155 lines
4.6 KiB
155 lines
4.6 KiB
# similar to interpreters/python/default.nix
{ stdenv, config, lib, callPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, fetchpatch, makeBinaryWrapper }:
# Common passthru for all lua interpreters.
# copied from python
passthruFun =
{ executable
, luaversion
, packageOverrides
, luaOnBuildForBuild
, luaOnBuildForHost
, luaOnBuildForTarget
, luaOnHostForHost
, luaOnTargetForTarget
, luaAttr ? null
, self # is luaOnHostForTarget
}: let
luaPackages = callPackage
# Function that when called
# - imports lua-packages.nix
# - adds spliced package sets to the package set
# - applies overrides from `packageOverrides`
({ lua, overrides, callPackage, makeScopeWithSplicing' }: let
luaPackagesFun = callPackage ../../../top-level/lua-packages.nix {
lua = self;
generatedPackages = if (builtins.pathExists ../../lua-modules/generated-packages.nix) then
(final: prev: callPackage ../../lua-modules/generated-packages.nix { inherit (final) callPackage; } final prev)
else (final: prev: {});
overriddenPackages = callPackage ../../lua-modules/overrides.nix { };
otherSplices = {
selfBuildBuild = luaOnBuildForBuild.pkgs;
selfBuildHost = luaOnBuildForHost.pkgs;
selfBuildTarget = luaOnBuildForTarget.pkgs;
selfHostHost = luaOnHostForHost.pkgs;
selfTargetTarget = luaOnTargetForTarget.pkgs or {};
aliases = final: prev:
lib.optionalAttrs config.allowAliases
(import ../../lua-modules/aliases.nix lib final prev);
extensions = lib.composeManyExtensions [
in makeScopeWithSplicing' {
inherit otherSplices;
f = lib.extends extensions luaPackagesFun;
overrides = packageOverrides;
lua = self;
in rec {
buildEnv = callPackage ./wrapper.nix {
lua = self;
makeWrapper = makeBinaryWrapper;
inherit (luaPackages) requiredLuaModules;
withPackages = import ./with-packages.nix { inherit buildEnv luaPackages;};
pkgs = let lp = luaPackages;
in lp // { luaPackages = lp.luaPackages // { __attrsFailEvaluation = true; }; };
interpreter = "${self}/bin/${executable}";
inherit executable luaversion;
luaOnBuild = luaOnBuildForHost.override { inherit packageOverrides; self = luaOnBuild; };
tests = callPackage ./tests { inherit (luaPackages) wrapLua; };
inherit luaAttr;
rec {
lua5_4 = callPackage ./interpreter.nix {
self = lua5_4;
version = "5.4.6";
hash = "sha256-fV6huctqoLWco93hxq3LV++DobqOVDLA7NBr9DmzrYg=";
makeWrapper = makeBinaryWrapper;
inherit passthruFun;
patches = lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin ./5.4.darwin.patch;
lua5_4_compat = lua5_4.override({
self = lua5_4_compat;
compat = true;
lua5_3 = callPackage ./interpreter.nix {
self = lua5_3;
version = "5.3.6";
hash = "0q3d8qhd7p0b7a4mh9g7fxqksqfs6mr1nav74vq26qvkp2dxcpzw";
makeWrapper = makeBinaryWrapper;
inherit passthruFun;
patches =
lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ ./5.2.darwin.patch ];
lua5_3_compat = lua5_3.override({
self = lua5_3_compat;
compat = true;
lua5_2 = callPackage ./interpreter.nix {
self = lua5_2;
version = "5.2.4";
hash = "0jwznq0l8qg9wh5grwg07b5cy3lzngvl5m2nl1ikp6vqssmf9qmr";
makeWrapper = makeBinaryWrapper;
inherit passthruFun;
patches = [
] ++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin ./5.2.darwin.patch;
lua5_2_compat = lua5_2.override({
self = lua5_2_compat;
compat = true;
lua5_1 = callPackage ./interpreter.nix {
self = lua5_1;
version = "5.1.5";
hash = "2640fc56a795f29d28ef15e13c34a47e223960b0240e8cb0a82d9b0738695333";
makeWrapper = makeBinaryWrapper;
inherit passthruFun;
patches = (lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin ./5.1.darwin.patch)
++ [ ./CVE-2014-5461.patch ];
luajit_2_0 = import ../luajit/2.0.nix {
self = luajit_2_0;
inherit callPackage fetchFromGitHub lib passthruFun;
luajit_2_1 = import ../luajit/2.1.nix {
self = luajit_2_1;
inherit callPackage fetchFromGitHub passthruFun;
luajit_openresty = import ../luajit/openresty.nix {
self = luajit_openresty;
inherit callPackage fetchFromGitHub passthruFun;