# The file below is copy/pasted from # https://github.com/protesilaos/iosevka-comfy/blob/0.1.0/private-build-plans.toml. It # seems like ofborg will prevent me from using fetchurl to download # this file automatically. [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy] # is your plan name family = "Iosevka Comfy" # Font menu family name spacing = "normal" # Optional; Values: `normal`, `quasi-proportional`, `quasi-proportional-extension-only`, `term`, `fontconfig-mono`, or `fixed` serifs = "sans" # Optional; Values: `sans` or `slab` ################################################################################################### # Configure variants # # Optional; Whether to inherit a `ss##` variant # [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.variants] # inherits = "ss01" # Optional; Configure single character's variant [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.variants.design] cv01 = 1 # A cap straight cv02 = 1 # B cap straight cv03 = 1 # C cap serifless cv04 = 6 # D cap curly with top and bottom serif (without serifs TODO reads like TOOO at small point sizes) cv05 = 1 # E cap serifless cv06 = 1 # F cap serifless cv07 = 4 # G cap toothed cv08 = 1 # H cap serifless cv09 = 1 # I cap long serifs cv10 = 2 # J cap serified cv11 = 2 # K cap curly cv12 = 1 # L cap serifless cv13 = 3 # M cap short middle leg slanted sides cv14 = 1 # N cap symmetric cv15 = 1 # P cap straight cv16 = 4 # Q cap crossing tail cv17 = 1 # R cap straight cv18 = 1 # S cap serifless cv19 = 1 # T cap serifless cv20 = 3 # U cap serifless cv21 = 1 # V cap straight cv22 = 1 # W straight cv23 = 1 # X cap straight cv24 = 1 # Y cap straight cv25 = 1 # Z cap straight cv26 = 10 # a single storey earless tailed bottom cv27 = 1 # b toothed cv28 = 1 # c serifless cv29 = 1 # d toothed cv33 = 1 # h straight cv34 = 10 # i serified flat tailed cv35 = 6 # j flat hook serified cv37 = 10 # l serified flat tailed cv42 = 9 # r compact cv43 = 1 # s serifless cv44 = 2 # t flat hook cv45 = 4 # u tailed cv49 = 6 # y cursive flat terminal hook cv53 = 1 # Λ, Δ lambda and delta cap straight cv54 = 2 # α alpha straight tailed VXAA = 1 # δ delta rounded top cv55 = 1 # Γ gamma cap straight cv56 = 6 # ι iota serified flat tailed cv57 = 2 # λ lambda top tailed VXAC = 1 # μ me tailless VXAB = 2 # ξ xe flat top cv71 = 13 # 0 oval dashed forward slash cv74 = 2 # 3 arched cv76 = 2 # 5 open contour cv78 = 1 # 7 straight cv79 = 3 # 8 two asymmetric circles cv81 = 2 # ~ tilde low cv82 = 2 # * asterisk five-pointed low cv83 = 1 # _ underscore right below baseline cv85 = 1 # ^ uptick high cv86 = 1 # ( parentheses normal slope cv87 = 2 # { braces curly cv88 = 1 # # column straight cv90 = 4 # @ three-fold, tall height cv91 = 2 # $ dollar strike through cv92 = 2 # ¢ cent strike through cv93 = 1 # % percent dots cv94 = 1 # | bar natural slope cv95 = 2 # ≥ equal-or-{higher,lower} slanted cv96 = 1 # ' single quote straight cv97 = 1 # ` grave/backtick straight cv98 = 1 # ? smooth cv99 = 2 # .:; square punctuation marks VXDD = 2 # ijäöü square diacretics # Optional; Configure single character's variant for Upright and Oblique; Overrides [design] [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.variants.upright] cv30 = 1 # e straight cv31 = 16 # f serifless bottom flat top crossbar at x height cv32 = 9 # g single storey flat hook earless cornered top cv36 = 1 # k straight cv38 = 6 # m earless double arch short middle leg cv39 = 3 # n earless straight cv40 = 2 # p earless cv41 = 2 # q earless cv46 = 1 # v straight cv47 = 1 # w straight cv48 = 1 # x straight cv50 = 1 # z straight cv72 = 3 # 1 serified with base cv73 = 1 # 2 straight cv75 = 3 # 4 semi-open contour cv77 = 3 # 6 straight cv80 = 3 # 9 straight cv89 = 2 # & et open top (ampersand) # Optional; Configure single character's variant for Italic only; Overrides [design] [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.variants.italic] cv30 = 2 # e curly cv31 = 14 # f extended flat top bottom hook cv32 = 7 # g single storey flat hook cv36 = 2 # k curly cv38 = 2 # m straight middle shortleg cv39 = 1 # n straight cv40 = 1 # p straight cv41 = 1 # q straight cv46 = 2 # v curly cv47 = 2 # w curly short middle top cv48 = 2 # x curly cv50 = 4 # z curly cv72 = 2 # 1 serified no base cv73 = 2 # 2 curly cv75 = 1 # 4 closed contour crossing cv77 = 1 # 6 closed contour cv80 = 1 # 9 closed contour cv89 = 4 # & et open top toothed (ampersand) # End variant section ################################################################################################### ################################################################################################### # Override default building weights # When buildPlans..weights is absent, all weights would built and mapped to # default values. # IMPORTANT : Currently "menu" and "css" property only support numbers between 0 and 1000. # and "shape" properly only supports number between 100 and 900 (inclusive). # If you decide to use custom weights you have to define all the weights you # plan to use otherwise they will not be built. [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.weights.light] shape = 300 menu = 300 css = 300 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.weights.semilight] shape = 350 menu = 350 css = 350 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.weights.regular] shape = 400 menu = 400 css = 400 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.weights.bold] shape = 700 menu = 700 css = 700 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.weights.extrabold] shape = 800 menu = 800 css = 800 # End weight section ################################################################################################### ################################################################################################### # Override default building slope sets # When this section is absent, all slopes would be built. [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.slopes.upright] angle = 0 # Angle in degrees. Valid range [0, 15] shape = "upright" # Slope grade used for shape selection. `upright` | `oblique` | `italic` menu = "upright" # Slope grade used for naming. `upright` | `oblique` | `italic` css = "normal" # Slope grade used for webfont CSS. `normal` | `oblique` | `italic` [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.slopes.italic] angle = 9.4 shape = "italic" menu = "italic" css = "italic" # End slope section ################################################################################################### ################################################################################################### # Override default building widths # When buildPlans..widths is absent, all widths would built and mapped to # default values. # IMPORTANT : Currently "shape" property only supports numbers between 434 and 664 (inclusive), # while "menu" only supports integers between 1 and 9 (inclusive). # The "shape" parameter specifies the unit width, measured in 1/1000 em. The glyphs' # width are equal to, or a simple multiple of the unit width. # If you decide to use custom widths you have to define all the widths you plan to use, # otherwise they will not be built. # [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.widths.condensed] # shape = 485 # menu = 3 # css = "condensed" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.widths.normal] shape = 525 # Unit Width, measured in 1/1000 em. menu = 5 # Width grade for the font's names. css = "normal" # "font-stretch' property of webfont CSS. # [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.widths.expanded] # shape = 600 # menu = 7 # css = "expanded" # End width section ################################################################################################### ################################################################################################### # Metric overrides # Certain metrics like line height (leading) could be overridden in your build plan file. # Edit the values to change the metrics. Remove this section when overriding is not needed. [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.metric-override] leading = 1100 # End metric override section ################################################################################################### # Iosevka Comfy variants # ====================== # Same glyph overrides and metrics, except for the spacing. # Fixed spacing (no ligatures) # ---------------------------- [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-fixed] family = "Iosevka Comfy Fixed" spacing = "fixed" serifs = "sans" # It seems we can inherit variants, but not weights, slopes, widths, # metric-override... [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-fixed.variants] inherits = "buildPlans.iosevka-comfy" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-fixed.weights.light] shape = 300 menu = 300 css = 300 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-fixed.weights.semilight] shape = 350 menu = 350 css = 350 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-fixed.weights.regular] shape = 400 menu = 400 css = 400 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-fixed.weights.bold] shape = 700 menu = 700 css = 700 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-fixed.weights.extrabold] shape = 800 menu = 800 css = 800 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-fixed.slopes.upright] angle = 0 shape = "upright" menu = "upright" css = "normal" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-fixed.slopes.italic] angle = 9.4 shape = "italic" menu = "italic" css = "italic" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-fixed.widths.normal] shape = 525 menu = 5 css = "normal" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-fixed.metric-override] leading = 1100 # Duo spacing (quasi-proportional) # -------------------------------- [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo] family = "Iosevka Comfy Duo" spacing = "quasi-proportional" serifs = "sans" # It seems we can inherit variants, but not weights, slopes, widths, # metric-override... [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo.variants] inherits = "buildPlans.iosevka-comfy" # The short middle leg in 'm' that we need in the narrow monospaced # variants is necessary for legibility, especially at small point sizes. # Otherwise it is a gimmick, so we remove it in the "wider" builds. [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo.variants.upright] cv38 = 5 # m earless normal middle leg [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo.variants.italic] cv38 = 1 # m straight normal middle leg [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo.weights.light] shape = 300 menu = 300 css = 300 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo.weights.semilight] shape = 350 menu = 350 css = 350 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo.weights.regular] shape = 400 menu = 400 css = 400 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo.weights.bold] shape = 700 menu = 700 css = 700 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo.weights.extrabold] shape = 800 menu = 800 css = 800 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo.slopes.upright] angle = 0 shape = "upright" menu = "upright" css = "normal" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo.slopes.italic] angle = 9.4 shape = "italic" menu = "italic" css = "italic" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo.widths.normal] shape = 525 menu = 5 css = "normal" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-duo.metric-override] leading = 1100 # Like iosevka-comfy but expanded # ------------------------------- [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide] family = "Iosevka Comfy Wide" spacing = "normal" serifs = "sans" # It seems we can inherit variants, but not weights, slopes, widths, # metric-override... [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide.variants] inherits = "buildPlans.iosevka-comfy" # The short middle leg in 'm' that we need in the narrow monospaced # variants is necessary for legibility, especially at small point sizes. # Otherwise it is a gimmick, so we remove it in the "wider" builds. [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide.variants.upright] cv38 = 5 # m earless normal middle leg [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide.variants.italic] cv38 = 1 # m straight normal middle leg [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide.weights.light] shape = 300 menu = 300 css = 300 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide.weights.semilight] shape = 350 menu = 350 css = 350 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide.weights.regular] shape = 400 menu = 400 css = 400 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide.weights.bold] shape = 700 menu = 700 css = 700 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide.weights.extrabold] shape = 800 menu = 800 css = 800 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide.slopes.upright] angle = 0 shape = "upright" menu = "upright" css = "normal" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide.slopes.italic] angle = 9.4 shape = "italic" menu = "italic" css = "italic" # For the default width, check buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.widths.normal [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide.widths.normal] shape = 625 menu = 7 css = "normal" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide.metric-override] leading = 1100 # Like iosevka-comfy-wide but fixed monospace (no ligatures) # ---------------------------------------------------------- [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide-fixed] family = "Iosevka Comfy Wide Fixed" spacing = "fixed" serifs = "sans" # It seems we can inherit variants, but not weights, slopes, widths, # metric-override... [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide-fixed.variants] inherits = "buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide-fixed.weights.light] shape = 300 menu = 300 css = 300 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide-fixed.weights.semilight] shape = 350 menu = 350 css = 350 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide-fixed.weights.regular] shape = 400 menu = 400 css = 400 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide-fixed.weights.bold] shape = 700 menu = 700 css = 700 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide-fixed.weights.extrabold] shape = 800 menu = 800 css = 800 [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide-fixed.slopes.upright] angle = 0 shape = "upright" menu = "upright" css = "normal" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide-fixed.slopes.italic] angle = 9.4 shape = "italic" menu = "italic" css = "italic" # For the default width, check buildPlans.iosevka-comfy.widths.normal [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide-fixed.widths.normal] shape = 625 menu = 7 css = "normal" [buildPlans.iosevka-comfy-wide-fixed.metric-override] leading = 1100