Based on this:
fix the infinite loops in quote highlight - ID: 1493886

--- cbrowser-0.8-2/ftcllib.tcl	2000-07-04 01:17:43.000000000 +0200
+++ cbrowser-0.8/ftcllib.tcl	2006-05-24 00:39:18.833762522 +0200
@@ -1290,13 +1290,39 @@
   foreach {start end} [concat 1.0 [$widget tag ranges comment] end] {
     while {[set temp [$widget search -regexp -- $pattern $start $end]] != ""} {
+      set startquote [$widget index "$temp + 1chars"]
-      set endquote [$widget search -regexp -- {[^\\]\"} "$temp + 1chars" $end]
+      set temp [$widget index "$startquote + 1chars"]
+      while {1==1} {
+        set endquote [$widget search -regexp -- {\"} $temp $end]
+	# The program will not break if a /*C comment*/ is between C quotes.
+	if { $endquote == "" } {
+	  set endquote $startquote
+	  break
+	}
+        # look for double backslashes
+	if {[set temp2 [$widget search -regexp -- {\\\\} $temp $endquote]] != ""} {
+	  set temp "$temp2 + 2chars"
+	  continue
+	}
+        # look for \"
+	if {[set temp2 [$widget search -regexp -- {\\\"} $temp $endquote]] != ""} {
+	  set temp "$temp2 + 2chars"
+	  continue
+	}
+	break
+      }
       if {[strlen $endquote] > 0} {
-        set start [$widget index "$endquote + 2chars"]
+        set start [$widget index "$endquote + 1chars"]
-        $widget tag add quote "$temp + 1chars" $start
+        $widget tag add quote $startquote $start
+      } else {
+        set start [$widget index "$start + 1chars"]