# This test verifies that we can ping an IPv4-only server from an IPv6-only
# client via a NAT64 router using CLAT on the client. The hosts and networks
# are configured as follows:
#        +------
# Client | clat    Address:  (configured via clatd)
#        |         Route:   default
#        |
#        | eth1    Address: Assigned via SLAAC within 2001:db8::/64
#        |  |      Route:   default via IPv6LL address
#        +--|---
#           | VLAN 3
#        +--|---
#        | eth2    Address: 2001:db8::1/64
# Router |
#        | nat64   Address: 64:ff9b::1/128
#        |         Route:   64:ff9b::/96
#        |         Address:
#        |         Route:
#        |
#        | eth1    Address:
#        +--|---
#           | VLAN 2
#        +--|---
# Server | eth1    Address:
#        |         Route: via
#        +------

import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ... }:

  name = "clatd";
  meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
    maintainers = [ hax404 jmbaur ];

  nodes = {
    # The server is configured with static IPv4 addresses. RFC 6052 Section 3.1
    # disallows the mapping of non-global IPv4 addresses like RFC 1918 into the
    # Well-Known Prefix 64:ff9b::/96. TAYGA also does not allow the mapping of
    # documentation space (RFC 5737). To circumvent this, from
    # RFC 6589 (Carrier Grade NAT) is used here.
    # To reach the IPv4 address pool of the NAT64 gateway, there is a static
    # route configured. In normal cases, where the router would also source NAT
    # the pool addresses to one IPv4 addresses, this would not be needed.
    server = {
      virtualisation.vlans = [
        2 # towards router
      networking = {
        useDHCP = false;
        interfaces.eth1 = lib.mkForce {};
      systemd.network = {
        enable = true;
        networks."vlan1" = {
          matchConfig.Name = "eth1";
          address = [
          routes = [
            { Destination = ""; Gateway = ""; }

    # The router is configured with static IPv4 addresses towards the server
    # and IPv6 addresses towards the client. DNS64 is exposed towards the
    # client so clatd is able to auto-discover the PLAT prefix. For NAT64, the
    # Well-Known prefix 64:ff9b::/96 is used. NAT64 is done with TAYGA which
    # provides the tun-interface nat64 and does the translation over it. The
    # IPv6 packets are sent to this interfaces and received as IPv4 packets and
    # vice versa. As TAYGA only translates IPv6 addresses to dedicated IPv4
    # addresses, it needs a pool of IPv4 addresses which must be at least as
    # big as the expected amount of clients. In this test, the packets from the
    # pool are directly routed towards the client. In normal cases, there would
    # be a second source NAT44 to map all clients behind one IPv4 address.
    router = {
      boot.kernel.sysctl = {
        "net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding" = 1;
        "net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding" = 1;

      virtualisation.vlans = [
        2 # towards server
        3 # towards client

      networking = {
        useDHCP = false;
        useNetworkd = true;
        firewall.enable = false;
        interfaces.eth1 = lib.mkForce {
          ipv4 = {
            addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ];
        interfaces.eth2 = lib.mkForce {
          ipv6 = {
            addresses = [ { address = "2001:db8::1"; prefixLength = 64; } ];

      systemd.network.networks."40-eth2" = {
        networkConfig.IPv6SendRA = true;
        ipv6Prefixes = [ { Prefix = "2001:db8::/64"; } ];
        ipv6PREF64Prefixes = [ { Prefix = "64:ff9b::/96"; } ];
        ipv6SendRAConfig = {
          EmitDNS = true;
          DNS = "_link_local";

      services.resolved.extraConfig = ''

      networking.extraHosts = '' ipv4only.arpa ipv4only.arpa

      services.coredns = {
        enable = true;
        config = ''
          .:53 {
            bind ::
            hosts /etc/hosts
            dns64 64:ff9b::/96

      services.tayga = {
        enable = true;
        ipv4 = {
          address = "";
          router = {
            address = "";
          pool = {
            address = "";
            prefixLength = 24;
        ipv6 = {
          address = "2001:db8::1";
          router = {
            address = "64:ff9b::1";
          pool = {
            address = "64:ff9b::";
            prefixLength = 96;

    # The client uses SLAAC to assign IPv6 addresses. To reach the IPv4-only
    # server, the client starts the clat daemon which starts and configures the
    # local IPv4 -> IPv6 translation via Tayga after discovering the PLAT
    # prefix via DNS64.
    client = {
      virtualisation.vlans = [
        3 # towards router

      networking = {
        useDHCP = false;
        interfaces.eth1 = lib.mkForce {};

      systemd.network = {
        enable = true;
        networks."vlan1" = {
          matchConfig.Name = "eth1";

          # NOTE: clatd does not actually use the PREF64 prefix discovered by
          # systemd-networkd (nor does systemd-networkd do anything with it,
          # yet), but we set this to confirm it works. See the test script
          # below.
          ipv6AcceptRAConfig.UsePREF64 = true;

      services.clatd = {
        enable = true;
        # NOTE: Perl's Net::DNS resolver does not seem to work well querying
        # for AAAA records to systemd-resolved's default IPv4 bind address
        # (, so we add an IPv6 listener address to systemd-resolved
        # and tell clatd to use that instead.
        settings.dns64-servers = "::1";

      # Allow clatd to find dns server. See comment above.
      services.resolved.extraConfig = ''

      environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.mtr ];

  testScript = ''
    import json


    # wait for all machines to start up
    for machine in client, router, server:

    with subtest("Wait for tayga and clatd"):
      # clatd checks if this system has IPv4 connectivity for 10 seconds
        'journalctl -u clatd -e | grep -q "Starting up TAYGA, using config file"'

    with subtest("networkd exports PREF64 prefix"):
      assert json.loads(client.succeed("networkctl status eth1 --json=short"))[
      ]["PREF64"][0]["Prefix"] == [0x0, 0x64, 0xFF, 0x9B] + ([0] * 12)

    with subtest("Test ICMP"):
      client.wait_until_succeeds("ping -c 3 >&2")

    with subtest("Test ICMP and show a traceroute"):
      client.wait_until_succeeds("mtr --show-ips --report-wide >&2")

    client.log(client.execute("systemd-analyze security clatd.service")[1])