618 lines
26 KiB
618 lines
26 KiB
{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch, fetchgit
, bzip2
, expat
, libffi
, gdbm
, xz
, mailcap, mimetypesSupport ? true
, ncurses
, openssl
, openssl_legacy
, readline
, sqlite
, tcl ? null, tk ? null, tix ? null, libX11 ? null, xorgproto ? null, x11Support ? false
, bluez ? null, bluezSupport ? false
, zlib
, tzdata ? null
, libxcrypt
, self
, configd
, darwin
, windows
, autoreconfHook
, autoconf-archive
, pkg-config
, python-setup-hook
, nukeReferences
# For the Python package set
, packageOverrides ? (self: super: {})
, pkgsBuildBuild
, pkgsBuildHost
, pkgsBuildTarget
, pkgsHostHost
, pkgsTargetTarget
, sourceVersion
, hash
, passthruFun
, bash
, stripConfig ? false
, stripIdlelib ? false
, stripTests ? false
, stripTkinter ? false
, rebuildBytecode ? true
, stripBytecode ? true
, includeSiteCustomize ? true
, static ? stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
, enableFramework ? false
, enableOptimizations ? false
# these dont build for windows
, withGdbm ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows
, withReadline ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows
# enableNoSemanticInterposition is a subset of the enableOptimizations flag that doesn't harm reproducibility.
# clang starts supporting `-fno-sematic-interposition` with version 10
, enableNoSemanticInterposition ? (!stdenv.cc.isClang || (stdenv.cc.isClang && lib.versionAtLeast stdenv.cc.version "10"))
# enableLTO is a subset of the enableOptimizations flag that doesn't harm reproducibility.
# enabling LTO on 32bit arch causes downstream packages to fail when linking
# enabling LTO on *-darwin causes python3 to fail when linking.
, enableLTO ? stdenv.is64bit && stdenv.isLinux
, reproducibleBuild ? false
, pythonAttr ? "python${sourceVersion.major}${sourceVersion.minor}"
, noldconfigPatch ? ./. + "/${sourceVersion.major}.${sourceVersion.minor}/no-ldconfig.patch"
, testers
} @ inputs:
# Note: this package is used for bootstrapping fetchurl, and thus
# cannot use fetchpatch! All mutable patches (generated by GitHub or
# cgit) that are needed here should be included directly in Nixpkgs as
# files.
assert x11Support -> tcl != null
&& tk != null
&& xorgproto != null
&& libX11 != null;
assert bluezSupport -> bluez != null;
assert enableFramework -> stdenv.isDarwin;
assert lib.assertMsg (reproducibleBuild -> stripBytecode)
"Deterministic builds require stripping bytecode.";
assert lib.assertMsg (reproducibleBuild -> (!enableOptimizations))
"Deterministic builds are not achieved when optimizations are enabled.";
assert lib.assertMsg (reproducibleBuild -> (!rebuildBytecode))
"Deterministic builds are not achieved when (default unoptimized) bytecode is created.";
with lib;
# some python packages need legacy ciphers, so we're using openssl 3, but with that config
# null check for Minimal
openssl' = if openssl != null then openssl_legacy else null;
buildPackages = pkgsBuildHost;
inherit (passthru) pythonOnBuildForHost;
inherit (darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks) Cocoa;
tzdataSupport = tzdata != null && passthru.pythonAtLeast "3.9";
passthru = let
# When we override the interpreter we also need to override the spliced versions of the interpreter
inputs' = lib.filterAttrs (n: v: ! lib.isDerivation v && n != "passthruFun") inputs;
override = attr: let python = attr.override (inputs' // { self = python; }); in python;
in passthruFun rec {
inherit self sourceVersion packageOverrides;
implementation = "cpython";
libPrefix = "python${pythonVersion}";
executable = libPrefix;
pythonVersion = with sourceVersion; "${major}.${minor}";
sitePackages = "lib/${libPrefix}/site-packages";
inherit hasDistutilsCxxPatch pythonAttr;
pythonOnBuildForBuild = override pkgsBuildBuild.${pythonAttr};
pythonOnBuildForHost = override pkgsBuildHost.${pythonAttr};
pythonOnBuildForTarget = override pkgsBuildTarget.${pythonAttr};
pythonOnHostForHost = override pkgsHostHost.${pythonAttr};
pythonOnTargetForTarget = lib.optionalAttrs (lib.hasAttr pythonAttr pkgsTargetTarget) (override pkgsTargetTarget.${pythonAttr});
version = with sourceVersion; "${major}.${minor}.${patch}${suffix}";
nativeBuildInputs = optionals (!stdenv.isDarwin) [
autoconf-archive # needed for AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG
] ++ [
] ++ optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) [
] ++ optionals (stdenv.cc.isClang && (!stdenv.hostPlatform.useAndroidPrebuilt or false) && (enableLTO || enableOptimizations)) [
buildInputs = filter (p: p != null) ([
zlib bzip2 expat xz libffi libxcrypt ]
++ optional withGdbm gdbm
++ [ sqlite ]
++ optional withReadline readline
++ [ ncurses openssl' ]
++ optionals x11Support [ tcl tk libX11 xorgproto ]
++ optionals (bluezSupport && stdenv.isLinux) [ bluez ]
++ optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ configd ])
++ optionals enableFramework [ Cocoa ]
++ optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isMinGW [ windows.mingw_w64_pthreads windows.dlfcn ]
++ optionals tzdataSupport [ tzdata ]; # `zoneinfo` module
hasDistutilsCxxPatch = !(stdenv.cc.isGNU or false);
pythonOnBuildForHostInterpreter = if stdenv.hostPlatform == stdenv.buildPlatform then
else pythonOnBuildForHost.interpreter;
src = fetchurl {
url = with sourceVersion; "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${major}.${minor}.${patch}/Python-${version}.tar.xz";
inherit hash;
# The CPython interpreter contains a _sysconfigdata_<platform specific suffix>
# module that is imported by the sysconfig and distutils.sysconfig modules.
# The sysconfigdata module is generated at build time and contains settings
# required for building Python extension modules, such as include paths and
# other compiler flags. By default, the sysconfigdata module is loaded from
# the currently running interpreter (ie. the build platform interpreter), but
# when cross-compiling we want to load it from the host platform interpreter.
# This can be done using the _PYTHON_SYSCONFIGDATA_NAME environment variable.
# The _PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM variable also needs to be set to get the correct
# platform suffix on extension modules. The correct values for these variables
# are not documented, and must be derived from the configure script (see links
# below).
sysconfigdataHook = with stdenv.hostPlatform; with passthru; let
machdep = if isWindows then "win32" else parsed.kernel.name; # win32 is added by Fedora’s patch
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/e488e300f5c01289c10906c2e53a8e43d6de32d8/configure.ac#L428
# The configure script uses "arm" as the CPU name for all 32-bit ARM
# variants when cross-compiling, but native builds include the version
# suffix, so we do the same.
pythonHostPlatform = let
cpu = {
# According to PEP600, Python's name for the Power PC
# architecture is "ppc", not "powerpc". Without the Rosetta
# Stone below, the PEP600 requirement that "${ARCH} matches
# the return value from distutils.util.get_platform()" fails.
# https://peps.python.org/pep-0600/
powerpc = "ppc";
powerpcle = "ppcle";
powerpc64 = "ppc64";
powerpc64le = "ppc64le";
}.${parsed.cpu.name} or parsed.cpu.name;
in "${machdep}-${cpu}";
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/e488e300f5c01289c10906c2e53a8e43d6de32d8/configure.ac#L724
multiarchCpu =
if isAarch32 then
if parsed.cpu.significantByte.name == "littleEndian" then "arm" else "armeb"
else if isx86_32 then "i386"
else parsed.cpu.name;
pythonAbiName = let
# python's build doesn't match the nixpkgs abi in some cases.
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/e488e300f5c01289c10906c2e53a8e43d6de32d8/configure.ac#L724
nixpkgsPythonAbiMappings = {
"gnuabielfv2" = "gnu";
"muslabielfv2" = "musl";
pythonAbi = nixpkgsPythonAbiMappings.${parsed.abi.name} or parsed.abi.name;
# Python <3.11 doesn't distinguish musl and glibc and always prefixes with "gnu"
if lib.versionOlder version "3.11" then
replaceStrings [ "musl" ] [ "gnu" ] pythonAbi
multiarch =
if isDarwin then "darwin"
else if isWindows then ""
else "${multiarchCpu}-${machdep}-${pythonAbiName}";
abiFlags = optionalString isPy37 "m";
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/e488e300f5c01289c10906c2e53a8e43d6de32d8/configure.ac#L78
pythonSysconfigdataName = "_sysconfigdata_${abiFlags}_${machdep}_${multiarch}";
in ''
sysconfigdataHook() {
if [ "$1" = '${placeholder "out"}' ]; then
export _PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM='${pythonHostPlatform}'
export _PYTHON_SYSCONFIGDATA_NAME='${pythonSysconfigdataName}'
addEnvHooks "$hostOffset" sysconfigdataHook
execSuffix = stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.executable;
in with passthru; stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
pname = "python3";
inherit src version;
inherit nativeBuildInputs;
buildInputs = lib.optionals (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows) [ bash ] ++ buildInputs; # bash is only used for patchShebangs
prePatch = optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
substituteInPlace configure --replace '`/usr/bin/arch`' '"i386"'
'' + optionalString (pythonOlder "3.9" && stdenv.isDarwin && x11Support) ''
# Broken on >= 3.9; replaced with ./3.9/darwin-tcl-tk.patch
substituteInPlace setup.py --replace /Library/Frameworks /no-such-path
patches = optionals (version == "3.10.9") [
# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/100160
] ++ optionals (version == "3.11.1") [
# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/100160
(fetchpatch {
name = "asyncio-deprecation-3.11.patch";
url = "https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/3fae04b10e2655a20a3aadb5e0d63e87206d0c67.diff";
revert = true;
excludes = [ "Misc/NEWS.d/*" ];
hash = "sha256-PmkXf2D9trtW1gXZilRIWgdg2Y47JfELq1z4DuG3wJY=";
] ++ [
# Disable the use of ldconfig in ctypes.util.find_library (since
# ldconfig doesn't work on NixOS), and don't use
# ctypes.util.find_library during the loading of the uuid module
# (since it will do a futile invocation of gcc (!) to find
# libuuid, slowing down program startup a lot).
# Make sure that the virtualenv activation scripts are
# owner-writable, so venvs can be recreated without permission
# errors.
] ++ optionals mimetypesSupport [
# Make the mimetypes module refer to the right file
] ++ optionals (pythonAtLeast "3.7" && pythonOlder "3.11") [
# Fix darwin build https://bugs.python.org/issue34027
] ++ optionals (pythonAtLeast "3.11") [
] ++ optionals (pythonAtLeast "3.9" && pythonOlder "3.11" && stdenv.isDarwin) [
# Stop checking for TCL/TK in global macOS locations
] ++ optionals (isPy3k && hasDistutilsCxxPatch && pythonOlder "3.12") [
# Fix for http://bugs.python.org/issue1222585
# Upstream distutils is calling C compiler to compile C++ code, which
# only works for GCC and Apple Clang. This makes distutils to call C++
# compiler when needed.
if pythonAtLeast "3.7" && pythonOlder "3.11" then
else if pythonAtLeast "3.11" then
fetchpatch {
url = "https://bugs.python.org/file48016/python-3.x-distutils-C++.patch";
sha256 = "1h18lnpx539h5lfxyk379dxwr8m2raigcjixkf133l4xy3f4bzi2";
] ++ optionals (pythonAtLeast "3.7" && pythonOlder "3.12") [
# LDSHARED now uses $CC instead of gcc. Fixes cross-compilation of extension modules.
# Use sysconfigdata to find headers. Fixes cross-compilation of extension modules.
] ++ optionals (pythonOlder "3.12") [
# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/90656
] ++ optionals (pythonAtLeast "3.11" && pythonOlder "3.13") [
# backport fix for https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/95855
] ++ optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform.isMinGW) (let
# https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/mingw-python3
mingw-patch = fetchgit {
name = "mingw-python-patches";
url = "https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/mingw-python3.git";
rev = "45c45833ab9e5480ad0ae00778a05ebf35812ed4"; # for python 3.11.5 at the time of writing.
sha256 = "sha256-KIyNvO6MlYTrmSy9V/DbzXm5OsIuyT/BEpuo7Umm9DI=";
in [
postPatch = optionalString (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows) ''
substituteInPlace Lib/subprocess.py \
--replace "'/bin/sh'" "'${bash}/bin/sh'"
'' + optionalString mimetypesSupport ''
substituteInPlace Lib/mimetypes.py \
--replace "@mime-types@" "${mailcap}"
'' + optionalString (pythonOlder "3.13" && x11Support && (tix != null)) ''
substituteInPlace "Lib/tkinter/tix.py" --replace "os.environ.get('TIX_LIBRARY')" "os.environ.get('TIX_LIBRARY') or '${tix}/lib'"
env = {
CPPFLAGS = concatStringsSep " " (map (p: "-I${getDev p}/include") buildInputs);
LDFLAGS = concatStringsSep " " (map (p: "-L${getLib p}/lib") buildInputs);
LIBS = "${optionalString (!stdenv.isDarwin) "-lcrypt"}";
NIX_LDFLAGS = lib.optionalString (stdenv.cc.isGNU && !stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic) ({
"glibc" = "-lgcc_s";
"musl" = "-lgcc_eh";
}."${stdenv.hostPlatform.libc}" or "");
# Determinism: We fix the hashes of str, bytes and datetime objects.
configureFlags = [
] ++ optionals (!static && !enableFramework) [
] ++ optionals enableFramework [
"--enable-framework=${placeholder "out"}/Library/Frameworks"
] ++ optionals enableOptimizations [
] ++ optionals enableLTO [
] ++ optionals (pythonOlder "3.7") [
# This is unconditionally true starting in CPython 3.7.
] ++ optionals (sqlite != null && isPy3k) [
] ++ optionals (openssl' != null) [
] ++ optionals (libxcrypt != null) [
] ++ optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) [
# Assume little-endian IEEE 754 floating point when cross compiling
# Generally assume that things are present and work
# Both fail when building for windows, normally configure checks this by itself but on other platforms this is set to yes always.
"ac_cv_file__dev_ptmx=${if stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows then "no" else "yes"}"
"ac_cv_file__dev_ptc=${if stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows then "no" else "yes"}"
] ++ optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform && pythonAtLeast "3.11") [
] ++ optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux [
# Never even try to use lchmod on linux,
# don't rely on detecting glibc-isms.
] ++ optionals tzdataSupport [
] ++ optional static "LDFLAGS=-static"
++ optional (execSuffix != "") "--with-suffix=${execSuffix}";
preConfigure = optionalString (pythonOlder "3.12") ''
for i in /usr /sw /opt /pkg; do # improve purity
substituteInPlace ./setup.py --replace $i /no-such-path
'' + optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
# Override the auto-detection in setup.py, which assumes a universal build
export PYTHON_DECIMAL_WITH_MACHINE=${if stdenv.isAarch64 then "uint128" else "x64"}
'' + optionalString (stdenv.isDarwin && x11Support && pythonAtLeast "3.11") ''
export TCLTK_LIBS="-L${tcl}/lib -L${tk}/lib -l${tcl.libPrefix} -l${tk.libPrefix}"
export TCLTK_CFLAGS="-I${tcl}/include -I${tk}/include"
'' + optionalString (isPy3k && pythonOlder "3.7") ''
# Determinism: The interpreter is patched to write null timestamps when compiling Python files
# so Python doesn't try to update the bytecode when seeing frozen timestamps in Nix's store.
'' + optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl ''
'' +
# enableNoSemanticInterposition essentially sets that CFLAG -fno-semantic-interposition
# which changes how symbols are looked up. This essentially means we can't override
# libpython symbols via LD_PRELOAD anymore. This is common enough as every build
# that uses --enable-optimizations has the same "issue".
# The Fedora wiki has a good article about their journey towards enabling this flag:
# https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/PythonNoSemanticInterpositionSpeedup
optionalString enableNoSemanticInterposition ''
export CFLAGS_NODIST="-fno-semantic-interposition"
setupHook = python-setup-hook sitePackages;
postInstall = let
# References *not* to nuke from (sys)config files
keep-references = concatMapStringsSep " " (val: "-e ${val}") ([
(placeholder "out") libxcrypt
] ++ optionals tzdataSupport [
in lib.optionalString enableFramework ''
for dir in include lib share; do
ln -s $out/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/$dir $out/$dir
'' + ''
# needed for some packages, especially packages that backport functionality
# to 2.x from 3.x
for item in $out/lib/${libPrefix}/test/*; do
if [[ "$item" != */test_support.py*
&& "$item" != */test/support
&& "$item" != */test/libregrtest
&& "$item" != */test/regrtest.py* ]]; then
rm -rf "$item"
echo $item
touch $out/lib/${libPrefix}/test/__init__.py
# Determinism: Windows installers were not deterministic.
# We're also not interested in building Windows installers.
find "$out" -name 'wininst*.exe' | xargs -r rm -f
# Use Python3 as default python
ln -s "$out/bin/idle3" "$out/bin/idle"
ln -s "$out/bin/pydoc3" "$out/bin/pydoc"
ln -s "$out/bin/python3${execSuffix}" "$out/bin/python${execSuffix}"
ln -s "$out/bin/python3-config" "$out/bin/python-config"
ln -s "$out/lib/pkgconfig/python3.pc" "$out/lib/pkgconfig/python.pc"
ln -sL "$out/share/man/man1/python3.1.gz" "$out/share/man/man1/python.1.gz"
# Get rid of retained dependencies on -dev packages, and remove
# some $TMPDIR references to improve binary reproducibility.
# Note that the .pyc file of _sysconfigdata.py should be regenerated!
for i in $out/lib/${libPrefix}/_sysconfigdata*.py $out/lib/${libPrefix}/config-${sourceVersion.major}${sourceVersion.minor}*/Makefile; do
sed -i $i -e "s|$TMPDIR|/no-such-path|g"
# Further get rid of references. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/51668
find $out/lib/python*/config-* -type f -print -exec nuke-refs ${keep-references} '{}' +
find $out/lib -name '_sysconfigdata*.py*' -print -exec nuke-refs ${keep-references} '{}' +
# Make the sysconfigdata module accessible on PYTHONPATH
# This allows build Python to import host Python's sysconfigdata
mkdir -p "$out/${sitePackages}"
ln -s "$out/lib/${libPrefix}/"_sysconfigdata*.py "$out/${sitePackages}/"
'' + lib.optionalString (pythonOlder "3.8") ''
# This is gone in Python >= 3.8
ln -s "$out/include/${executable}m" "$out/include/${executable}"
'' + optionalString stripConfig ''
rm -R $out/bin/python*-config $out/lib/python*/config-*
'' + optionalString stripIdlelib ''
# Strip IDLE (and turtledemo, which uses it)
rm -R $out/bin/idle* $out/lib/python*/{idlelib,turtledemo}
'' + optionalString stripTkinter ''
rm -R $out/lib/python*/tkinter
'' + optionalString stripTests ''
# Strip tests
rm -R $out/lib/python*/test $out/lib/python*/**/test{,s}
'' + optionalString includeSiteCustomize ''
# Include a sitecustomize.py file
cp ${../sitecustomize.py} $out/${sitePackages}/sitecustomize.py
'' + optionalString stripBytecode ''
# Determinism: deterministic bytecode
# First we delete all old bytecode.
find $out -type d -name __pycache__ -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} rm -rf "{}"
'' + optionalString rebuildBytecode ''
# Python 3.7 implements PEP 552, introducing support for deterministic bytecode.
# compileall uses the therein introduced checked-hash method by default when
# We exclude lib2to3 because that's Python 2 code which fails
# We build 3 levels of optimized bytecode. Note the default level, without optimizations,
# is not reproducible yet. https://bugs.python.org/issue29708
# Not creating bytecode will result in a large performance loss however, so we do build it.
find $out -name "*.py" | ${pythonOnBuildForHostInterpreter} -m compileall -q -f -x "lib2to3" -i -
find $out -name "*.py" | ${pythonOnBuildForHostInterpreter} -O -m compileall -q -f -x "lib2to3" -i -
find $out -name "*.py" | ${pythonOnBuildForHostInterpreter} -OO -m compileall -q -f -x "lib2to3" -i -
'' + ''
# *strip* shebang from libpython gdb script - it should be dual-syntax and
# interpretable by whatever python the gdb in question is using, which may
# not even match the major version of this python. doing this after the
# bytecode compilations for the same reason - we don't want bytecode generated.
mkdir -p $out/share/gdb
sed '/^#!/d' Tools/gdb/libpython.py > $out/share/gdb/libpython.py
# Disable system-wide pip installation. See https://peps.python.org/pep-0668/.
Error=This command has been disabled as it tries to modify the immutable
`/nix/store` filesystem.
To use Python with Nix and nixpkgs, have a look at the online documentation:
'' + optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows ''
# Shebang files that link against the build python. Shebang don’t work on windows
rm $out/bin/2to3*
rm $out/bin/idle*
rm $out/bin/pydoc*
echo linking DLLs for python’s compiled librairies
linkDLLsInfolder $out/lib/python*/lib-dynload/
preFixup = lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) ''
# Ensure patch-shebangs uses shebangs of host interpreter.
export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath [ "$out" ]}:$PATH
# Add CPython specific setup-hook that configures distutils.sysconfig to
# always load sysconfigdata from host Python.
postFixup = lib.optionalString (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin) ''
cat << "EOF" >> "$out/nix-support/setup-hook"
# Enforce that we don't have references to the OpenSSL -dev package, which we
# explicitly specify in our configure flags above.
disallowedReferences =
lib.optionals (openssl' != null && !static && !enableFramework) [ openssl'.dev ]
++ lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) [
# Ensure we don't have references to build-time packages.
# These typically end up in shebangs.
pythonOnBuildForHost buildPackages.bash
separateDebugInfo = true;
passthru = passthru // {
doc = stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit src;
name = "python${pythonVersion}-${version}-doc";
dontConfigure = true;
dontBuild = true;
sphinxRoot = "Doc";
postInstallSphinx = ''
mv $out/share/doc/* $out/share/doc/python${pythonVersion}-${version}
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgsBuildBuild.python3.pkgs; [ sphinxHook python-docs-theme ];
tests.pkg-config = testers.testMetaPkgConfig finalAttrs.finalPackage;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
meta = {
homepage = "https://www.python.org";
changelog = let
majorMinor = lib.versions.majorMinor version;
dashedVersion = lib.replaceStrings [ "." "a" ] [ "-" "-alpha-" ] version;
if sourceVersion.suffix == "" then
description = "A high-level dynamically-typed programming language";
longDescription = ''
Python is a remarkably powerful dynamic programming language that
is used in a wide variety of application domains. Some of its key
distinguishing features include: clear, readable syntax; strong
introspection capabilities; intuitive object orientation; natural
expression of procedural code; full modularity, supporting
hierarchical packages; exception-based error handling; and very
high level dynamic data types.
license = licenses.psfl;
pkgConfigModules = [ "python3" ];
platforms = platforms.linux ++ platforms.darwin ++ platforms.windows;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ fridh ];
mainProgram = executable;