{ lib, stdenvNoCC, fetchzip }:

stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
  pname = "eurofurence";
  version = "2000-04-21";

  srcs = map ({ url, hash }:
    fetchzip {
      name = builtins.baseNameOf url;
      stripRoot = false;
      inherit url hash;
    }) [
        url =
        hash = "sha256-Al4tT2/qV9/K5le/OctybxgPcNMVDJi0OPr2EUBk8cE=";
        url =
        hash = "sha256-ZF0Neysp0+TQgNAN+2IrfR/7dn043rSq6S3NHJ3gLUI=";
        url =
        hash = "sha256-Kvcsp/0LzHhwPudP1qWLxhaiJ5/su1k7FBuV9XPKIGs=";
        url =
        hash = "sha256-CvKhzvxSQqdEHihQBfCSu1QgjzKn38DWaONdz5BpM4M=";
        url =
        hash = "sha256-n9xnzJi8wvK6oCVQUQnQ1X9jW6WgyMKKIiDsT4j2Aas=";

  dontUnpack = true;

  installPhase = ''
    runHook preInstall
    for src in $srcs; do
      install -D $src/*.ttf -t $out/share/fonts/truetype
      install -D $src/*.txt -t $out/share/doc/$name
    runHook postInstall

  meta = {
    homepage =
    description = "Family of geometric rounded sans serif fonts";
    maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ ehmry ];
    license = lib.licenses.free;