{ fetchFromGitHub, gradle_7, jdk11, lib, stdenv, rsync, runCommand, testers, }: let corretto = import ./mk-corretto.nix rec { inherit lib stdenv rsync runCommand testers ; jdk = jdk11; gradle = gradle_7; extraConfig = [ # jdk11 is built with --disable-warnings-as-errors (see openjdk/11.nix) # because of several compile errors. We need to include this parameter for # Corretto, too. "--disable-warnings-as-errors" ]; version = ""; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "corretto"; repo = "corretto-11"; rev = version; hash = "sha256-ewGGj4BHmwoPdULeT3PSI0Fo9T3cFbTO7cZXhzuKISY="; }; }; in corretto