
144 lines
4 KiB

# Generic builder for GNU Octave libraries.
# This is a file that contains nested functions. The first, outer, function
# is the library- and package-wide details, such as the nixpkgs library, any
# additional configuration provided, and the namePrefix to use (based on the
# pname and version of Octave), the octave package, etc.
# The inner function contains information required to build the individual
# libraries.
fullLibName ? "${attrs.pname}-${attrs.version}",
dontPatch ? false,
patches ? [ ],
patchPhase ? "",
enableParallelBuilding ? true,
# Build-time dependencies for the package, which were compiled for the system compiling this.
nativeBuildInputs ? [ ],
# Build-time dependencies for the package, which may not have been compiled for the system compiling this.
buildInputs ? [ ],
# Propagate build dependencies so in case we have A -> B -> C,
# C can import package A propagated by B
# Run-time dependencies for the package.
propagatedBuildInputs ? [ ],
# Octave packages that are required at runtime for this one.
# These behave similarly to propagatedBuildInputs, where if
# package A is needed by B, and C needs B, then C also requires A.
# The main difference between these and propagatedBuildInputs is
# during the package's installation into octave, where all
# requiredOctavePackages are ALSO installed into octave.
requiredOctavePackages ? [ ],
preBuild ? "",
meta ? { },
passthru ? { },
requiredOctavePackages' = computeRequiredOctavePackages requiredOctavePackages;
# Must use attrs.nativeBuildInputs before they are removed by the removeAttrs
# below, or everything fails.
nativeBuildInputs' = [
] ++ nativeBuildInputs;
passthru' = {
updateScript = [
(builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "pname" octave.pkgs.${attrs.pname}).file
} // passthru;
# This step is required because when
# a = { test = [ "a" "b" ]; }; b = { test = [ "c" "d" ]; };
# (a // b).test = [ "c" "d" ];
# This used to mean that if a package defined extra nativeBuildInputs, it
# would override the ones for building an Octave package (the hook and Octave
# itself, causing everything to fail.
attrs' = builtins.removeAttrs attrs [
stdenv.mkDerivation (
packageName = "${fullLibName}";
# The name of the octave package ends up being
# "octave-version-package-version"
name = "${octave.pname}-${octave.version}-${fullLibName}";
# This states that any package built with the function that this returns
# will be an octave package. This is used for ensuring other octave
# packages are installed into octave during the environment building phase.
isOctavePackage = true;
OCTAVE_HISTFILE = "/dev/null";
inherit src;
inherit dontPatch patches patchPhase;
dontConfigure = true;
enableParallelBuilding = enableParallelBuilding;
requiredOctavePackages = requiredOctavePackages';
nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildInputs';
buildInputs = buildInputs ++ requiredOctavePackages';
propagatedBuildInputs = propagatedBuildInputs ++ [ texinfo ];
preBuild =
if preBuild == "" then
# This trickery is needed because Octave expects a single directory inside
# at the top-most level of the tarball.
tar --transform 's,^,${fullLibName}/,' -cz * -f ${fullLibName}.tar.gz
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
mkdir -p $out
octave-cli --eval "pkg build $out ${fullLibName}.tar.gz"
runHook postBuild
# We don't install here, because that's handled when we build the environment
# together with Octave.
dontInstall = true;
passthru = passthru';
inherit meta;
// attrs'