final: prev: let inherit (final) callPackage; inherit (prev) cudatoolkit cudaVersion lib pkgs; ### TensorRT buildTensorRTPackage = args: callPackage ./generic.nix { } args; toUnderscore = str: lib.replaceStrings ["."] ["_"] str; majorMinorPatch = str: lib.concatStringsSep "." (lib.take 3 (lib.splitVersion str)); tensorRTPackages = let # Check whether a file is supported for our cuda version isSupported = fileData: lib.elem cudaVersion fileData.supportedCudaVersions; # Return the first file that is supported. In practice there should only ever be one anyway. supportedFile = files: lib.findFirst isSupported null files; # Compute versioned attribute name to be used in this package set computeName = version: "tensorrt_${toUnderscore version}"; # Supported versions with versions as keys and file as value supportedVersions = lib.recursiveUpdate { tensorrt = { enable = false; fileVersionCuda = null; fileVersionCudnn = null; fullVersion = "0.0.0"; sha256 = null; tarball = null; supportedCudaVersions = [ ]; }; } (lib.mapAttrs' (version: attrs: lib.nameValuePair (computeName version) attrs) (lib.filterAttrs (version: file: file != null) (lib.mapAttrs (version: files: supportedFile files) tensorRTVersions))); # Add all supported builds as attributes allBuilds = lib.mapAttrs (name: file: buildTensorRTPackage (lib.removeAttrs file ["fileVersionCuda"])) supportedVersions; # Set the default attributes, e.g. tensorrt = tensorrt_8_4; defaultName = computeName tensorRTDefaultVersion; defaultBuild = lib.optionalAttrs (allBuilds ? ${defaultName}) { tensorrt = allBuilds.${computeName tensorRTDefaultVersion}; }; in { inherit buildTensorRTPackage; } // allBuilds // defaultBuild; tarballURL = {fullVersion, fileVersionCuda, fileVersionCudnn ? null} : "TensorRT-${fullVersion}.Linux.x86_64-gnu.cuda-${fileVersionCuda}" + lib.optionalString (fileVersionCudnn != null) ".cudnn${fileVersionCudnn}" + ".tar.gz"; tensorRTVersions = { "8.6.1" = [ rec { fileVersionCuda = "12.0"; fullVersion = ""; sha256 = "sha256-D4FXpfxTKZQ7M4uJNZE3M1CvqQyoEjnNrddYDNHrolQ="; tarball = tarballURL { inherit fileVersionCuda fullVersion; }; supportedCudaVersions = [ "12.0" "12.1" ]; } ]; "8.5.3" = [ rec { fileVersionCuda = "11.8"; fileVersionCudnn = "8.6"; fullVersion = ""; sha256 = "sha256-BNeuOYvPTUAfGxI0DVsNrX6Z/FAB28+SE0ptuGu7YDY="; tarball = tarballURL { inherit fileVersionCuda fileVersionCudnn fullVersion; }; supportedCudaVersions = [ "11.0" "11.1" "11.2" "11.3" "11.4" "11.5" "11.6" "11.7" "11.8" ]; } rec { fileVersionCuda = "10.2"; fileVersionCudnn = "8.6"; fullVersion = ""; sha256 = "sha256-WCt6yfOmFbrjqdYCj6AE2+s2uFpISwk6urP+2I0BnGQ="; tarball = tarballURL { inherit fileVersionCuda fileVersionCudnn fullVersion; }; supportedCudaVersions = [ "10.2" ]; } ]; "8.5.2" = [ rec { fileVersionCuda = "11.8"; fileVersionCudnn = "8.6"; fullVersion = ""; sha256 = "sha256-Ov5irNS/JETpEz01FIFNMs9YVmjGHL7lSXmDpgCdgao="; tarball = tarballURL { inherit fileVersionCuda fileVersionCudnn fullVersion; }; supportedCudaVersions = [ "11.0" "11.1" "11.2" "11.3" "11.4" "11.5" "11.6" "11.7" "11.8" ]; } rec { fileVersionCuda = "10.2"; fileVersionCudnn = "8.6"; fullVersion = ""; sha256 = "sha256-UruwQShYcHLY5d81lKNG7XaoUsZr245c+PUpUN6pC5E="; tarball = tarballURL { inherit fileVersionCuda fileVersionCudnn fullVersion; }; supportedCudaVersions = [ "10.2" ]; } ]; "8.5.1" = [ rec { fileVersionCuda = "11.8"; fileVersionCudnn = "8.6"; fullVersion = ""; sha256 = "sha256-Ocx/B3BX0TY3lOj/UcTPIaXb7M8RFrACC6Da4PMGMHY="; tarball = tarballURL { inherit fileVersionCuda fileVersionCudnn fullVersion; }; supportedCudaVersions = [ "11.0" "11.1" "11.2" "11.3" "11.4" "11.5" "11.6" "11.7" "11.8" ]; } rec { fileVersionCuda = "10.2"; fileVersionCudnn = "8.6"; fullVersion = ""; sha256 = "sha256-CcFGJhw7nFdPnSYYSxcto2MHK3F84nLQlJYjdIw8dPM="; tarball = tarballURL { inherit fileVersionCuda fileVersionCudnn fullVersion; }; supportedCudaVersions = [ "10.2" ]; } ]; "8.4.0" = [ rec { fileVersionCuda = "11.6"; fileVersionCudnn = "8.3"; fullVersion = ""; sha256 = "sha256-DNgHHXF/G4cK2nnOWImrPXAkOcNW6Wy+8j0LRpAH/LQ="; tarball = tarballURL { inherit fileVersionCuda fileVersionCudnn fullVersion; }; supportedCudaVersions = [ "11.0" "11.1" "11.2" "11.3" "11.4" "11.5" "11.6" ]; } rec { fileVersionCuda = "10.2"; fileVersionCudnn = "8.3"; fullVersion = ""; sha256 = "sha256-aCzH0ZI6BrJ0v+e5Bnm7b8mNltA7NNuIa8qRKzAQv+I="; tarball = tarballURL { inherit fileVersionCuda fileVersionCudnn fullVersion; }; supportedCudaVersions = [ "10.2" ]; } ]; }; # Default attributes tensorRTDefaultVersion = { "10.2" = "8.4.0"; "11.0" = "8.4.0"; "11.1" = "8.4.0"; "11.2" = "8.4.0"; "11.3" = "8.4.0"; "11.4" = "8.4.0"; "11.5" = "8.4.0"; "11.6" = "8.4.0"; "11.7" = "8.5.3"; "11.8" = "8.5.3"; "12.0" = "8.6.1"; "12.1" = "8.6.1"; }.${cudaVersion} or "8.4.0"; in tensorRTPackages