# This function builds and tests an Autoconf-style source tarball.
# The result can be installed normally in an environment (e.g., after
# making it available through a channel).  If `doCoverageAnalysis' is
# true, it does an ordinary build from a source tarball, except that
# it turns on GCC's coverage analysis feature.  It then runs `make
# check' and produces a coverage analysis report using `lcov'.

{ buildOutOfSourceTree ? false
, preConfigure ? null
, doCoverageAnalysis ? false
, doClangAnalysis ? false
, doCoverityAnalysis ? false
, lcovFilter ? []
, lcovExtraTraceFiles ? []
, src, lib, stdenv
, name ? if doCoverageAnalysis then "nix-coverage" else "nix-build"
, failureHook ? null
, prePhases ? []
, postPhases ? []
, buildInputs ? []
, preHook ? ""
, postHook ? ""
, ... } @ args:

  doingAnalysis = doCoverageAnalysis || doClangAnalysis || doCoverityAnalysis;
stdenv.mkDerivation (

    # Also run a `make check'.
    doCheck = true;

    # When doing coverage analysis, we don't care about the result.
    dontInstall = doingAnalysis;
    useTempPrefix = doingAnalysis;

    showBuildStats = true;

    finalPhase =
        # Propagate the release name of the source tarball.  This is
        # to get nice package names in channels.
        if test -e $origSrc/nix-support/hydra-release-name; then
          cp $origSrc/nix-support/hydra-release-name $out/nix-support/hydra-release-name

        # Package up Coverity analysis results
        if [ ! -z "${toString doCoverityAnalysis}" ]; then
          if [ -d "_coverity_$name/cov-int" ]; then
            mkdir -p $out/tarballs
            NAME=`cat $out/nix-support/hydra-release-name`
            cd _coverity_$name
            tar caf $out/tarballs/$NAME-coverity-int.xz cov-int
            echo "file cov-build $out/tarballs/$NAME-coverity-int.xz" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products

        # Package up Clang analysis results
        if [ ! -z "${toString doClangAnalysis}" ]; then
          if [ ! -z "`ls _clang_analyze_$name`" ]; then
            cd  _clang_analyze_$name && mv * $out/analysis
            mkdir -p $out/analysis
            echo "No bugs found." >> $out/analysis/index.html

          echo "report analysis $out/analysis" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products

    failureHook = (lib.optionalString (failureHook != null) failureHook) +
      if test -n "$succeedOnFailure"; then
          if test -n "$keepBuildDirectory"; then
              KEEPBUILDDIR="$out/`basename $TMPDIR`"
              echo "Copying build directory to $KEEPBUILDDIR"
              mkdir -p $KEEPBUILDDIR
              cp -R "$TMPDIR/"* $KEEPBUILDDIR

  // removeAttrs args [ "lib" ] # Propagating lib causes the evaluation to fail, because lib is a function that can't be converted to a string

  // {
    name = name + (lib.optionalString (src ? version) "-${src.version}");

    postHook = ''
      . ${./functions.sh}
      src=$(findTarball $src)

    preHook = ''
      # Perform Coverity Analysis
      if [ ! -z "${toString doCoverityAnalysis}" ]; then
        shopt -s expand_aliases
        mkdir _coverity_$name
        alias make="cov-build --dir _coverity_$name/cov-int make"

      # Perform Clang Analysis
      if [ ! -z "${toString doClangAnalysis}" ]; then
        shopt -s expand_aliases
        alias make="scan-build -o _clang_analyze_$name --html-title='Scan results for $name' make"


    # Clean up after analysis
    postBuild = ''
      if [ ! -z "${toString (doCoverityAnalysis || doClangAnalysis)}" ]; then
        unalias make

    initPhase = ''
      mkdir -p $out/nix-support
      echo "$system" > $out/nix-support/system

      if [ -z "${toString doingAnalysis}" ]; then
          for i in $(getAllOutputNames); do
              if [ "$i" = out ]; then j=none; else j="$i"; fi
              mkdir -p ''${!i}/nix-support
              echo "nix-build $j ''${!i}" >> ''${!i}/nix-support/hydra-build-products

    prePhases = ["initPhase"] ++ prePhases;

    buildInputs =
      buildInputs ++
      (lib.optional doCoverageAnalysis args.makeGCOVReport) ++
      (lib.optional doClangAnalysis args.clang-analyzer) ++
      (lib.optional doCoverityAnalysis args.cov-build) ++
      (lib.optional doCoverityAnalysis args.xz);

    lcovFilter = ["${builtins.storeDir}/*"] ++ lcovFilter;

    inherit lcovExtraTraceFiles;

    postPhases = postPhases ++ ["finalPhase"];

    meta = (lib.optionalAttrs (args ? meta) args.meta) // {
      description = if doCoverageAnalysis then "Coverage analysis" else "Nix package for ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}";



  (lib.optionalAttrs buildOutOfSourceTree
     preConfigure =
       # Build out of source tree and make the source tree read-only.  This
       # helps catch violations of the GNU Coding Standards (info
       # "(standards) Configuration"), like `make distcheck' does.
          mkdir "../build"
          cd "../build"
          chmod -R a-w "../$sourceRoot"

          echo "building out of source tree, from \`$PWD'..."

          ${lib.optionalString (preConfigure != null) preConfigure}