import ./make-test-python.nix ({
  name = "zrepl"; =
    { config, pkgs, ... }:
      config = {
        # Prerequisites for ZFS and tests.
        boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ];
        environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.zrepl ];
        networking.hostId = "deadbeef";
        services.zrepl = {
          enable = true;
          settings = {
            # Enable Prometheus output for status assertions.
            global.monitoring = [
                type = "prometheus";
                listen = ":9811";
            # Create a periodic snapshot job for an ephemeral zpool.
            jobs = [
                name = "snap_test";
                type = "snap";

                filesystems."test" = true;
                snapshotting = {
                  type = "periodic";
                  prefix = "zrepl_";
                  interval = "1s";

                pruning.keep = [
                    type = "last_n";
                    count = 8;

  testScript = ''

    with subtest("Wait for zrepl and network ready"):

    with subtest("Create test zpool"):
        # ZFS requires 64MiB minimum pool size.
        host.succeed("fallocate -l 64MiB /root/zpool.img")
        host.succeed("zpool create test /root/zpool.img")

    with subtest("Check for completed zrepl snapshot"):
        # zrepl periodic snapshot job creates a snapshot with this prefix.
        host.wait_until_succeeds("zfs list -t snapshot | grep -q zrepl_")

    with subtest("Verify HTTP monitoring server is configured"):
        out = host.succeed("curl -f localhost:9811/metrics")

        assert (
            "zrepl_start_time" in out
        ), "zrepl start time metric was not found in Prometheus output"

        assert (
            "zrepl_zfs_snapshot_duration_count{filesystem=\"test\"}" in out
        ), "zrepl snapshot counter for test was not found in Prometheus output"