#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -i bash -p bash nix-update jq set -xeuo pipefail SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")") NIXPKGS_DIR=$(readlink -f "$SCRIPT_DIR/../../../..") cd "$NIXPKGS_DIR" nix_versions=$(nix eval --impure --json --expr "with import ./. { config.allowAliases = false; }; builtins.filter (name: builtins.match \"nix_.*\" name != null) (builtins.attrNames nixVersions)" | jq -r '.[]') stable_version_full=$(nix eval --impure --json --expr "with import ./. { config.allowAliases = false; }; nixVersions.stable.version" | jq -r) # strip patch version stable_version_trimmed=${stable_version_full%.*} for name in $nix_versions; do minor_version=${name#nix_*_} if [[ "$name" = "nix_2_3" ]]; then # not maintained by the nix team continue fi if [[ "$name" = "nix_${stable_version_trimmed//./_}" ]]; then curl https://releases.nixos.org/nix/nix-$stable_version_full/fallback-paths.nix > "$NIXPKGS_DIR/nixos/modules/installer/tools/nix-fallback-paths.nix" # nix-update will commit the file if it has changed git add "$NIXPKGS_DIR/nixos/modules/installer/tools/nix-fallback-paths.nix" fi nix-update --override-filename "$SCRIPT_DIR/default.nix" --version-regex "(2\\.${minor_version}\..+)" --build --commit "nixVersions.$name" done commit_json=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/NixOS/nix/commits/master) # format: 2024-11-01T10:18:53Z date_of_commit=$(echo "$commit_json" | jq -r '.commit.author.date') suffix="pre$(date -d "$date_of_commit" +%Y%m%d)_" sed -i -e "s|\"pre[0-9]\{8\}_|\"$suffix|g" "$SCRIPT_DIR/default.nix" nix-update --override-filename "$SCRIPT_DIR/default.nix" --version branch --build --commit "nixVersions.git"