{ lib, stdenv, fetchpatch, makeWrapper, makeDesktopItem, copyDesktopItems, fetchFromGitHub, gradle_8, jdk17, zenity, # for arc SDL2, pkg-config, ant, curl, wget, alsa-lib, alsa-plugins, glew, # for soloud libpulseaudio ? null, libjack2 ? null, nixosTests, # Make the build version easily overridable. # Server and client build versions must match, and an empty build version means # any build is allowed, so this parameter acts as a simple whitelist. # Takes the package version and returns the build version. makeBuildVersion ? (v: v), enableClient ? true, enableServer ? true, enableWayland ? false, }: let pname = "mindustry"; version = "146"; buildVersion = makeBuildVersion version; jdk = jdk17; # "Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0." gradle = gradle_8; Mindustry = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "Anuken"; repo = "Mindustry"; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-pJAJjb8rgDL5q2hfuXH2Cyb1Szu4GixeXoLMdnIAlno="; }; Arc = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "Anuken"; repo = "Arc"; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-L+5fshI1oo1lVdTMTBuPzqtEeR2dq1NORP84rZ83rT0="; }; soloud = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "Anuken"; repo = "soloud"; # This is pinned in Arc's arc-core/build.gradle rev = "v0.9"; hash = "sha256-6KlqOtA19MxeqZttNyNrMU7pKqzlNiA4rBZKp9ekanc="; }; desktopItem = makeDesktopItem { name = "Mindustry"; desktopName = "Mindustry"; exec = "mindustry"; icon = "mindustry"; categories = [ "Game" ]; }; in assert lib.assertMsg ( enableClient || enableServer ) "mindustry: at least one of 'enableClient' and 'enableServer' must be true"; stdenv.mkDerivation { inherit pname version; unpackPhase = '' runHook preUnpack cp -r ${Mindustry} Mindustry cp -r ${Arc} Arc chmod -R u+w -- Mindustry Arc cp -r ${soloud} Arc/arc-core/csrc/soloud chmod -R u+w -- Arc/arc-core/csrc/soloud runHook postUnpack ''; patches = [ ./0001-fix-include-path-for-SDL2-on-linux.patch # Fix build with gradle 8.8, remove on next Arc release (fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/Anuken/Arc/commit/2a91c51bf45d700091e397fd0b62384763901ae6.patch"; hash = "sha256-sSD78GmF14vBvNe+ajUJ4uIc4p857shTP/UkAK6Pyyg="; extraPrefix = "Arc/"; stripLen = 1; }) (fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/Anuken/Arc/commit/d7f8ea858c425410dbd43374271a703d4443b432.patch"; hash = "sha256-5LPgBOV0r/dUtpyxitTu3/9tMIqjeIKfGVJi3MEr7fQ="; extraPrefix = "Arc/"; stripLen = 1; }) (fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry/commit/695dad201fb4c2b4252f2ee5abde32e968169ba5.patch"; hash = "sha256-bbTjyfUl+XFG/dgD1XPddVKD/ImOP5ARAP3q0FPnt58="; name = "always-use-local-arc-1.patch"; stripLen = 1; extraPrefix = "Mindustry/"; }) (fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry/commit/f6082225e859c759c8d9c944250b6ecd490151ed.patch"; hash = "sha256-xFHdAUTS1EiHNQqw6qfzYk2LMr/DjeHoEzQfcfOUcFs="; name = "always-use-local-arc-2.patch"; stripLen = 1; extraPrefix = "Mindustry/"; }) (fetchpatch { url = "https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry/commit/e4eadbbb7f35db3093a0a3d13272bdfbedfaead3.patch"; hash = "sha256-L/XQAxh6UgKsTVTgQKDXNRIAdtVtaY4ameT/Yb/+1p8="; name = "always-use-local-arc-3.patch"; stripLen = 1; extraPrefix = "Mindustry/"; }) ]; postPatch = '' # Ensure the prebuilt shared objects don't accidentally get shipped rm -r Arc/natives/natives-*/libs/* rm -r Arc/backends/backend-*/libs/* cd Mindustry # Remove unbuildable iOS stuff sed -i '/^project(":ios"){/,/^}/d' build.gradle sed -i '/robo(vm|VM)/d' build.gradle rm ios/build.gradle '' + lib.optionalString (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86) '' substituteInPlace ../Arc/arc-core/build.gradle \ --replace-fail "-msse" "" substituteInPlace ../Arc/backends/backend-sdl/build.gradle \ --replace-fail "-m64" "" ''; mitmCache = gradle.fetchDeps { inherit pname; data = ./deps.json; }; __darwinAllowLocalNetworking = true; buildInputs = lib.optionals enableClient [ SDL2 alsa-lib glew ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config gradle makeWrapper jdk ] ++ lib.optionals enableClient [ ant copyDesktopItems curl wget ]; desktopItems = lib.optional enableClient desktopItem; gradleFlags = [ "-Pbuildversion=${buildVersion}" "-Dorg.gradle.java.home=${jdk}" ]; buildPhase = '' runHook preBuild '' + lib.optionalString enableServer '' gradle server:dist '' + lib.optionalString enableClient '' pushd ../Arc gradle jnigenBuild gradle jnigenJarNativesDesktop glewlib=${lib.getLib glew}/lib/libGLEW.so sdllib=${lib.getLib SDL2}/lib/libSDL2.so patchelf backends/backend-sdl/libs/linux64/libsdl-arc*.so \ --add-needed $glewlib \ --add-needed $sdllib # Put the freshly-built libraries where the pre-built libraries used to be: cp arc-core/libs/*/* natives/natives-desktop/libs/ cp extensions/freetype/libs/*/* natives/natives-freetype-desktop/libs/ popd gradle desktop:dist '' + '' runHook postBuild ''; installPhase = let installClient = '' install -Dm644 desktop/build/libs/Mindustry.jar $out/share/mindustry.jar mkdir -p $out/bin makeWrapper ${jdk}/bin/java $out/bin/mindustry \ --add-flags "-jar $out/share/mindustry.jar" \ ${lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux "--suffix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ zenity ]}"} \ --suffix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ${ lib.makeLibraryPath [ libpulseaudio alsa-lib libjack2 ] } \ --set ALSA_PLUGIN_DIR ${alsa-plugins}/lib/alsa-lib/ ${lib.optionalString enableWayland '' --set SDL_VIDEODRIVER wayland \ --set SDL_VIDEO_WAYLAND_WMCLASS Mindustry ''} # Retain runtime depends to prevent them from being cleaned up. # Since a jar is a compressed archive, nix can't figure out that the dependency is actually in there, # and will assume that it's not actually needed. # This can cause issues. # See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/109798. echo "# Retained runtime dependencies: " >> $out/bin/mindustry for dep in ${SDL2.out} ${alsa-lib.out} ${glew.out}; do echo "# $dep" >> $out/bin/mindustry done install -Dm644 core/assets/icons/icon_64.png $out/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/mindustry.png ''; installServer = '' install -Dm644 server/build/libs/server-release.jar $out/share/mindustry-server.jar mkdir -p $out/bin makeWrapper ${jdk}/bin/java $out/bin/mindustry-server \ --add-flags "-jar $out/share/mindustry-server.jar" ''; in '' runHook preInstall '' + lib.optionalString enableClient installClient + lib.optionalString enableServer installServer + '' runHook postInstall ''; postGradleUpdate = '' # this fetches non-gradle dependencies cd ../Arc gradle preJni ''; passthru.tests.nixosTest = nixosTests.mindustry; meta = { homepage = "https://mindustrygame.github.io/"; downloadPage = "https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry/releases"; description = "Sandbox tower defense game"; sourceProvenance = with lib.sourceTypes; [ fromSource binaryBytecode # deps ]; license = lib.licenses.gpl3Plus; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ chkno fgaz thekostins ]; platforms = lib.platforms.all; # TODO alsa-lib is linux-only, figure out what dependencies are required on Darwin broken = enableClient && stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin; }; }