.spatial-rotations; LDAP = dontCheck (overrideCabal (drv: { librarySystemDepends = drv.librarySystemDepends or [] ++ [ pkgs.cyrus_sasl.dev ]; }) super.LDAP); # Expects z3 to be on path so we replace it with a hard # # The tests expect additional solvers on the path, replace the # available ones also with hard coded paths, and remove the missing # ones from the test. sbv = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = '' sed -i -e 's|"abc"|"${pkgs.abc-verifier}/bin/abc"|' Data/SBV/Provers/ABC.hs sed -i -e 's|"boolector"|"${pkgs.boolector}/bin/boolector"|' Data/SBV/Provers/Boolector.hs sed -i -e 's|"yices-smt2"|"${pkgs.yices}/bin/yices-smt2"|' Data/SBV/Provers/Yices.hs sed -i -e 's|"z3"|"${pkgs.z3}/bin/z3"|' Data/SBV/Provers/Z3.hs '' + (if pkgs.stdenv.isAarch64 then '' sed -i -e 's|\[abc, boolector, cvc4, mathSAT, yices, z3, dReal\]|[abc, boolector, yices, z3]|' SBVTestSuite/SBVConnectionTest.hs '' else '' sed -i -e 's|"cvc4"|"${pkgs.cvc4}/bin/cvc4"|' Data/SBV/Provers/CVC4.hs sed -i -e 's|\[abc, boolector, cvc4, mathSAT, yices, z3, dReal\]|[abc, boolector, cvc4, yices, z3]|' SBVTestSuite/SBVConnectionTest.hs ''); }) super.sbv; # The test-suite requires a running PostgreSQL server. Frames-beam = dontCheck super.Frames-beam; # Compile manpages (which are in RST and are compiled with Sphinx). futhark = overrideCabal (_drv: { postBuild = (_drv.postBuild or "") + '' make -C docs man ''; postInstall = (_drv.postInstall or "") + '' mkdir -p $out/share/man/man1 mv docs/_build/man/*.1 $out/share/man/man1/ ''; }) (addBuildTools (with pkgs.buildPackages; [makeWrapper python3Packages.sphinx]) super.futhark); git-annex = let pathForDarwin = pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.coreutils ]; in overrideCabal (drv: pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (!pkgs.stdenv.isLinux) { # This is an instance of https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/1085 # Fails with: # gpg: can't connect to the agent: File name too long postPatch = pkgs.lib.optionalString pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin '' substituteInPlace Test.hs \ --replace ', testCase "crypto" test_crypto' "" '' + (drv.postPatch or ""); # On Darwin, git-annex mis-detects options to `cp`, so we wrap the # binary to ensure it uses Nixpkgs' coreutils. postFixup = '' wrapProgram $out/bin/git-annex \ --prefix PATH : "${pathForDarwin}" '' + (drv.postFixup or ""); buildTools = [ pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper ] ++ (drv.buildTools or []); }) (super.git-annex.override { dbus = if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then self.dbus else null; fdo-notify = if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then self.fdo-notify else null; hinotify = if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then self.hinotify else self.fsnotify; }); # The test suite has undeclared dependencies on git. githash = dontCheck super.githash; # Avoid infitite recursion with yaya. yaya-hedgehog = super.yaya-hedgehog.override { yaya = dontCheck self.yaya; }; # Avoid infitite recursion with tonatona. tonaparser = dontCheck super.tonaparser; # Needs internet to run tests HTTP = dontCheck super.HTTP; # Break infinite recursions. Dust-crypto = dontCheck super.Dust-crypto; nanospec = dontCheck super.nanospec; options = dontCheck super.options; snap-server = dontCheck super.snap-server; # Tests require internet http-download = dontCheck super.http-download; pantry = dontCheck super.pantry; # gtk2hs-buildtools is listed in setupHaskellDepends, but we # need it during the build itself, too. cairo = addBuildTool self.buildHaskellPackages.gtk2hs-buildtools super.cairo; pango = disableHardening ["fortify"] (addBuildTool self.buildHaskellPackages.gtk2hs-buildtools super.pango); spago = let docsSearchApp_0_0_10 = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/purescript/purescript-docs-search/releases/download/v0.0.10/docs-search-app.js"; sha256 = "0m5ah29x290r0zk19hx2wix2djy7bs4plh9kvjz6bs9r45x25pa5"; }; docsSearchApp_0_0_11 = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/purescript/purescript-docs-search/releases/download/v0.0.11/docs-search-app.js"; sha256 = "17qngsdxfg96cka1cgrl3zdrpal8ll6vyhhnazqm4hwj16ywjm02"; }; purescriptDocsSearch_0_0_10 = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/purescript/purescript-docs-search/releases/download/v0.0.10/purescript-docs-search"; sha256 = "0wc1zyhli4m2yykc6i0crm048gyizxh7b81n8xc4yb7ibjqwhyj3"; }; purescriptDocsSearch_0_0_11 = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/purescript/purescript-docs-search/releases/download/v0.0.11/purescript-docs-search"; sha256 = "1hjdprm990vyxz86fgq14ajn0lkams7i00h8k2i2g1a0hjdwppq6"; }; spagoDocs = overrideCabal (drv: { postUnpack = (drv.postUnpack or "") + '' # Spago includes the following two files directly into the binary # with Template Haskell. They are fetched at build-time from the # `purescript-docs-search` repo above. If they cannot be fetched at # build-time, they are pulled in from the `templates/` directory in # the spago source. # # However, they are not actually available in the spago source, so they # need to fetched with nix and put in the correct place. # https://github.com/spacchetti/spago/issues/510 cp ${docsSearchApp_0_0_10} "$sourceRoot/templates/docs-search-app-0.0.10.js" cp ${docsSearchApp_0_0_11} "$sourceRoot/templates/docs-search-app-0.0.11.js" cp ${purescriptDocsSearch_0_0_10} "$sourceRoot/templates/purescript-docs-search-0.0.10" cp ${purescriptDocsSearch_0_0_11} "$sourceRoot/templates/purescript-docs-search-0.0.11" # For some weird reason, on Darwin, the open(2) call to embed these files # requires write permissions. The easiest resolution is just to permit that # (doesn't cause any harm on other systems). chmod u+w \ "$sourceRoot/templates/docs-search-app-0.0.10.js" \ "$sourceRoot/templates/purescript-docs-search-0.0.10" \ "$sourceRoot/templates/docs-search-app-0.0.11.js" \ "$sourceRoot/templates/purescript-docs-search-0.0.11" ''; }) super.spago; # Tests require network access. spagoWithoutChecks = dontCheck spagoDocs; in spagoWithoutChecks; # checks SQL statements at compile time, and so requires a running PostgreSQL # database to run it's test suite postgresql-typed = dontCheck super.postgresql-typed; # mplayer-spot uses mplayer at runtime. mplayer-spot = let path = pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.mplayer ]; in overrideCabal (oldAttrs: { postInstall = '' wrapProgram $out/bin/mplayer-spot --prefix PATH : "${path}" ''; }) (addBuildTool pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper super.mplayer-spot); # break infinite recursion with base-orphans primitive = dontCheck super.primitive; primitive_0_7_1_0 = dontCheck super.primitive_0_7_1_0; cut-the-crap = let path = pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.ffmpeg pkgs.youtube-dl ]; in overrideCabal (_drv: { postInstall = '' wrapProgram $out/bin/cut-the-crap \ --prefix PATH : "${path}" ''; }) (addBuildTool pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper super.cut-the-crap); # Tests access homeless-shelter. hie-bios = dontCheck super.hie-bios; hie-bios_0_5_0 = dontCheck super.hie-bios_0_5_0; # Compiling the readme throws errors and has no purpose in nixpkgs aeson-gadt-th = disableCabalFlag "build-readme" (doJailbreak super.aeson-gadt-th); neuron = overrideCabal (drv: { # neuron expects the neuron-search script to be in PATH at built-time. buildTools = [ pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper ]; preConfigure = '' mkdir -p $out/bin cp src-bash/neuron-search $out/bin/neuron-search chmod +x $out/bin/neuron-search wrapProgram $out/bin/neuron-search --prefix 'PATH' ':' ${ with pkgs; lib.makeBinPath [ fzf ripgrep gawk bat findutils envsubst ] } PATH=$PATH:$out/bin ''; }) super.neuron; # Fix compilation of Setup.hs by removing the module declaration. # See: https://github.com/tippenein/guid/issues/1 guid = overrideCabal (drv: { prePatch = "sed -i '1d' Setup.hs"; # 1st line is module declaration, remove it doCheck = false; }) super.guid; # Tests disabled as recommended at https://github.com/luke-clifton/shh/issues/39 shh = dontCheck super.shh; # The test suites fail because there's no PostgreSQL database running in our # build sandbox. hasql-queue = dontCheck super.hasql-queue; postgresql-libpq-notify = dontCheck super.postgresql-libpq-notify; postgresql-pure = dontCheck super.postgresql-pure; retrie = overrideCabal (drv: { testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git pkgs.mercurial ] ++ drv.testToolDepends or []; }) super.retrie; retrie_1_2_0_0 = overrideCabal (drv: { testToolDepends = [ pkgs.git pkgs.mercurial ] ++ drv.testToolDepends or []; }) super.retrie_1_2_0_0; nix-output-monitor = overrideCabal { # Can't ran the golden-tests with nix, because they call nix testTarget = "unit-tests"; } super.nix-output-monitor; haskell-language-server = overrideCabal (drv: { postInstall = "ln -s $out/bin/haskell-language-server $out/bin/haskell-language-server-${self.ghc.version}"; testToolDepends = [ self.cabal-install pkgs.git ]; testTarget = "func-test"; # wrapper test accesses internet preCheck = '' export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/dist/build/haskell-language-server:$PWD/dist/build/haskell-language-server-wrapper export HOME=$TMPDIR ''; }) super.haskell-language-server; # tests depend on a specific version of solc hevm = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.hevm); # hadolint enables static linking by default in the cabal file, so we have to explicitly disable it. # https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint/commit/e1305042c62d52c2af4d77cdce5d62f6a0a3ce7b hadolint = disableCabalFlag "static" super.hadolint; # Test suite tries to execute the build product "doctest-driver-gen", but it's not in $PATH. doctest-driver-gen = dontCheck super.doctest-driver-gen; # Tests access internet prune-juice = dontCheck super.prune-juice; # based on https://github.com/gibiansky/IHaskell/blob/aafeabef786154d81ab7d9d1882bbcd06fc8c6c4/release.nix ihaskell = overrideCabal (drv: { configureFlags = (drv.configureFlags or []) ++ [ # ihaskell's cabal file forces building a shared executable, # but without passing --enable-executable-dynamic, the RPATH # contains /build/ and leads to a build failure with nix "--enable-executable-dynamic" ]; preCheck = '' export HOME=$TMPDIR/home export PATH=$PWD/dist/build/ihaskell:$PATH export GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=$PWD/dist/package.conf.inplace/:$GHC_PACKAGE_PATH ''; }) super.ihaskell; # tests need to execute the built executable stutter = overrideCabal (drv: { preCheck = '' export PATH=dist/build/stutter:$PATH '' + (drv.preCheck or ""); }) super.stutter; # Install man page and generate shell completions pinboard-notes-backup = overrideCabal (drv: { postInstall = '' install -D man/pnbackup.1 $out/share/man/man1/pnbackup.1 '' + (drv.postInstall or ""); }) (generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "pnbackup" super.pinboard-notes-backup); # set more accurate set of platforms instead of maintaining # an ever growing list of platforms to exclude via unsupported-platforms cpuid = overrideCabal { platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86; } super.cpuid; # Pass the correct libarchive into the package. streamly-archive = super.streamly-archive.override { archive = pkgs.libarchive; }; # passes the -msse2 flag which only works on x86 platforms hsignal = overrideCabal { platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86; } super.hsignal; # uses x86 intrinsics blake3 = overrideCabal { platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86; } super.blake3; # uses x86 intrinsics, see also https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/122014 crc32c = overrideCabal { platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86; } super.crc32c; # uses x86 intrinsics seqalign = overrideCabal { platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86; } super.seqalign; # uses x86 intrinsics geomancy = overrideCabal { platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86; } super.geomancy; hlint = overrideCabal (drv: { postInstall = '' install -Dm644 data/hlint.1 -t "$out/share/man/man1" '' + drv.postInstall or ""; }) super.hlint; hiedb = overrideCabal (drv: { preCheck = '' export PATH=$PWD/dist/build/hiedb:$PATH ''; }) super.hiedb; taglib = overrideCabal (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ pkgs.zlib ] ++ (drv.librarySystemDepends or []); }) super.taglib; # uses x86 assembler inline-asm = overrideCabal { platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86; } super.inline-asm; # uses x86 assembler in C bits hw-prim-bits = overrideCabal { platforms = pkgs.lib.platforms.x86; } super.hw-prim-bits; # random 1.2.0 has tests that indirectly depend on # itself causing an infinite recursion at evaluation # time random = dontCheck super.random; # Since this package is primarily used by nixpkgs maintainers and is probably # not used to link against by anyone, we can make it’s closure smaller and # add its runtime dependencies in `haskellPackages` (as opposed to cabal2nix). cabal2nix-unstable = overrideCabal (drv: { buildTools = (drv.buildTools or []) ++ [ pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper ]; postInstall = '' wrapProgram $out/bin/cabal2nix \ --prefix PATH ":" "${ pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.nix pkgs.nix-prefetch-scripts ] }" ''; }) (justStaticExecutables super.cabal2nix-unstable); # test suite needs local redis daemon nri-redis = dontCheck super.nri-redis; # Make tophat find itself for _compiling_ its test suite tophat = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = '' sed -i 's|"tophat"|"./dist/build/tophat/tophat"|' app-test-bin/*.hs '' + (drv.postPatch or ""); }) super.tophat; # Runtime dependencies and CLI completion nvfetcher = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "nvfetcher" (overrideCabal (drv: { # test needs network doCheck = false; buildTools = drv.buildTools or [ ] ++ [ pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper ]; postInstall = drv.postInstall or "" + '' wrapProgram "$out/bin/nvfetcher" --prefix 'PATH' ':' "${ pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.nvchecker pkgs.nix-prefetch-git ] }" ''; }) super.nvfetcher); rel8 = addTestToolDepend pkgs.postgresql super.rel8; cachix = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "cachix" (super.cachix.override { nix = pkgs.nixVersions.nix_2_4; }); hercules-ci-agent = appendConfigureFlag "-fnix-2_4" (super.hercules-ci-agent.override { nix = pkgs.nixVersions.nix_2_4; }); hercules-ci-cnix-expr = appendConfigureFlag "-fnix-2_4" (super.hercules-ci-cnix-expr.override { nix = pkgs.nixVersions.nix_2_4; }); hercules-ci-cnix-store = appendConfigureFlag "-fnix-2_4" (super.hercules-ci-cnix-store.override { nix = pkgs.nixVersions.nix_2_4; }); # Enable extra optimisations which increase build time, but also # later compiler performance, so we should do this for user's benefit. # Flag added in Agda 2.6.2 Agda = appendConfigureFlag "-foptimise-heavily" super.Agda; # ats-format uses cli-setup in Setup.hs which is quite happy to write # to arbitrary files in $HOME. This doesn't either not achieve anything # or even fail, so we prevent it and install everything necessary ourselves. # See also: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/cli-setup- ats-format = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "atsfmt" ( justStaticExecutables ( overrideCabal (drv: { # use vanilla Setup.hs preCompileBuildDriver = '' cat > Setup.hs << EOF module Main where import Distribution.Simple main = defaultMain EOF '' + (drv.preCompileBuildDriver or ""); # install man page buildTools = [ pkgs.buildPackages.installShellFiles ] ++ (drv.buildTools or []); postInstall = '' installManPage man/atsfmt.1 '' + (drv.postInstall or ""); }) super.ats-format ) ); # Test suite is just the default example executable which doesn't work if not # executed by Setup.hs, but works if started on a proper TTY isocline = dontCheck super.isocline; # Some hash implementations are x86 only, but part of the test suite. # So executing and building it on non-x86 platforms will always fail. hashes = overrideCabal { doCheck = with pkgs.stdenv; hostPlatform == buildPlatform && buildPlatform.isx86; } super.hashes; # procex relies on close_range which has been introduced in Linux 5.9, # the test suite seems to force the use of this feature (or the fallback # mechanism is broken), so we can't run the test suite on machines with a # Kernel < 5.9. To check for this, we use uname -r to obtain the Kernel # version and sort -V to compare against our minimum version. If the # Kernel turns out to be older, we disable the test suite. procex = overrideCabal (drv: { postConfigure = '' minimumKernel=5.9 higherVersion=`printf "%s\n%s\n" "$minimumKernel" "$(uname -r)" | sort -rV | head -n1` if [[ "$higherVersion" = "$minimumKernel" ]]; then echo "Used Kernel doesn't support close_range, disabling tests" unset doCheck fi '' + (drv.postConfigure or ""); }) super.procex; # Apply a patch which hardcodes the store path of graphviz instead of using # whatever graphviz is in PATH. graphviz = overrideCabal (drv: { patches = [ (pkgs.substituteAll { src = ./patches/graphviz-hardcode-graphviz-store-path.patch; inherit (pkgs) graphviz; }) ] ++ (drv.patches or []); }) super.graphviz; # Test case tries to contact the network http-api-data-qq = overrideCabal (drv: { testFlags = [ "-p" "!/Can be used with http-client/" ] ++ drv.testFlags or []; }) super.http-api-data-qq; # Additionally install documentation jacinda = overrideCabal (drv: { enableSeparateDocOutput = true; postInstall = '' ${drv.postInstall or ""} docDir="$doc/share/doc/${drv.pname}-${drv.version}" # man page goes to $out, it's small enough and haskellPackages has no # support for a man output at the moment and $doc requires downloading # a full PDF install -Dm644 man/ja.1 -t "$out/share/man/man1" # language guide and examples install -Dm644 doc/guide.pdf -t "$docDir" install -Dm644 test/examples/*.jac -t "$docDir/examples" ''; }) super.jacinda; # haskell-language-server plugins all use the same test harness so we give them what we want in this loop. } // pkgs.lib.mapAttrs (_: overrideCabal (drv: { testToolDepends = (drv.testToolDepends or [ ]) ++ [ pkgs.git ]; preCheck = '' export HOME=$TMPDIR/home '' + (drv.preCheck or ""); })) { inherit (super) hls-brittany-plugin hls-call-hierarchy-plugin hls-class-plugin hls-eval-plugin hls-floskell-plugin hls-fourmolu-plugin hls-module-name-plugin hls-ormolu-plugin hls-pragmas-plugin hls-rename-plugin hls-selection-range-plugin hls-splice-plugin; # Tests have file permissions expections that don‘t work with the nix store. hls-stylish-haskell-plugin = dontCheck super.hls-stylish-haskell-plugin; # Flaky tests hls-hlint-plugin = dontCheck super.hls-hlint-plugin; hls-alternate-number-format-plugin = dontCheck super.hls-alternate-number-format-plugin; hls-qualify-imported-names-plugin = dontCheck super.hls-qualify-imported-names-plugin; hls-haddock-comments-plugin = dontCheck super.hls-haddock-comments-plugin; }