import ../make-test-python.nix ({ lib, pkgs, ... }: # Based on { name = "vector-syslog-quickwit"; meta.maintainers = [ pkgs.lib.maintainers.happysalada ]; nodes = { quickwit = { config, pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.jq ]; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 7280 ]; services.quickwit = { enable = true; settings = { listen_address = "::"; }; }; }; syslog = { config, pkgs, ... }: { services.vector = { enable = true; settings = { sources = { generate_syslog = { type = "demo_logs"; format = "syslog"; interval = 0.5; }; }; transforms = { remap_syslog = { inputs = ["generate_syslog"]; type = "remap"; source = '' structured = parse_syslog!(.message) .timestamp_nanos = to_unix_timestamp!(structured.timestamp, unit: "nanoseconds") .body = structured .service_name = structured.appname .resource_attributes.source_type = .source_type = structured.hostname = structured.appname .attributes.syslog.procid = structured.procid .attributes.syslog.facility = structured.facility .attributes.syslog.version = structured.version .severity_text = if includes(["emerg", "err", "crit", "alert"], structured.severity) { "ERROR" } else if structured.severity == "warning" { "WARN" } else if structured.severity == "debug" { "DEBUG" } else if includes(["info", "notice"], structured.severity) { "INFO" } else { structured.severity } .scope_name = structured.msgid del(.message) del(.timestamp) del(.service) del(.source_type) ''; }; }; sinks = { #emit_syslog = { # inputs = ["remap_syslog"]; # type = "console"; # encoding.codec = "json"; #}; quickwit_logs = { type = "http"; method = "post"; inputs = [ "remap_syslog" ]; encoding.codec = "json"; framing.method = "newline_delimited"; uri = "http://quickwit:7280/api/v1/otel-logs-v0_7/ingest"; }; }; }; }; }; }; testScript = let aggregationQuery = pkgs.writeText "aggregation-query.json" '' { "query": "*", "max_hits": 0, "aggs": { "count_per_minute": { "histogram": { "field": "timestamp_nanos", "interval": 60000000 }, "aggs": { "severity_text_count": { "terms": { "field": "severity_text" } } } } } } ''; in '' quickwit.wait_for_unit("quickwit") quickwit.wait_for_open_port(7280) quickwit.wait_for_open_port(7281) quickwit.wait_until_succeeds( "journalctl -o cat -u quickwit.service | grep 'transitioned to ready state'" ) syslog.wait_for_unit("vector") syslog.wait_until_succeeds( "journalctl -o cat -u vector.service | grep 'Vector has started'" ) quickwit.wait_until_succeeds( "journalctl -o cat -u quickwit.service | grep 'publish-new-splits'" ) # Wait for logs to be generated # Test below aggregates by the minute syslog.sleep(60 * 2) quickwit.wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf -XGET |" + " jq '.num_hits' | grep -v '0'" ) quickwit.wait_until_succeeds( "journalctl -o cat -u quickwit.service | grep 'SearchRequest'" ) quickwit.wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data @${aggregationQuery} |" + " jq '.num_hits' | grep -v '0'" ) quickwit.wait_until_succeeds( "journalctl -o cat -u quickwit.service | grep 'count_per_minute'" ) ''; })