# given a package with an executable and an icon, make a darwin bundle for # it. This package should be used when generating launchers for native Darwin # applications. If the package conatins a .desktop file use # `desktopToDarwinLauncher` instead. { lib, writeShellScript, writeDarwinBundle, }: { name, # The name of the Application file. exec, # Executable file. icon ? "", # Optional icon file. }: writeShellScript "make-darwin-bundle-${name}" ('' function makeDarwinBundlePhase() { mkdir -p "''${!outputBin}/Applications/${name}.app/Contents/MacOS" mkdir -p "''${!outputBin}/Applications/${name}.app/Contents/Resources" if [ -n "${icon}" ]; then ln -s "${icon}" "''${!outputBin}/Applications/${name}.app/Contents/Resources" fi ${writeDarwinBundle}/bin/write-darwin-bundle "''${!outputBin}" "${name}" "${exec}" } appendToVar preDistPhases makeDarwinBundlePhase '')