--- title: Vault and Me: Taking It Too Far date: 2022-04-07 layout: Post --- Recently I've been thinking about how I could distribute secrets to my NixOS machines in a... relatively... decent way. --- At the same time, I've been wanting to move to using an SSH CA to issue myself credentials, rather than a variety of SSH public keys. In any case, my Vault setup ends up looking like this: - Vault instance, running on [Google Cloud Run](https://cloud.google.com/run) with autounsealing from Cloud HSM, backed by Cloud Storage - Vault configuration using [Terranix](https://terranix.org/) (Terraform, but with the config in Nix) - Vault App ID credentials on each machine, with Vault Agent used to automatically auth - `tokend` for issuing service credentials - `secretsmgr` for managing SSH CA host certificates and ACME certificates - `access` for issuing SSH CA user certificates Let's go over these one at a time from a relatively low-level perspective - and I'll describe in more detail the mechanics of SSH CAs in a separate post. If you're interested in some [good](https://www.lorier.net/docs/ssh-ca.html) [docs](https://blog.habets.se/2011/07/OpenSSH-certificates.html) on how SSH CAs work, written by some colleagues of mine - then I refer you to those instead, since I'll primarily be focusing on my specific setup with Vault rather than a more general introduction. ## Vault instance on GCP First off: why on GCP when I have a bunch of physical boxen I'm managing? The reason is simple: if I have a lot riding on it, I'd rather that it doesn't have the same failure domain as the stuff I'm hosting. It makes it much easier to recover if I don't have to rely on having my own infrastructure up in order to recover it. On the other hand... it does mean I'm putting my root of trust "out of my hands". I'll take that risk. Broadly speaking, my setup roughly mirrors Kelsey Hightower's [Serverless Vault with Cloud Run](https://github.com/kelseyhightower/serverless-vault-with-cloud-run) - although I build the Docker container [using Nix](https://hg.lukegb.com/lukegb/depot/-/blob/branch/default/nix/docker/vault/default.nix). It's a relatively neat setup, although... it turns out to be expensive. Maybe I'll move it to Oracle Cloud's free tier running on one of their ARM64 instances. ### vault-acme One important thing to notice is that I install the [`vault-acme`](https://github.com/remilapeyre/vault-acme) secret engine for issuing SSL certificates using ACME. This allows me to just store the Let's Encrypt stuff within Vault and not have to distribute my DNS server's credentials to each individual server. I could run a separate service to do this, but it's super convenient to just have Vault do it, since everything already authenticates to it. ## Vault configuration I use Terranix to manage the Vault configuration - this is because I have all my server's configs in my repo, so I can actually introspect the NixOS configuration to determine how I want to build the Vault config. I have a helper script called `terraform` that acts like the normal Terraform binary after having compiled my Vault configuration, so I can run `./terraform apply` and have it just work the way you'd expect. At present it requires GCP credentials to be issued separately, using gcloud, since I store my Terraform state in a GCS bucket, but I'm hoping to instead grant access to this using a Vault-managed GCP service account instead (still with the ability to use my "normal" Google account though, if needed, because obviously I need to be able to use it to fix Vault if Vault is broken...) In particular, I generate identities per server defined in the config, and provide myself some useful hooks to make "app" policy configuration more easy. ### What do I mean by an "app" My configuration basically defines an app as a separate Unix user; if you are running as a Linux user named `fooservice` on server `barserver` (and the Vault configuration says that `fooservice` is intended to exist on that server), then `tokend` will issue you a Vault token with the policies `app/fooservice` and `server/barserver/app/fooservice`, if those policies exist. This is super useful: for instance, in the main case apps are only deployed on one host, and if I'm moving it around then it makes sense for it to have access to the same secrets. I use [Pomerium](https://pomerium.io) as an authenticating proxy, and so there's an `app/pomerium` policy which grants access to secrets like `kv/apps/pomerium`. However sometimes there are users which are deployed on more than one machine - such as `gitlab-runner` - and that user should only get access to secrets on one specific host. I use this concept for granting access to `gitlab-runner` on a server called `clouvider-lon01` to be able to deploy to this blog! It [has access](https://hg.lukegb.com/lukegb/depot/-/blob/branch/default/ops/vault/cfg/lukegbcom-deployer.nix) to get an OAuth token to a specific GCP service account with permission to deploy to Firebase Hosting via the `server/clouvider-lon01/app/gitlab-runner` policy, but the `gitlab-runner` user anywhere else is not permitted to get access to this secret. ### `server-user` There are some secrets which aren't super secret and should be generally accessible by users on servers, even if they don't have their own Vault token. `tokend` checks to see if the user talking to it (via a Unix domain socket) is a normal user rather than a service user, and if so will issue a token with the `server-user` policy instead. This token really just has a credential to get access to my Nix binary cache on Google Cloud Storage, so it's not super confidential. There aren't really many instances where this is useful, and in general on "client" devices I expect to authenticate to Vault and get a more fully-fledged token as myself. It doesn't have access to, for instance, issue SSH user certificates. That power is restricted to "real" authenticated users who have authenticated directly with Vault. ### `server/hostname` Servers are also permitted to have server-wide secrets. This is mostly just used for `secretsmgr` at the moment - arguably this could be its own app. By default, servers [have access](https://hg.lukegb.com/lukegb/depot/-/blob/branch/default/ops/vault/cfg/policies/server.hcl) to `kv/server/$HOSTNAME`, and to issue ACME certificates, and the Nix binary cache credentials. They also have the power to issue subtokens with lesser-power than themselves. ## Vault App ID credentials I use the "App ID" mode in Vault to provision secrets to servers; when setting a machine up (a process I have not yet automated), I run [`reissue-secret-id.sh`](https://hg.lukegb.com/lukegb/depot/-/blob/branch/default/ops/vault/reissue-secret-id.sh) which revokes all existing secret IDs for that host and dumps out a Vault [response wrapped token](https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/concepts/response-wrapping), which can be used one time only to get the secret ID for that host. There's a [`provision-secret-id`](https://hg.lukegb.com/lukegb/depot/-/blob/branch/default/ops/vault/default.nix) script installed on every machine which will then install the secret for me. Future work in this space for me is binding the secret to the TPM (e.g. using mTLS auth) so I don't have to stick the secret ID on disk... but then again I'm not a multinational corporation, and my secrets aren't worth _that_ much. ## Vault Agent The Vault Agent is a daemon that serves a number of purposes: - It can act as a proxy which keeps an internal Vault token and automatically refreshes it, and then attaches it to every request that it proxies to Vault as received on a Unix socket (or a TCP socket... but I don't use it like that) - It can use templates to write secrets to disk (with drawbacks, hence the creation of `secretsmgr` below) - Probably some other functionality I don't really use In my setup, only a few things have direct access to the Vault Agent socket, and in future I might get rid of it from my setup entirely. `tokend` and `secretsmgr` have access, and that's pretty much it. This is because the powers that its Vault token gets are a combination of all the policies granted to the machine, including all the apps running on it, so any app with access to its Unix socket effectively gets all the secrets shared to anything on the server. The secrets I use it to write to disk are strictly the plain KV type, rather than anything more sophisticated, but I do use some [relatively complicated Polkit rules](https://hg.lukegb.com/lukegb/depot/-/blob/branch/default/ops/nixos/lib/vault-agent-secrets.nix) to allow it to reload/restart services when those secrets change. ## `tokend` The user-based authentication I mentioned above (with the app policies and the `server-user`) policy is powered by [`tokend`](https://hg.lukegb.com/lukegb/depot/-/tree/branch/default/go/tokend), which is a daemon that listens on a Unix socket and proxies requests through the local Vault Agent, with a token issued that has a subset of the powers of the original server-wide token. The ACLs on talking to `tokend` are much more permissive than those for talking directly to the Vault agent. ## `secretsmgr` `secretsmgr` exists to solve some problems I was having with getting Vault Agent to write secrets that require more complex Vault requests, like the TLS certificates using ACME (which have ratelimits imposed by Let's Encrypt!), and SSH host certificates. It's a pretty simple binary which runs using a systemd timer unit, starts up, checks the remaining lifetime of the certificates it's responsible for, and then reissues them if required. Similar to the Vault Agent above, I use some [Polkit rules](https://hg.lukegb.com/lukegb/depot/-/blob/branch/default/ops/nixos/lib/secretsmgr.nix) to allow it to restart the ACME certificate consumers (usually nginx or pomerium), and sshd. ## `access` `access` checks to see if there's currently an active Vault token. If not, then it launches the `vault login` flow which in my case asks me to log in with my Google account. If that succeeds, or if I already had a token, then it generates a new ED25519 private key and asks Vault to sign it with a lifetime of about 24 hours, and then inserts it into the SSH agent. This means the key never has to hit disk, since it can just reside in the SSH agent. The token that this flow issues is a `user` token (i.e. not a `server-user` token, nor an `admin` token), which has permission to look at some specific secrets related to that user, things which are generally shared -- like those Nix binary cache credentials, but doesn't have general access to administrate Vault. I issue `admin` tokens with a lifetime of 1h when I need them, and at some point will try to scope them down further -- although since I use them to deploy all the policies there is a limit to what I can feasibly do.