281 lines
12 KiB
281 lines
12 KiB
{ stdenv
, lib
, fetchurl
, autoPatchelfHook
, setJavaClassPath
, makeWrapper
# minimum dependencies
, Foundation
, alsaLib
, fontconfig
, freetype
, glibc
, openssl
, perl
, unzip
, xorg
, zlib
# runtime dependencies
, cups
# runtime dependencies for GTK+ Look and Feel
, gtkSupport ? true
, cairo
, glib
, gtk3
platform = if stdenv.isDarwin then "darwin-amd64" else "linux-amd64";
runtimeDependencies = [
] ++ lib.optionals gtkSupport [
cairo glib gtk3
runtimeLibraryPath = lib.makeLibraryPath runtimeDependencies;
common = javaVersion:
javaVersionPlatform = "${javaVersion}-${platform}";
graalvmXXX-ce = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "graalvm${javaVersion}-ce";
version = "21.0.0";
srcs = [
(fetchurl {
sha256 = { "8-linux-amd64" = "18q1plrpclp02rlwn3vvv2fcyspvqv2gkzn14f0b59pnladmlv1j";
"11-linux-amd64" = "1g1xjbr693rimdy2cy6jvz4vgnbnw76wa87xcmaszka206fmpnsc";
"8-darwin-amd64" = "0giv8f7ybdykadzmxjy91i6njbdx6dclyx7g6vyhwk2l1cvxi4li";
"11-darwin-amd64" = "1a8gjp6fp11ms05pd62h1x1ifkkr3wv0hrxic670v90bbps9lsqf";
url = "https://github.com/graalvm/graalvm-ce-builds/releases/download/vm-${version}/graalvm-ce-java${javaVersionPlatform}-${version}.tar.gz";
(fetchurl {
sha256 = { "8-linux-amd64" = "0hpq2g9hc8b7j4d8a08kq1mnl6pl7a4kwaj0a3gka3d4m6r7cscg";
"11-linux-amd64" = "0z3hb2bf0lqzw760civ3h1wvx22a75n7baxc0l2i9h5wxas002y7";
"8-darwin-amd64" = "1izbgl4hjg5jyi422xnkx006qnw163r1i1djf76q1plms40y01ph";
"11-darwin-amd64" = "1d9z75gil0if74ndla9yw3xx9i2bfbcs32qa0z6wi5if66cmknb8";
url = "https://github.com/graalvm/graalvm-ce-builds/releases/download/vm-${version}/native-image-installable-svm-java${javaVersionPlatform}-${version}.jar";
(fetchurl {
sha256 = { "8-linux-amd64" = "122p8psgmzhqnjb2fy1lwghg0kw5qa8xkzgyjp682lwg4j8brz43";
"11-linux-amd64" = "1vdc90m6s013cbhmj58nb4vyxllbxirw0idlgv0iv9cyhx90hzgz";
"8-darwin-amd64" = "04q0s9xsaskqn9kbhz0mgdk28j2qnxrzqfmw6jn2znr8s8jsc6yp";
"11-darwin-amd64" = "1pw4xd8g5cc9bm52awmm1zxs96ijws43vws7y10wxa6a0nhv7z5f";
url = "https://github.com/oracle/truffleruby/releases/download/vm-${version}/ruby-installable-svm-java${javaVersionPlatform}-${version}.jar";
(fetchurl {
sha256 = { "8-linux-amd64" = "19m7n4f5jrmsfvgv903sarkcjh55l0nlnw99lvjlcafw5hqzyb91";
"11-linux-amd64" = "18ibb7l7b4hmbnvyr8j7mrs11mvlsf2j0c8rdd2s93x2114f26ba";
"8-darwin-amd64" = "1zlzi00339kvg4ym2j75ypfkzn8zbwdpriqmkaz4fh28qjmc1dwq";
"11-darwin-amd64" = "0x301i1fimakhi2x29ldr0fsqkb3qs0g9jsmjv27d62dpqx8kgc8";
url = "https://github.com/graalvm/graalpython/releases/download/vm-${version}/python-installable-svm-java${javaVersionPlatform}-${version}.jar";
(fetchurl {
sha256 = { "8-linux-amd64" = "0dlgbg6kri89r9zbk6n0ch3g8356j1g35bwjng87c2y5y0vcw0b5";
"11-linux-amd64" = "1yby65hww6zmd2g5pjwbq5pv3iv4gfv060b8fq75fjhwrisyj5gd";
"8-darwin-amd64" = "1smdj491g23i3z7p5rybid18nnz8bphrqjkv0lg2ffyrpn8k6g93";
"11-darwin-amd64" = "056zyn0lpd7741k1szzjwwacka0g7rn0j4ypfmav4h1245mjg8lx";
url = "https://github.com/graalvm/graalvm-ce-builds/releases/download/vm-${version}/wasm-installable-svm-java${javaVersionPlatform}-${version}.jar";
buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [
alsaLib # libasound.so wanted by lib/libjsound.so
openssl # libssl.so wanted by languages/ruby/lib/mri/openssl.so
stdenv.cc.cc.lib # libstdc++.so.6
# Workaround for libssl.so.10 wanted by TruffleRuby
# Resulting TruffleRuby cannot use `openssl` library.
autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip perl autoPatchelfHook makeWrapper ];
unpackPhase = ''
unpack_jar() {
unzip -q -o $jar -d $out
perl -ne 'use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
if (/^(.+) = (.+)$/) {
make_path dirname("$ENV{out}/$1");
system "ln -s $2 $ENV{out}/$1";
}' $out/META-INF/symlinks
perl -ne 'if (/^(.+) = ([r-])([w-])([x-])([r-])([w-])([x-])([r-])([w-])([x-])$/) {
my $mode = ($2 eq 'r' ? 0400 : 0) + ($3 eq 'w' ? 0200 : 0) + ($4 eq 'x' ? 0100 : 0) +
($5 eq 'r' ? 0040 : 0) + ($6 eq 'w' ? 0020 : 0) + ($7 eq 'x' ? 0010 : 0) +
($8 eq 'r' ? 0004 : 0) + ($9 eq 'w' ? 0002 : 0) + ($10 eq 'x' ? 0001 : 0);
chmod $mode, "$ENV{out}/$1";
}' $out/META-INF/permissions
rm -rf $out/META-INF
mkdir -p $out
# The tarball on Linux has the following directory structure:
# graalvm-ce-java11-20.3.0/*
# while on Darwin it looks like this:
# graalvm-ce-java11-20.3.0/Contents/Home/*
# We therefor use --strip-components=1 vs 3 depending on the platform.
tar xf ''${arr[0]} -C $out --strip-components=${if stdenv.isLinux then "1" else "3"}
# Sanity check
if [ ! -d $out/bin ]; then
echo "The `bin` is directory missing after extracting the graalvm"
echo "tarball, please compare the directory structure of the"
echo "tarball with what happens in the unpackPhase (in particular"
echo "with regards to the `--strip-components` flag)."
exit 1
unpack_jar ''${arr[1]}
unpack_jar ''${arr[2]}
unpack_jar ''${arr[3]}
unpack_jar ''${arr[4]}
installPhase = {
"8-linux-amd64" = ''
# BUG workaround http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/graal-dev/2017-December/005141.html
substituteInPlace $out/jre/lib/security/java.security \
--replace file:/dev/random file:/dev/./urandom \
--replace NativePRNGBlocking SHA1PRNG
# provide libraries needed for static compilation
for f in ${glibc}/lib/* ${glibc.static}/lib/* ${zlib.static}/lib/*; do
ln -s $f $out/jre/lib/svm/clibraries/${platform}/$(basename $f)
# allow using external truffle-api.jar and languages not included in the distrubution
rm $out/jre/lib/jvmci/parentClassLoader.classpath
"11-linux-amd64" = ''
# BUG workaround http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/graal-dev/2017-December/005141.html
substituteInPlace $out/conf/security/java.security \
--replace file:/dev/random file:/dev/./urandom \
--replace NativePRNGBlocking SHA1PRNG
# provide libraries needed for static compilation
for f in ${glibc}/lib/* ${glibc.static}/lib/* ${zlib.static}/lib/*; do
ln -s $f $out/lib/svm/clibraries/${platform}/$(basename $f)
"8-darwin-amd64" = ''
# allow using external truffle-api.jar and languages not included in the distrubution
rm $out/jre/lib/jvmci/parentClassLoader.classpath
"11-darwin-amd64" = ''
echo ""
dontStrip = true;
preFixup = ''
# We cannot use -exec since wrapProgram is a function but not a
# command.
# jspawnhelper is executed from JVM, so it doesn't need to wrap it,
# and it breaks building OpenJDK (#114495).
for bin in $( find "$out" -executable -type f -not -path '*/languages/ruby/lib/gems/*' -not -name jspawnhelper ); do
if patchelf --print-interpreter "$bin" &> /dev/null || head -n 1 "$bin" | grep '^#!' -q; then
wrapProgram "$bin" \
--prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${runtimeLibraryPath}"
# copy-paste openjdk's preFixup
# Set JAVA_HOME automatically.
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
cat <<EOF > $out/nix-support/setup-hook
if [ -z "\''${JAVA_HOME-}" ]; then export JAVA_HOME=$out; fi
find "$out" -name libfontmanager.so -exec \
patchelf --add-needed libfontconfig.so {} \;
# $out/bin/native-image needs zlib to build native executables.
propagatedBuildInputs = [ setJavaClassPath zlib ] ++
# On Darwin native-image calls clang and it
# tries to include <Foundation/Foundation.h>,
# and Interactive Ruby (irb) requires OpenSSL
# headers.
lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ Foundation openssl ];
doInstallCheck = true;
installCheckPhase = ''
echo ${lib.escapeShellArg ''
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World");
''} > HelloWorld.java
$out/bin/javac HelloWorld.java
# run on JVM with Graal Compiler
$out/bin/java -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableJVMCI -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler HelloWorld | fgrep 'Hello World'
# Ahead-Of-Time compilation
$out/bin/native-image -H:-CheckToolchain -H:+ReportExceptionStackTraces --no-server HelloWorld
./helloworld | fgrep 'Hello World'
${lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
# Ahead-Of-Time compilation with --static
# --static flag doesn't work for darwin
$out/bin/native-image --no-server --static HelloWorld
./helloworld | fgrep 'Hello World'
echo "Testing interpreted languages"
$out/bin/graalpython -c 'print(1 + 1)'
$out/bin/ruby -e 'puts(1 + 1)'
$out/bin/node -e 'console.log(1 + 1)'
echo '1 + 1' | $out/bin/graalpython
${lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
# TODO: `irb` on MacOS gives an error saying "Could not find OpenSSL
# headers, install via Homebrew or MacPorts or set OPENSSL_PREFIX", even
# though `openssl` is in `propagatedBuildInputs`. For more details see:
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/105815
echo '1 + 1' | $out/bin/irb
echo '1 + 1' | $out/bin/node -i
${lib.optionalString (javaVersion == "11") ''
echo '1 + 1' | $out/bin/jshell
passthru.home = graalvmXXX-ce;
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "https://www.graalvm.org/";
description = "High-Performance Polyglot VM";
license = with licenses; [ upl gpl2Classpath bsd3 ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ bandresen volth hlolli glittershark ];
platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" ];
in {
graalvm8-ce = common "8";
graalvm11-ce = common "11";