# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Luke Granger-Brown <depot@lukegb.com> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 { depot, lib, pkgs, config, ... }: let vhostsConfig = { int = rec { proxy = _apply (value: { extraConfig = '' ${bind} reverse_proxy ${value} ''; }) { "http://deluge.int.lukegb.com" = "http://localhost:8112"; "http://radarr.int.lukegb.com" = "http://localhost:7878"; "http://sonarr.int.lukegb.com" = "http://localhost:8989"; }; serve = _apply (value: { extraConfig = '' ${bind} root * ${value} file_server ''; }) { "http://int.lukegb.com" = depot.web.int; "http://logged-out.int.lukegb.com" = depot.web.logged-out-int; }; other = _apply lib.id { "http://content.int.lukegb.com" = { serverAliases = ["http://content.int.lukegb.com:18081"]; extraConfig = '' ${bind} root * /store/content file_server browse ''; }; }; _apply = f: builtins.mapAttrs (name: value: lib.recursiveUpdate hostBase (f value)); }; }; vhosts = vhostsConfig.int.proxy // vhostsConfig.int.serve // vhostsConfig.int.other // { "https://plex.lukegb.xyz" = { extraConfig = '' tls /var/lib/acme/plex.lukegb.xyz/fullchain.pem /var/lib/acme/plex.lukegb.xyz/privkey.pem redir https://plex.lukegb.xyz:32400{uri} ''; }; "http://plex.lukegb.xyz" = { extraConfig = '' redir https://plex.lukegb.xyz:32400{uri} ''; }; }; hostBase = { extraConfig = '' ${bind} ''; }; bind = "bind [${config.my.ip.tailscale6}] ${config.my.ip.tailscale}"; in { imports = [ ../lib/zfs.nix ../lib/bgp.nix ../lib/whitby-distributed.nix ../lib/nixbuild-distributed.nix ../lib/gitlab-runner-cacher.nix ../lib/coredns/default.nix ../lib/deluge.nix ../lib/plex.nix ]; my.plex.customTLS = { enable = true; domain = "plex.lukegb.xyz"; }; users.users.caddy.extraGroups = lib.mkAfter [ "plexcert" ]; # Otherwise _this_ machine won't enumerate things properly. boot.zfs.devNodes = "/dev/disk/by-id"; boot.initrd = { availableKernelModules = [ "nvme" "xhci_pci" "ahci" "usb_storage" "usbhid" "sd_mod" "sr_mod" ]; }; boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-amd" ]; hardware.cpu.amd.updateMicrocode = true; # Use the systemd-boot EFI boot loader. boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; boot.blacklistedKernelModules = [ "ib_core" "irdma" ]; powerManagement.cpuFreqGovernor = lib.mkDefault "performance"; services.zfs.rollbackOnBoot = { enable = true; snapshot = "zfast/local/root@blank"; }; fileSystems = let zfs = device: { device = device; fsType = "zfs"; }; in { "/" = zfs "zfast/local/root"; "/nix" = zfs "zfast/local/nix"; "/tmp" = zfs "zfast/local/tmp"; "/persist" = zfs "zfast/safe/persist"; "/store" = zfs "zslow/safe/store"; "/home" = (zfs "zslow/safe/home") // { neededForBoot = true; }; "/boot" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-label/ESP"; fsType = "vfat"; }; "/boot2" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-label/ESP2"; fsType = "vfat"; }; }; boot.loader.systemd-boot.extraInstallCommands = '' rsync -a /boot/ /boot2/ ''; nix.settings.max-jobs = lib.mkDefault 8; # Networking! networking = { hostName = "cofractal-ams01"; domain = "as205479.net"; hostId = "a1cf1a9f"; useNetworkd = true; nameservers = [ "2001:4860:4860::8888" "2001:4860:4860::8844" "" "" ]; bonds.bond0 = { interfaces = [ "enp45s0f0" "enp45s0f1" ]; driverOptions = { miimon = "100"; mode = "802.3ad"; }; }; defaultGateway6 = { address = "2a09:a446:1337:ffff::1"; interface = "bond0"; }; interfaces.bond0 = { ipv6.addresses = [ { address = "2a09:a446:1337::10"; prefixLength = 64; } { address = "2a09:a446:1337:ffff::10"; prefixLength = 120; } ]; ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 30; } ]; }; firewall.interfaces.bond0.allowedTCPPorts = [ 32400 # Plex 4001 # IPFS 80 # HTTP 443 # HTTPS ]; firewall.interfaces.bond0.allowedUDPPorts = [ 34197 # factorio 4001 # IPFS 443 # HTTP/3 ]; }; systemd.network.networks."40-bond0".linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "yes"; systemd.network.networks."40-enp45s0f0".linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "no"; systemd.network.networks."40-enp45s0f1".linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "no"; systemd.network.networks."50-tailscale".linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "no"; my.ip.tailscale = ""; my.ip.tailscale6 = "fd7a:115c:a1e0:ab12:4843:cd96:6253:2482"; my.coredns.bind = [ "bond0" "tailscale0" "" "::1" ]; services.openssh.hostKeys = [ { path = "/persist/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key"; type = "ed25519"; } { path = "/persist/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key"; type = "rsa"; bits = 4096; } ]; systemd.mounts = let bindMount' = dir: { unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = dir; options = "bind"; what = "/persist${dir}"; where = dir; }; bindMountSvc = dir: svc: (bindMount' dir) // { requiredBy = [svc]; before = [svc]; wantedBy = ["multi-user.target"]; }; bindMountSvcDynamic = dir: svc: (bindMount' "/var/lib/private/${dir}") // { requiredBy = [svc]; before = [svc]; wantedBy = ["multi-user.target"]; }; bindMount = dir: (bindMount' dir) // { wantedBy = ["multi-user.target"]; }; in [ (bindMountSvc "/var/lib/tailscale" "tailscaled.service") (bindMountSvc "/var/lib/private/factorio" "factorio.service") ]; services.lukegbgp = let local.asn = 205479; in { enable = true; config = { local = { routerID = ""; }; export.v4 = [ ]; export.v6 = [ "2a09:a446:1337::/48" ]; peering.cofractal = { local = local // { v6 = "2a09:a446:1337:ffff::10"; }; v4onv6 = true; remote = { asn = 26073; export_community = 6000; routers = [{ v6 = "2a09:a446:1337:ffff::2"; } { v6 = "2a09:a446:1337:ffff::3"; }]; }; }; }; }; boot.binfmt.emulatedSystems = [ "aarch64-linux" ]; services.sonarr.enable = true; services.radarr.enable = true; services.kubo = { enable = false; # kubo is so expensive for no reason :/ settings = { Discovery.MDNS.Enabled = false; Swarm.DisableNatPortMap = true; Experimental.FilestoreEnabled = true; }; dataDir = "/store/ipfs"; }; services.caddy = { enable = true; virtualHosts = vhosts; }; services.factorio = { inherit (depot.ops.secrets.factorio) username token; enable = true; saveName = "lukegb20230312-krastorio2"; game-name = "Briefcase Full of Bees"; mods = depot.nix.pkgs.factorio-mods._all; mods-dat = ./mod-settings.dat; extraSettings = { admins = ["lukegb"]; auto_pause = true; only_admins_can_pause_the_game = false; game_password = depot.ops.secrets.factorioServerPassword; non_blocking_saving = true; autosave_only_on_server = true; autosave_interval = 5; autosave_slots = 60; }; }; virtualisation.libvirtd = { enable = true; }; security.polkit.enable = true; users.users.lukegb.extraGroups = lib.mkAfter [ "libvirtd" ]; system.stateVersion = "23.05"; }