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* Copyright (C) 2016 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.copybara;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.copybara.exception.ValidationException.checkCondition;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Ascii;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.base.Throwables;
import com.google.common.base.Ticker;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.flogger.FluentLogger;
import com.google.common.flogger.StackSize;
import com.google.copybara.exception.RepoException;
import com.google.copybara.exception.ValidationException;
import com.google.copybara.jcommander.DurationConverter;
import com.google.copybara.jcommander.MapConverter;
import com.google.copybara.monitor.ConsoleEventMonitor;
import com.google.copybara.monitor.EventMonitor;
import com.google.copybara.profiler.Profiler;
import com.google.copybara.profiler.Profiler.ProfilerTask;
import com.google.copybara.util.CommandRunner;
import com.google.copybara.util.DirFactory;
import com.google.copybara.util.console.Console;
import com.google.copybara.util.console.StarlarkMode;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.FileSystem;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* General options available for all the program classes.
@Parameters(separators = "=")
public final class GeneralOptions implements Option {
private static final FluentLogger logger = FluentLogger.forEnclosingClass();
public static final String NOANSI = "--noansi";
public static final String FORCE = "--force";
public static final String CONFIG_ROOT_FLAG = "--config-root";
public static final String OUTPUT_ROOT_FLAG = "--output-root";
public static final String OUTPUT_LIMIT_FLAG = "--output-limit";
public static final String DRY_RUN_FLAG = "--dry-run";
public static final String SQUASH_FLAG = "--squash";
static final Duration DEFAULT_CONSOLE_FILE_FLUSH_INTERVAL = Duration.ofSeconds(30);
private Map<String, String> environment;
private FileSystem fileSystem;
private Console console;
private EventMonitor eventMonitor;
private Path configRootPath;
private Path outputRootPath;
private Profiler profiler = new Profiler(Ticker.systemTicker());
public GeneralOptions(Map<String, String> environment, FileSystem fileSystem, Console console) {
this.environment = environment;
this.fileSystem = Preconditions.checkNotNull(fileSystem);
this.console = Preconditions.checkNotNull(console);
this.eventMonitor = new ConsoleEventMonitor(console, EventMonitor.EMPTY_MONITOR);
public GeneralOptions(Map<String, String> environment, FileSystem fileSystem, boolean verbose,
Console console, @Nullable Path configRoot, @Nullable Path outputRoot,
boolean noCleanup, boolean disableReversibleCheck, boolean force, int outputLimit) {
this.environment = ImmutableMap.copyOf(Preconditions.checkNotNull(environment));
this.console = Preconditions.checkNotNull(console);
this.eventMonitor = new ConsoleEventMonitor(console, EventMonitor.EMPTY_MONITOR);
this.fileSystem = Preconditions.checkNotNull(fileSystem);
this.verbose = verbose;
this.configRootPath = configRoot;
this.outputRootPath = outputRoot;
this.noCleanup = noCleanup;
this.disableReversibleCheck = disableReversibleCheck;
this.force = force;
this.outputLimit = outputLimit;
public GeneralOptions withForce(boolean force) throws ValidationException {
return new GeneralOptions(environment, fileSystem, verbose, console, getConfigRoot(),
getOutputRoot(), noCleanup, disableReversibleCheck, force, outputLimit);
public GeneralOptions withConsole(Console console) throws ValidationException {
return new GeneralOptions(environment, fileSystem, verbose, console, getConfigRoot(),
getOutputRoot(), noCleanup, disableReversibleCheck, force, outputLimit);
public Map<String, String> getEnvironment() {
return environment;
public boolean isVerbose() {
return verbose;
public Console console() {
return console;
public FileSystem getFileSystem() {
return fileSystem;
public boolean isNoCleanup() {
return noCleanup;
public boolean isDisableReversibleCheck() {
return disableReversibleCheck;
public boolean isForced() {
return force;
* Returns current working directory
public Path getCwd() {
return fileSystem.getPath(environment.get("PWD"));
* Returns the root absolute path to use for config.
public Path getConfigRoot() throws ValidationException {
if (configRootPath == null && this.configRoot != null) {
configRootPath = fileSystem.getPath(this.configRoot).toAbsolutePath();
checkCondition(Files.exists(configRootPath), "%s doesn't exist", configRoot);
checkCondition(Files.isDirectory(configRootPath), "%s isn't a directory", configRoot);
return configRootPath;
* Returns the output root directory, or null if not set.
* <p>This method is exposed mainly for tests and it's probably not what you're looking for. Try
* {@link #getDirFactory()} instead.
public Path getOutputRoot() {
if (outputRootPath == null && this.outputRoot != null) {
outputRootPath = fileSystem.getPath(this.outputRoot);
return outputRootPath;
* Returns the output limit.
* <p>Each subcommand can use this value differently.
public int getOutputLimit() {
return outputLimit > 0 ? outputLimit : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public Profiler profiler() {
return profiler;
public EventMonitor eventMonitor() {
return eventMonitor;
* Run a repository task with profiling
public <T> T repoTask(String description, Callable<T> callable)
throws RepoException, ValidationException {
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start(description)) {
return callable.call();
} catch (Exception e) {
Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e, RepoException.class, ValidationException.class);
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception", e);
* Run a repository task that can throw IOException with profiling
public <T> T ioRepoTask(String description, Callable<T> callable)
throws RepoException, ValidationException, IOException{
try (ProfilerTask ignored = profiler().start(description)) {
return callable.call();
} catch (Exception e) {
Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e, RepoException.class, ValidationException.class);
Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e, IOException.class);
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception", e);
* Returns a {@link DirFactory} capable of creating directories in a self contained location in
* the filesystem.
* <p>By default, the directories are created under {@code $HOME/copybara}, but it can be
* overridden with the flag --output-root.
public DirFactory getDirFactory() {
if (getOutputRoot() != null) {
return new DirFactory(getOutputRoot());
} else {
String home = checkNotNull(environment.get("HOME"), "$HOME environment var is not set");
return new DirFactory(fileSystem.getPath(home).resolve("copybara"));
public void setEnvironmentForTest(Map<String, String> environment) {
this.environment = environment;
public void setOutputRootPathForTest(Path outputRootPath) {
this.outputRootPath = outputRootPath;
public void setConsoleForTest(Console console) {
this.console = console;
public void setForceForTest(boolean force) {
this.force = force;
public void setFileSystemForTest(FileSystem fileSystem) {
this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
public GeneralOptions withProfiler(Profiler profiler) {
this.profiler = Preconditions.checkNotNull(profiler);
return this;
public GeneralOptions withEventMonitor(EventMonitor eventMonitor) {
this.eventMonitor = new ConsoleEventMonitor(console(), eventMonitor);
return this;
names = {"-v", "--verbose"},
description = "Verbose output.")
boolean verbose;
names = {"--fetch-timeout"},
description = "Fetch timeout",
converter = DurationConverter.class)
public Duration fetchTimeout = CommandRunner.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
// We don't use JCommander for parsing this flag but we do it manually since
// the parsing could fail and we need to report errors using one console
@Parameter(names = NOANSI, description = "Don't use ANSI output for messages")
boolean noansi = false;
names = FORCE,
description =
"Force the migration even if Copybara cannot find in the destination a change that is an"
+ " ancestor of the one(s) being migrated. This should be used with care, as it"
+ " could lose changes when migrating a previous/conflicting change.")
boolean force = false;
description =
"Configuration root path to be used for resolving absolute config labels"
+ " like '//foo/bar'")
String configRoot;
names = "--disable-reversible-check",
description =
"If set, all workflows will be executed without reversible_check, overriding"
+ " the workflow config and the normal behavior for CHANGE_REQUEST mode.")
boolean disableReversibleCheck = false;
description =
"The root directory where to generate output files. If not set, ~/copybara/out is used "
+ "by default. Use with care, Copybara might remove files inside this root if "
+ "necessary.")
String outputRoot = null;
description =
"Limit the output in the console to a number of records. Each subcommand might use this "
+ "flag differently. Defaults to 0, which shows all the output.")
int outputLimit = 0;
names = "--nocleanup",
description =
"Cleanup the output directories. This includes the workdir, scratch clones of Git"
+ " repos, etc. By default is set to false and directories will be cleaned prior to"
+ " the execution. If set to true, the previous run output will not be cleaned up."
+ " Keep in mind that running in this mode will lead to an ever increasing disk"
+ " usage.")
boolean noCleanup = false;
names = "--nologging",
description =
"Disable logging of this binary. Note that commands executed by Copybara "
+ "might still log to their own file.", hidden = true)
boolean noLogging = false;
names = "--temporary-features",
description = "Change guarded features. If set it means that it will return true.",
converter = MapConverter.class,
hidden = true)
private ImmutableMap<String, String> temporaryFeatures = ImmutableMap.of();
* Temporary features is mean to be used by Copybara team for guarding new codepaths. Should
* never be used for user facing flags or longer term experiments. Any caller of this function
* should have a todo saying when to remove the call.
* <p>If the flag doesn't have a value it will use defaultVal. If the flag is incorrect (different
* from true/false) it will use defaultVal (And log at severe).
public boolean isTemporaryFeature(String name, boolean defaultVal) {
String v = temporaryFeatures.get(name);
if (v == null) {
return defaultVal;
if (Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(v, "true")) {
return true;
if (Ascii.equalsIgnoreCase(v, "false")) {
return false;
.log("Invalid boolean value for '%s' in '%s'. Needs to be true or false. Using default: %s",
name, temporaryFeatures, defaultVal);
return defaultVal;
static final String CONSOLE_FILE_PATH = "--console-file-path";
// This flag is read before we parse the arguments, because of the console lifecycle
description = "If set, write the console output also to the given file path.")
String consoleFilePath;
// This flag is read before we parse the arguments, because of the console lifecycle
names = "--console-file-flush-rate",
description =
"How often in number of lines to flush the console to the output file. "
+ "If set to 0, console will be flushed only at the end.", hidden = true)
int consoleFileFlushRateDeprecatedDontUse = -1;
static final String CONSOLE_FILE_FLUSH_INTERVAL = "--console-file-flush-interval";
// This flag is read before we parse the arguments, because of the console lifecycle
converter = DurationConverter.class,
description =
"How often Copybara should flush the console to the output file. (10s, 1m, etc.)"
+ "If set to 0s, console will be flushed only at the end.")
Duration consoleFileFlushInterval = DEFAULT_CONSOLE_FILE_FLUSH_INTERVAL;
@Parameter(names = DRY_RUN_FLAG,
description = "Run the migration in dry-run mode. Some destination implementations might"
+ " have some side effects (like creating a code review), but never submit to a main"
+ " branch.")
public boolean dryRunMode = false;
@Parameter(names = SQUASH_FLAG, description = "Override workflow's mode with 'SQUASH'. This is "
+ "useful mainly for workflows that use 'ITERATIVE' mode, when we want to run a single "
+ "export with 'SQUASH', maybe to fix an issue. Always use " + DRY_RUN_FLAG + " before, to "
+ "test your changes locally.")
public boolean squash = false;
names = "--validate-starlark",
description =
"Starlark should be validated prior to execution, but this might break legacy configs."
+ " Options are LOOSE, STRICT")
public String starlarkMode = StarlarkMode.LOOSE.name();
public StarlarkMode getStarlarkMode() {
return StarlarkMode.valueOf(starlarkMode);