{ lib , stdenv , buildPythonPackage , python , isPy3k , arrow-cpp , cffi , cloudpickle , cmake , cython , fsspec , hypothesis , numpy , pandas , pytestCheckHook , pytest-lazy-fixture , pkg-config , scipy , setuptools-scm , six }: let zero_or_one = cond: if cond then 1 else 0; _arrow-cpp = arrow-cpp.override { python3 = python; }; in buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "pyarrow"; disabled = !isPy3k; inherit (_arrow-cpp) version src; sourceRoot = "apache-arrow-${version}/python"; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake cython pkg-config setuptools-scm ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ numpy six cloudpickle scipy fsspec cffi ]; checkInputs = [ hypothesis pandas pytestCheckHook pytest-lazy-fixture ]; PYARROW_BUILD_TYPE = "release"; PYARROW_WITH_DATASET = zero_or_one true; PYARROW_WITH_FLIGHT = zero_or_one _arrow-cpp.enableFlight; PYARROW_WITH_HDFS = zero_or_one true; PYARROW_WITH_PARQUET = zero_or_one true; PYARROW_WITH_PLASMA = zero_or_one (!stdenv.isDarwin); PYARROW_WITH_S3 = zero_or_one _arrow-cpp.enableS3; PYARROW_CMAKE_OPTIONS = [ "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=${ARROW_HOME}/lib" ]; ARROW_HOME = _arrow-cpp; PARQUET_HOME = _arrow-cpp; ARROW_TEST_DATA = lib.optionalString doCheck _arrow-cpp.ARROW_TEST_DATA; doCheck = true; dontUseCmakeConfigure = true; preBuild = '' export PYARROW_PARALLEL=$NIX_BUILD_CORES ''; pytestFlagsArray = [ # Deselect a single test because pyarrow prints a 2-line error message where # only a single line is expected. The additional line of output comes from # the glog library which is an optional dependency of arrow-cpp that is # enabled in nixpkgs. # Upstream Issue: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-11393 "--deselect=pyarrow/tests/test_memory.py::test_env_var" # these tests require access to s3 via the internet "--deselect=pyarrow/tests/test_fs.py::test_resolve_s3_region" "--deselect=pyarrow/tests/test_fs.py::test_s3_real_aws" "--deselect=pyarrow/tests/test_fs.py::test_s3_real_aws_region_selection" "--deselect=pyarrow/tests/test_fs.py::test_s3_options" ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ # Requires loopback networking "--deselect=pyarrow/tests/test_ipc.py::test_socket_" ]; dontUseSetuptoolsCheck = true; preCheck = '' shopt -s extglob rm -r pyarrow/!(tests) ''; pythonImportsCheck = [ "pyarrow" ] ++ map (module: "pyarrow.${module}") ([ "compute" "csv" "dataset" "feather" "flight" "fs" "hdfs" "json" "parquet" ] ++ lib.optionals (!stdenv.isDarwin) [ "plasma" ]); meta = with lib; { description = "A cross-language development platform for in-memory data"; homepage = "https://arrow.apache.org/"; license = licenses.asl20; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; [ veprbl cpcloud ]; }; }