199 lines
7.6 KiB
199 lines
7.6 KiB
{ callPackage
, fetchgit
, fontconfig
, git
, lib
, makeWrapper
, python3
, runCommand
, system
, writeText
, writeTextFile
# Artifacts dependencies
, fetchurl
, glibc
, pkgs
, stdenv
, julia
# Special registry which is equal to JuliaRegistries/General, but every Versions.toml
# entry is augmented with a Nix sha256 hash
, augmentedRegistry ? callPackage ./registry.nix {}
# Other overridable arguments
, extraLibs ? []
, juliaCpuTarget ? null
, makeTransitiveDependenciesImportable ? false # Used to support symbol indexing
, makeWrapperArgs ? ""
, packageOverrides ? {}
, precompile ? true
, setDefaultDepot ? true
util = callPackage ./util.nix {};
# Some Julia packages require access to Python. Provide a Nixpkgs version so it
# doesn't try to install its own.
pythonToUse = let
extraPythonPackages = ((callPackage ./extra-python-packages.nix { inherit python3; }).getExtraPythonPackages packageNames);
in (if extraPythonPackages == [] then python3
else util.addPackagesToPython python3 (map (pkg: lib.getAttr pkg python3.pkgs) extraPythonPackages));
# Start by wrapping Julia so it has access to Python and any other extra libs.
# Also, prevent various packages (CondaPkg.jl, PythonCall.jl) from trying to do network calls.
juliaWrapped = runCommand "julia-${julia.version}-wrapped" { nativeBuildInputs = [makeWrapper]; inherit makeWrapperArgs; } ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
makeWrapper ${julia}/bin/julia $out/bin/julia \
--suffix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${lib.makeLibraryPath extraLibs}" \
--set FONTCONFIG_FILE ${fontconfig.out}/etc/fonts/fonts.conf \
--set PYTHONHOME "${pythonToUse}" \
--prefix PYTHONPATH : "${pythonToUse}/${pythonToUse.sitePackages}" \
--set PYTHON ${pythonToUse}/bin/python $makeWrapperArgs \
# If our closure ends up with certain packages, add others.
packageImplications = {
# Because we want to put PythonCall in PyCall mode so it doesn't try to download
# Python packages
PythonCall = ["PyCall"];
# Invoke Julia resolution logic to determine the full dependency closure
packageOverridesRepoified = lib.mapAttrs util.repoifySimple packageOverrides;
closureYaml = callPackage ./package-closure.nix {
inherit augmentedRegistry julia packageNames packageImplications;
packageOverrides = packageOverridesRepoified;
# Generate a Nix file consisting of a map from dependency UUID --> package info with fetchgit call:
# {
# "77ba4419-2d1f-58cd-9bb1-8ffee604a2e3" = {
# src = fetchgit {...};
# name = "...";
# version = "...";
# treehash = "...";
# };
# ...
# }
dependencies = runCommand "julia-sources.nix" { buildInputs = [(python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [toml pyyaml])) git]; } ''
python ${./python}/sources_nix.py \
"${augmentedRegistry}" \
'${lib.generators.toJSON {} packageOverridesRepoified}' \
"${closureYaml}" \
# Import the Nix file from the previous step (IFD) and turn each dependency repo into
# a dummy Git repository, as Julia expects. Format the results as a YAML map from
# dependency UUID -> Nix store location:
# {
# "77ba4419-2d1f-58cd-9bb1-8ffee604a2e3":"/nix/store/...-NaNMath.jl-0877504",
# ...
# }
# This is also the point where we apply the packageOverrides.
dependencyUuidToInfo = import dependencies { inherit fetchgit; };
fillInOverrideSrc = uuid: info:
if lib.hasAttr info.name packageOverrides then (info // { src = lib.getAttr info.name packageOverrides; }) else info;
dependencyUuidToRepo = lib.mapAttrs util.repoifyInfo (lib.mapAttrs fillInOverrideSrc dependencyUuidToInfo);
dependencyUuidToRepoYaml = writeTextFile {
name = "dependency-uuid-to-repo.yml";
text = lib.generators.toYAML {} dependencyUuidToRepo;
# Given the augmented registry, closure info yaml, and dependency path yaml, construct a complete
# Julia registry containing all the necessary packages
dependencyUuidToInfoYaml = writeTextFile {
name = "dependency-uuid-to-info.yml";
text = lib.generators.toYAML {} dependencyUuidToInfo;
fillInOverrideSrc' = uuid: info:
if lib.hasAttr info.name packageOverridesRepoified then (info // { src = lib.getAttr info.name packageOverridesRepoified; }) else info;
overridesOnly = lib.mapAttrs fillInOverrideSrc' (lib.filterAttrs (uuid: info: info.src == null) dependencyUuidToInfo);
minimalRegistry = runCommand "minimal-julia-registry" { buildInputs = [(python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [toml pyyaml])) git]; } ''
python ${./python}/minimal_registry.py \
"${augmentedRegistry}" \
"${closureYaml}" \
'${lib.generators.toJSON {} overridesOnly}' \
"${dependencyUuidToRepoYaml}" \
# Next, deal with artifacts. Scan each artifacts file individually and generate a Nix file that
# produces the desired Overrides.toml.
artifactsNix = runCommand "julia-artifacts.nix" { buildInputs = [(python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [toml pyyaml]))]; } ''
python ${./python}/extract_artifacts.py \
"${dependencyUuidToRepoYaml}" \
"${closureYaml}" \
"${juliaWrapped}/bin/julia" \
"${if lib.versionAtLeast julia.version "1.7" then ./extract_artifacts.jl else ./extract_artifacts_16.jl}" \
'${lib.generators.toJSON {} (import ./extra-libs.nix)}' \
'${lib.generators.toJSON {} (stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin)}' \
# Import the artifacts Nix to build Overrides.toml (IFD)
artifacts = import artifactsNix ({
inherit lib fetchurl pkgs stdenv;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (!stdenv.targetPlatform.isDarwin) {
inherit glibc;
overridesJson = writeTextFile {
name = "Overrides.json";
text = lib.generators.toJSON {} artifacts;
overridesToml = runCommand "Overrides.toml" { buildInputs = [(python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [toml]))]; } ''
python ${./python}/format_overrides.py \
"${overridesJson}" \
# Build a Julia project and depot. The project contains Project.toml/Manifest.toml, while the
# depot contains package build products (including the precompiled libraries, if precompile=true)
projectAndDepot = callPackage ./depot.nix {
inherit closureYaml extraLibs juliaCpuTarget overridesToml packageImplications precompile;
julia = juliaWrapped;
registry = minimalRegistry;
packageNames = if makeTransitiveDependenciesImportable
then lib.mapAttrsToList (uuid: info: info.name) dependencyUuidToInfo
else packageNames;
runCommand "julia-${julia.version}-env" {
nativeBuildInputs = [makeWrapper];
passthru = {
inherit julia;
inherit juliaWrapped;
inherit (julia) pname version meta;
# Expose the steps we used along the way in case the user wants to use them, for example to build
# expressions and build them separately to avoid IFD.
inherit dependencies;
inherit closureYaml;
inherit dependencyUuidToInfoYaml;
inherit dependencyUuidToRepoYaml;
inherit minimalRegistry;
inherit artifactsNix;
inherit overridesJson;
inherit overridesToml;
inherit projectAndDepot;
} (''
mkdir -p $out/bin
makeWrapper ${juliaWrapped}/bin/julia $out/bin/julia \
--suffix JULIA_DEPOT_PATH : "${projectAndDepot}/depot" \
--set-default JULIA_PROJECT "${projectAndDepot}/project" \
--set-default JULIA_LOAD_PATH '@:${projectAndDepot}/project/Project.toml:@v#.#:@stdlib'
'' + lib.optionalString setDefaultDepot ''
sed -i '2 i\JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=''${JULIA_DEPOT_PATH-"$HOME/.julia"}' $out/bin/julia