# Nix script to lookup maintainer github handles from their email address. Used by ./hydra-report.hs. # # This script produces an attr set mapping of email addresses to GitHub handles: # # ```nix # > import ./maintainer-handles.nix # { "cdep.illabout@gmail.com" = "cdepillabout"; "john@smith.com" = "johnsmith"; ... } # ``` # # This mapping contains all maintainers in ../../mainatainer-list.nix, but it # ignores maintainers who don't have a GitHub account or an email address. let pkgs = import ../../.. { }; maintainers = import ../../maintainer-list.nix; inherit (pkgs) lib; mkMailGithubPair = _: maintainer: if (maintainer ? email) && (maintainer ? github) then { "${maintainer.email}" = maintainer.github; } else { }; in lib.zipAttrsWith (_: builtins.head) (lib.mapAttrsToList mkMailGithubPair maintainers)