{ lib , fetchFromGitHub , pkgs , stdenv , config }: let rtpPath = "share/tmux-plugins"; addRtp = path: rtpFilePath: attrs: derivation: derivation // { rtp = "${derivation}/${path}/${rtpFilePath}"; } // { overrideAttrs = f: mkTmuxPlugin (attrs // f attrs); }; mkTmuxPlugin = a@{ pluginName, rtpFilePath ? (builtins.replaceStrings ["-"] ["_"] pluginName) + ".tmux", namePrefix ? "tmuxplugin-", src, unpackPhase ? "", configurePhase ? ":", buildPhase ? ":", addonInfo ? null, preInstall ? "", postInstall ? "", path ? lib.getName pluginName, ... }: if lib.hasAttr "dependencies" a then throw "dependencies attribute is obselete. see NixOS/nixpkgs#118034" # added 2021-04-01 else addRtp "${rtpPath}/${path}" rtpFilePath a (stdenv.mkDerivation (a // { pname = namePrefix + pluginName; inherit pluginName unpackPhase configurePhase buildPhase addonInfo preInstall postInstall; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall target=$out/${rtpPath}/${path} mkdir -p $out/${rtpPath} cp -r . $target if [ -n "$addonInfo" ]; then echo "$addonInfo" > $target/addon-info.json fi runHook postInstall ''; })); in rec { inherit mkTmuxPlugin; battery = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "battery"; version = "unstable-2019-07-04"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-battery"; rev = "f8b8e8451990365e0c98c38c184962e4f83b793b"; sha256 = "1bhdzsx3kdjqjmm1q4j8937lrpkzf71irr3fqhdbddsghwrrmwim"; }; }; better-mouse-mode = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "better-mouse-mode"; version = "unstable-2021-08-02"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "NHDaly"; repo = "tmux-better-mouse-mode"; rev = "aa59077c635ab21b251bd8cb4dc24c415e64a58e"; sha256 = "06346ih3hzwszhkj25g4xv5av7292s6sdbrdpx39p0n3kgf5mwww"; }; rtpFilePath = "scroll_copy_mode.tmux"; meta = { homepage = "https://github.com/NHDaly/tmux-better-mouse-mode"; description = "better mouse support for tmux"; longDescription = '' Features: * Emulate mouse-support for full-screen programs like less that don't provide built in mouse support. * Exit copy-mode and return to your prompt by scrolling back all the way down to the bottom. * Adjust your scrolling speed. ''; license = lib.licenses.mit; platforms = lib.platforms.unix; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ chrispickard ]; }; }; catppuccin = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "catppuccin"; version = "unstable-2024-05-15"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "catppuccin"; repo = "tmux"; rev = "697087f593dae0163e01becf483b192894e69e33"; hash = "sha256-EHinWa6Zbpumu+ciwcMo6JIIvYFfWWEKH1lwfyZUNTo="; }; postInstall = '' sed -i -e 's|''${PLUGIN_DIR}/catppuccin-selected-theme.tmuxtheme|''${TMUX_TMPDIR}/catppuccin-selected-theme.tmuxtheme|g' $target/catppuccin.tmux ''; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/catppuccin/tmux"; description = "Soothing pastel theme for Tmux!"; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; [ jnsgruk ]; }; }; continuum = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "continuum"; version = "unstable-2022-01-25"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-continuum"; rev = "fc2f31d79537a5b349f55b74c8ca69abaac1ddbb"; sha256 = "06i1jp83iybw76raaxciqz9a7ypgpkvbyjn6jjap8jpqfmj2wmjb"; }; meta = { homepage = "https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-continuum"; description = "continuous saving of tmux environment"; longDescription = '' Features: * continuous saving of tmux environment * automatic tmux start when computer/server is turned on * automatic restore when tmux is started Together, these features enable uninterrupted tmux usage. No matter the computer or server restarts, if the machine is on, tmux will be there how you left it off the last time it was used. ''; license = lib.licenses.mit; platforms = lib.platforms.unix; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ ronanmacf ]; }; }; copy-toolkit = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "copy-toolkit"; rtpFilePath = "copytk.tmux"; version = "2021-12-20"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "CrispyConductor"; repo = "tmux-copy-toolkit"; rev = "c80c2c068059fe04f840ea9f125c21b83cb6f81f"; hash = "sha256-cLeOoJ+4MF8lSpwy5lkcPakvB3cpgey0RfLbVTwERNk="; }; postInstall = '' sed -i -e 's|python3 |${pkgs.python3}/bin/python3 |g' $target/copytk.tmux sed -i -e 's|python3|${pkgs.python3}/bin/python3|g;s|/bin/bash|${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash|g;s|/bin/cat|${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cat|g' $target/copytk.py ''; meta = { homepage = "https://github.com/CrispyConductor/tmux-copy-toolkit"; description = "Various copy-mode tools"; license = lib.licenses.mit; platforms = lib.platforms.unix; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ deejayem sedlund ]; }; }; copycat = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "copycat"; version = "unstable-2020-01-09"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-copycat"; rev = "77ca3aab2aed8ede3e2b941079b1c92dd221cf5f"; sha256 = "1bchwzhai8k5rk32n4lrmh56rw944jqxr8imjk74hyaa7bbn81ds"; }; }; cpu = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "cpu"; version = "unstable-2023-01-06"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-cpu"; rev = "98d787191bc3e8f19c3de54b96ba1caf61385861"; sha256 = "sha256-ymmCI6VYvf94Ot7h2GAboTRBXPIREP+EB33+px5aaJk="; }; }; ctrlw = mkTmuxPlugin rec { pluginName = "ctrlw"; version = "0.1.1"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "eraserhd"; repo = "tmux-ctrlw"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "1kv5pqfjczd6z7i9jf6j5xmcai50l9bn5p2p1w1l5fi6cj8cz1k1"; }; }; dracula = mkTmuxPlugin rec { pluginName = "dracula"; version = "2.3.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "dracula"; repo = "tmux"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "IrNDBRopg9lgN5AfeXbhhh+uXiWQD2bjS1sNOgOJsu4="; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://draculatheme.com/tmux"; description = "Feature packed Dracula theme for tmux!"; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; [ ethancedwards8 ]; }; }; extrakto = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "extrakto"; version = "0-unstable-2024-08-25"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "laktak"; repo = "extrakto"; rev = "bf9e666f2a6a8172ebe99fff61b574ba740cffc2"; sha256 = "sha256-kIhJKgo1BDTeFyAPa//f/TrhPfV9Rfk9y4qMhIpCydk="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ]; buildInputs = [ pkgs.python3 ]; postInstall = '' patchShebangs extrakto.py extrakto_plugin.py wrapProgram $target/scripts/open.sh \ --prefix PATH : ${ with pkgs; lib.makeBinPath [ fzf xclip wl-clipboard ] } ''; meta = { homepage = "https://github.com/laktak/extrakto"; description = "Fuzzy find your text with fzf instead of selecting it by hand "; license = lib.licenses.mit; platforms = lib.platforms.unix; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ kidd fnune ]; }; }; fingers = pkgs.callPackage ./tmux-fingers { inherit mkTmuxPlugin; }; fpp = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "fpp"; version = "unstable-2016-03-08"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-fpp"; rev = "ca125d5a9c80bb156ac114ac3f3d5951a795c80e"; sha256 = "1b89s6mfzifi7s5iwf22w7niddpq28w48nmqqy00dv38z4yga5ws"; }; postInstall = '' sed -i -e 's|fpp |${pkgs.fpp}/bin/fpp |g' $target/fpp.tmux ''; }; fuzzback = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "fuzzback"; version = "unstable-2022-11-21"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "roosta"; repo = "tmux-fuzzback"; rev = "bfd9cf0ef1c35488f0080f0c5ca4fddfdd7e18ec"; sha256 = "w788xDBkfiLdUVv1oJi0YikFPqVk6LiN6PDfHu8on5E="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ]; postInstall = '' for f in fuzzback.sh preview.sh supported.sh; do chmod +x $target/scripts/$f wrapProgram $target/scripts/$f \ --prefix PATH : ${with pkgs; lib.makeBinPath [ coreutils fzf gawk gnused ]} done ''; meta = { homepage = "https://github.com/roosta/tmux-fuzzback"; description = "Fuzzy search for terminal scrollback"; license = lib.licenses.mit; platforms = lib.platforms.unix; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ deejayem ]; }; }; fzf-tmux-url = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "fzf-tmux-url"; rtpFilePath = "fzf-url.tmux"; version = "unstable-2024-04-14"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "wfxr"; repo = "tmux-fzf-url"; rev = "28ed7ce3c73a328d8463d4f4aaa6ccb851e520fa"; hash = "sha256-tl0SjG/CeolrN7OIHj6MgkB9lFmFgEuJevsSuwVs+78="; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/wfxr/tmux-fzf-url"; description = "Quickly open urls on your terminal screen!"; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.unix; }; }; gruvbox = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "gruvbox"; rtpFilePath = "gruvbox-tpm.tmux"; version = "unstable-2022-04-19"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "egel"; repo = "tmux-gruvbox"; rev = "3f9e38d7243179730b419b5bfafb4e22b0a969ad"; sha256 = "1l0kq77rk3cbv0rvh7bmfn90vvqqmywn9jk6gbl9mg3qbynq5wcf"; }; }; jump = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "jump"; version = "2020-06-26"; rtpFilePath = "tmux-jump.tmux"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "schasse"; repo = "tmux-jump"; rev = "416f613d3eaadbe1f6f9eda77c49430527ebaffb"; sha256 = "1xbzdyhsgaq2in0f8f491gwjmx6cxpkf2c35d2dk0kg4jfs505sz"; }; postInstall = '' sed -i -e 's|ruby|${pkgs.ruby}/bin/ruby|g' $target/scripts/tmux-jump.sh ''; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/schasse/tmux-jump"; description = "Vimium/Easymotion like navigation for tmux"; license = licenses.gpl3; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; [ arnarg ]; }; }; logging = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "logging"; version = "unstable-2019-04-19"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-logging"; rev = "b085ad423b5d59a2c8b8d71772352e7028b8e1d0"; sha256 = "0p0sawysalhi8k2a5hdxniqx6kb24kd8rnvfzkjqigzid5ik37js"; }; }; mode-indicator = mkTmuxPlugin rec { pluginName = "mode-indicator"; version = "unstable-2021-10-01"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "MunifTanjim"; repo = "tmux-mode-indicator"; rev = "11520829210a34dc9c7e5be9dead152eaf3a4423"; sha256 = "sha256-hlhBKC6UzkpUrCanJehs2FxK5SoYBoiGiioXdx6trC4="; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/MunifTanjim/tmux-mode-indicator"; description = "Plugin that displays prompt indicating currently active Tmux mode"; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; [ aacebedo ]; }; }; net-speed = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "net-speed"; version = "unstable-2018-12-02"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-net-speed"; rev = "58abb615971cb617821e2e7e41c660334f55a92d"; sha256 = "1aj06gdhzcxsydjzf21n9kyxigwf38kh2rg8hh7gnjk260ydqlrc"; }; }; nord = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "nord"; version = "0.3.0-unstable-2023-03-03"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "nordtheme"; repo = "tmux"; rev = "f7b6da07ab55fe32ee5f7d62da56d8e5ac691a92"; hash = "sha256-mcmVYNWOUoQLiu4eM/EUudRg67Gcou13xuC6zv9aMKA="; }; meta = { homepage = "https://www.nordtheme.com/ports/tmux"; description = "Nord Tmux theme with plugin support"; longDescription = '' > An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant tmux theme. > Designed for a fluent and clear workflow with support for third-party plugins. This plugin requires that tmux be used with a Nord terminal emulator theme in order to work properly. ''; license = lib.licenses.mit; maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.sigmasquadron ]; }; }; maildir-counter = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "maildir-counter"; version = "unstable-2016-11-25"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-maildir-counter"; rev = "9415f0207e71e37cbd870c9443426dbea6da78b9"; sha256 = "0dwvqhiv9bjwr01hsi5c57n55jyv5ha5m5q1aqgglf4wyhbnfms4"; }; }; online-status = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "online-status"; version = "unstable-2018-11-30"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-online-status"; rev = "ea86704ced8a20f4a431116aa43f57edcf5a6312"; sha256 = "1hy3vg8v2sir865ylpm2r4ip1zgd4wlrf24jbwh16m23qdcvc19r"; }; }; open = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "open"; version = "unstable-2019-12-02"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-open"; rev = "cedb4584908bd8458fadc8d3e64101d3cbb48d46"; sha256 = "10s0xdhmg0dhpj13ybcq72pw3xgb2dq5v5h2mwidzqyh9g17wndh"; }; }; onedark-theme = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "onedark-theme"; rtpFilePath = "tmux-onedark-theme.tmux"; version = "unstable-2020-06-07"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "odedlaz"; repo = "tmux-onedark-theme"; rev = "3607ef889a47dd3b4b31f66cda7f36da6f81b85c"; sha256 = "19jljshwp2p83b634cd1mw69091x42jj0dg40ipw61qy6642h2m5"; }; }; pain-control = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "pain-control"; version = "unstable-2020-02-18"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-pain-control"; rev = "2db63de3b08fc64831d833240749133cecb67d92"; sha256 = "0w7a6n4n86ysiqcqj12j2hg9r5fznvbp3dz8pzas9q1k3avlk0zk"; }; }; pass = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "pass"; version = "0-unstable-2020-02-28"; rtpFilePath = "plugin.tmux"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "rafi"; repo = "tmux-pass"; rev = "76b1c98911d56928063a41bc93a2d9e81818ef4c"; sha256 = "sha256-bamz4IZrozo5R7jt+z7YKyrogawPqsZ9cTJi9osjVoA="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ]; postInstall = '' rm $target/README.md rm -r $target/test wrapProgram $target/scripts/main.sh \ --prefix PATH : ${with pkgs; lib.makeBinPath ( [ findutils fzf gnugrep gnused ncurses pkgs.pass tmux ] )} ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Password-store browser using fzf in tmux"; homepage = "https://github.com/rafi/tmux-pass"; license = licenses.unlicense; }; }; plumb = mkTmuxPlugin rec { pluginName = "plumb"; version = "0.1.1"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "eraserhd"; repo = "tmux-plumb"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "1c6k4fdl0az9811r6k164mgd4w5la75xr6x7nabmy046xc0z5i2r"; }; postInstall = '' sed -i -e 's,9 plumb,${pkgs.plan9port}/bin/9 plumb,' $target/scripts/plumb ''; }; power-theme = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "power"; rtpFilePath = "tmux-power.tmux"; version = "unstable-2024-05-12"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "wfxr"; repo = "tmux-power"; rev = "16bbde801378a70512059541d104c5ae35be32b9"; hash = "sha256-IyYQyIONMnVBwhhcI3anOPxKpv2TfI2KZgJ5o5JtZ8I="; }; meta = with lib; { description = "Tmux powerline theme"; homepage = "https://github.com/wfxr/tmux-power"; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.unix; }; }; prefix-highlight = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "prefix-highlight"; version = "unstable-2021-03-30"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-prefix-highlight"; rev = "15acc6172300bc2eb13c81718dc53da6ae69de4f"; sha256 = "08rkflfnynxgv2s26b33l199h6xcqdfmlqbyqa1wkw7h85br3dgl"; }; }; resurrect = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "resurrect"; version = "unstable-2022-05-01"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-resurrect"; rev = "ca6468e2deef11efadfe3a62832ae67742505432"; sha256 = "0d7jg5dy4jq64679rf2zqmqbvgiqvpcj5jxfljk7d7y86dnqhj3n"; }; meta = { homepage = "https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect"; description = "Restore tmux environment after system restart"; longDescription = '' This plugin goes to great lengths to save and restore all the details from your tmux environment. Here's what's been taken care of: * all sessions, windows, panes and their order * current working directory for each pane * exact pane layouts within windows (even when zoomed) * active and alternative session * active and alternative window for each session * windows with focus * active pane for each window * "grouped sessions" (useful feature when using tmux with multiple monitors) * programs running within a pane! More details in the restoring programs doc. Optional: * restoring vim and neovim sessions * restoring pane contents ''; license = lib.licenses.mit; platforms = lib.platforms.unix; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ ronanmacf ]; }; }; rose-pine = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "rose-pine"; version = "unstable-2024-01-08"; rtpFilePath = "rose-pine.tmux"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "rose-pine"; repo = "tmux"; rev = "dd6d01338ac4afeb96542dcf24e4a7fe179b69e6"; sha256 = "sha256-Tccb4VjdotOSw7flJV4N0H4557NxRhXiCecZBPU9ICQ="; }; meta = { homepage = "https://github.com/rose-pine/tmux"; description = "Rosé Pine theme for tmux"; license = lib.licenses.mit; }; }; sensible = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "sensible"; version = "unstable-2017-09-05"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-sensible"; rev = "e91b178ff832b7bcbbf4d99d9f467f63fd1b76b5"; sha256 = "1z8dfbwblrbmb8sgb0k8h1q0dvfdz7gw57las8nwd5gj6ss1jyvx"; }; postInstall = lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin '' sed -e 's:reattach-to-user-namespace:${pkgs.reattach-to-user-namespace}/bin/reattach-to-user-namespace:g' -i $target/sensible.tmux ''; }; session-wizard = mkTmuxPlugin rec { pluginName = "session-wizard"; rtpFilePath = "session-wizard.tmux"; version = "1.3.1"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "27medkamal"; repo = "tmux-session-wizard"; rev = "V${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-nJaC5aX+cR/+ks3I/lW/tUnVG0CrEYfsIjPDisgMrTE="; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/27medkamal/tmux-session-wizard"; description = "Tmux plugin for creating and switching between sessions based on recently accessed directories"; longDescription = '' Session Wizard is using fzf and zoxide to do all the magic. Features: * Creating a new session from a list of recently accessed directories * Naming a session after a folder/project * Switching sessions * Viewing current or creating new sessions in one popup ''; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; [ mandos ]; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ]; postInstall = '' for f in .gitignore Dockerfile flake.* scripts tests; do rm -rf $target/$f done substituteInPlace $target/session-wizard.tmux --replace \$CURRENT_DIR $target wrapProgram $target/bin/t \ --prefix PATH : ${with pkgs; lib.makeBinPath ([ fzf zoxide coreutils gnugrep gnused ])} ''; }; sessionist = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "sessionist"; version = "unstable-2017-12-03"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-sessionist"; rev = "09ec86be38eae98ffc27bd0dde605ed10ae0dc89"; sha256 = "030q2mmj8akbc26jnqn8n7fckg1025p0ildx4wr401b6p1snnlw4"; }; }; sidebar = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "sidebar"; version = "unstable-2018-11-30"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-sidebar"; rev = "aacbdb45bc5ab69db448a72de4155d0b8dbac677"; sha256 = "1bp90zbv19kbbiik0bgb893ybss1jqsnk3353a631993xjwsih7c"; }; }; sysstat = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "sysstat"; version = "unstable-2017-12-12"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "samoshkin"; repo = "tmux-plugin-sysstat"; rev = "29e150f403151f2341f3abcb2b2487a5f011dd23"; sha256 = "013mv9p6r2r0ls3p60l8hdad4hm8niv3wr27vgm925gxmibi4hyq"; }; }; tilish = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "tilish"; version = "unstable-2023-09-20"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "jabirali"; repo = "tmux-tilish"; rev = "22f7920837d827dc6cb31143ea916afa677c24c1"; sha256 = "wP3c+p/DM6ve7GUhi0QEzggct7NS4XUa78sVQFSKrfo="; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/jabirali/tmux-tilish"; description = "Plugin which makes tmux work and feel like i3wm"; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; [ arnarg ]; }; }; tokyo-night-tmux = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "tokyo-night-tmux"; rtpFilePath = "tokyo-night.tmux"; version = "1.5.3"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "janoamaral"; repo = "tokyo-night-tmux"; rev = "d34f1487b4a644b13d8b2e9a2ee854ae62cc8d0e"; hash = "sha256-3rMYYzzSS2jaAMLjcQoKreE0oo4VWF9dZgDtABCUOtY="; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/janoamaral/tokyo-night-tmux"; description = "A clean, dark Tmux theme that celebrates the lights of Downtown Tokyo at night."; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; [ redyf ]; }; }; tmux-colors-solarized = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "tmuxcolors"; version = "unstable-2019-07-14"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "seebi"; repo = "tmux-colors-solarized"; rev = "e5e7b4f1af37f8f3fc81ca17eadee5ae5d82cd09"; sha256 = "1l3i82abzi4b395cgdsjg7lcfaq15kyyhijwvrgchzxi95z3hl4x"; }; }; tmux-floax = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "tmux-floax"; rtpFilePath = "floax.tmux"; version = "0-unstable-2024-07-24"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "omerxx"; repo = "tmux-floax"; rev = "46c0a6a8c3cf79b83d1b338f547acbbd1d306301"; hash = "sha256-bALZfVWcoAzcTeWwkBHhi7TzUQJicOBTNdeJh3O/Bj8="; }; meta = { description = "Floating pane for Tmux"; homepage = "https://github.com/omerxx/tmux-floax"; license = lib.licenses.gpl3Only; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ redyf ]; mainProgram = "tmux-floax"; platforms = lib.platforms.all; }; }; tmux-fzf = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "tmux-fzf"; rtpFilePath = "main.tmux"; version = "unstable-2023-10-24"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "sainnhe"; repo = "tmux-fzf"; rev = "d62b6865c0e7c956ad1f0396823a6f34cf7452a7"; hash = "sha256-hVkSQYvBXrkXbKc98V9hwwvFp6z7/mX1K4N3N9j4NN4="; }; postInstall = '' find $target -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e 's|fzf |${pkgs.fzf}/bin/fzf |g' find $target -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e 's|sed |${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed |g' find $target -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e 's|tput |${pkgs.ncurses}/bin/tput |g' ''; meta = { homepage = "https://github.com/sainnhe/tmux-fzf"; description = "Use fzf to manage your tmux work environment! "; longDescription = '' Features: * Manage sessions (attach, detach*, rename, kill*). * Manage windows (switch, link, move, swap, rename, kill*). * Manage panes (switch, break, join*, swap, layout, kill*, resize). * Multiple selection (support for actions marked by *). * Search commands and append to command prompt. * Search key bindings and execute. * User menu. * Popup window support. ''; license = lib.licenses.mit; platforms = lib.platforms.unix; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ kyleondy ]; }; }; tmux-powerline = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "powerline"; version = "3.0.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "erikw"; repo = "tmux-powerline"; rev = "2480e5531e0027e49a90eaf540f973e624443937"; hash = "sha256-25uG7OI8OHkdZ3GrTxG1ETNeDtW1K+sHu2DfJtVHVbk="; }; rtpFilePath = "main.tmux"; meta = { homepage = "https://github.com/erikw/tmux-powerline"; description = "Empowering your tmux (status bar) experience!"; longDescription = "A tmux plugin giving you a hackable status bar consisting of dynamic & beautiful looking powerline segments, written purely in bash."; license = lib.licenses.bsd3; platforms = lib.platforms.unix; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ thomasjm ]; }; }; tmux-thumbs = pkgs.callPackage ./tmux-thumbs { inherit mkTmuxPlugin; }; t-smart-tmux-session-manager = mkTmuxPlugin rec { pluginName = "t-smart-tmux-session-manager"; version = "2.8.0"; rtpFilePath = "t-smart-tmux-session-manager.tmux"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "joshmedeski"; repo = "t-smart-tmux-session-manager"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-EMDEEIWJ+XFOk0WsQPAwj9BFBVDNwFUCyd1ScceqKpc="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ]; postInstall = '' wrapProgram $out/share/tmux-plugins/t-smart-tmux-session-manager/bin/t \ --prefix PATH : ${with pkgs; lib.makeBinPath ( [ pkgs.fzf pkgs.zoxide ] )} find $target -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e 's|fzf |${pkgs.fzf}/bin/fzf |g' find $target -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e 's|zoxide |${pkgs.zoxide}/bin/zoxide |g' ''; }; urlview = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "urlview"; version = "unstable-2016-01-06"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-urlview"; rev = "b84c876cffdd22990b4ab51247e795cbd7813d53"; sha256 = "1jp4jq57cn116b3i34v6yy69izd8s6mp2ijr260cw86g0470k0fn"; }; postInstall = '' sed -i -e '14,20{s|extract_url|${pkgs.extract_url}/bin/extract_url|g}' $target/urlview.tmux ''; }; vim-tmux-focus-events = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "vim-tmux-focus-events"; version = "unstable-2020-10-05"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "vim-tmux-focus-events"; rev = "a568192ca0de4ca0bd7b3cd0249aad491625c941"; sha256 = "130l73v18md95djkc4s9d0fr018f8f183sjcgy7dgldwdaxlqdi1"; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/tmux-plugins/vim-tmux-focus-events"; description = "Makes FocusGained and FocusLost autocommand events work in vim when using tmux"; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; [ ronanmacf ]; }; }; vim-tmux-navigator = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "vim-tmux-navigator"; rtpFilePath = "vim-tmux-navigator.tmux"; version = "unstable-2022-08-21"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "christoomey"; repo = "vim-tmux-navigator"; rev = "afb45a55b452b9238159047ce7c6e161bd4a9907"; hash = "sha256-8A+Yt9uhhAP76EiqUopE8vl7/UXkgU2x000EOcF7pl0="; }; }; weather = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "weather"; version = "unstable-2020-02-08"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "xamut"; repo = "tmux-weather"; rev = "28a5fbe75bb25a408193d454304e28ddd75e9338"; hash = "sha256-of9E/npEsF1JVc9ttwrbC5WkIAwCNBJAgTfExfj79i4="; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/xamut/tmux-weather"; description = "Shows weather in the status line"; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; [ jfvillablanca ]; }; }; yank = mkTmuxPlugin { pluginName = "yank"; version = "unstable-2023-07-19"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tmux-plugins"; repo = "tmux-yank"; rev = "acfd36e4fcba99f8310a7dfb432111c242fe7392"; sha256 = "sha256-/5HPaoOx2U2d8lZZJo5dKmemu6hKgHJYq23hxkddXpA="; }; }; tmux-nova = mkTmuxPlugin rec { pluginName = "tmux-nova"; rtpFilePath = "nova.tmux"; version = "1.2.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "o0th"; repo = "tmux-nova"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "16llz3nlyw88lyd8mmj27i0ncyhpfjj5c1yikngf7nxcqsbjmcnh"; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/o0th/tmux-nova"; description = "tmux-nova theme"; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; [ o0th ]; }; }; } // lib.optionalAttrs config.allowAliases { mkDerivation = throw "tmuxPlugins.mkDerivation is deprecated, use tmuxPlugins.mkTmuxPlugin instead"; # added 2021-03-14 }